
One in the same

Reese's eyes move quickly to Angelica's as he feels her foot under the table, and a grin perks up the corner of his mouth as he moves his own foot around in response. "Yeah, well... seems like being around you and happy are one in the same anymore."

Sliding his hand across the table, he takes hers, slowly running his thumb through her palm. "How about you? Are you happy?" His eyes told that it was more than just a general question. He and Angelica went on dates frequently now, even though usually they wound up working or talking about work. But was she happy with how things were going between them?

Continuing to cry, Dani not only clings to Dalton physically, but clings to his words as well, trying with all her might to believe them and not be dragged down by the memories she was now facing. How had this happened? Why now? Why here? She knew that sometimes things like this happened... that one little thing could trigger an avalanche of memories and emotions. But not her... she'd never had this trouble before. It didn't feel good and it was confusing.

Dani didn't know how long she stayed curled on Dalton's lap or how long she wept onto his chest. But it was long enough that exhaustion was quickly taking over. The emotional strain and the effort to cry completely wore her out. Music played in the background... the movie was over... but totally forgotten.

Slowly, slowly, the tears begin to lessen. Not because the pain was any less, but because she just couldn't cry anymore. Sniffing a little, she nuzzles into the crook of Dalton's arm. Her voice was hoarse and quiet. "I... I don't want to be alone tonight."

"Oh, wait, hang on!"

Alec rolls his eyes as Eli heads back into the apartment. "Now what? We gotta get going while the gettin's good."

Eli calls from inside. "Get going then. I'm right behind you."

Alec smirks and slings his arm over Ryan's shoulders, leading the way to her car. "Some plan. We're gonna leave him behind."

"Oh, hush." Eli comes running up to them again, his jacket bulging with whatever it was he'd retrieved from inside. "Ready?"

"What did you get?"

"Just a little treat." Eli aims for a buddy's car that was in the lot. "Come on..."

"Okay... it's right around the corner." Eli's voice crackles through the walkie-talkie as he drove the car in front of Ryan and Alec, both vehicles without their lights on.

Alec fiddles with the walkie and looks out the window, keeping an eye on the surroundings as Ryan drove. "Ah... so this is where it is."

"Pull up to the curb on the opposite side of the street," Eli directs. "Fast getaway if we need it."

Once parked, Alec gives Ryan a sly look before leaning over and kissing her lips. "I'm used to the need to watch my back, and the thrill of the crime... but I must admit... having you in on it presents a whole new element... I think I like it." Returning to her lips, he ignores their surroundings for a moment or two, taking advantage of being in the car with her.

A knock on the window breaks the moment though and Eli stares in at them, hands on hips. "You coming or what?" he whispers hoarsely.

Alec grins at Ryan. "I guess we better go."

Getting out, the night air surrounds them. It was dark at this end of town with only a few street lights about a block away. Everything was quiet, except for the sounds of traffic down at a busier intersection.

The three make their way quietly up to the chain link fence that surrounded the auto garage. The place looked half like an auto shop and half like a junkyard... it seemed to fit Roth's character anyway.

Just as they got to the padlocked gate though, a dog comes out of nowhere, barking and gnashing its teeth as it jumps up against the fence, its hair standing straight up on its back. Eli doesn't move, having known good and well the mutt was there. Alec, however, had been clueless. Giving a jump, he backs up several steps closer to the street, holding his hands up. "Oh no... no, no, no."

"Come on," Eli hisses. "It's just a dog. And I got it covered." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the steak he'd grabbed from the refrigerator before finally leaving the apartment. "Get back over here."

"No way." Alec shakes his head. "I don't care how many steaks you brought," he hisses. "I'm not going in there!"

"I need you to pick this lock, now come on! You said you'd help!"

"And you didn't say anything about a dog!" Alec's eyes narrow. "You knew he was here, didn't you? And you purposely didn't tell me."

Eli glances to Ryan, then back to Alec, finding way too much humor in this, for the situation they were in. "Aw come on." He stifles a laugh as the dog continues to bark. He had no fear of anyone coming to see what was going on - it was usual for a guard dog to bark at whatever went by, whether it was a person or just a stray cat. Roth's pet wouldn't alarm anybody. The only thing that would alarm someone would be if they had to cut wire or cut the padlock to get inside - then there would be proof of a break-in and this whole scheme would be for naught. "Come on, Alec," he requests again. "Get over here and get us in this place."

"Uh-uh." Alec continues to shake his head and takes another step backward as he stares at the dog's flashing teeth.

Eli sighs and throws the steak over the fence to distract the dog and the barking stops. He looks to Alec once more. "Better?"

"Nope." Alec stands his ground stubbornly. "I don't do dogs."

Eli sighs as the situation becomes less funny and he turns to his sister. "Would you kindly bring your chicken of a boyfriend over here? Either that or we can just call this whole thing off right now and I just wasted a perfectly good steak - which, may I remind you, is halfway gone already."

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