

Gram smiled as Karla entered the kitchen. She was like a granddaughter and always welcome. Taking her time with the dishes, she nodded her thanks. "That's so sweet of you. I'm sure he'll appreciate the food." 

Karla's question made Gram hesitate, though. Obviously Kip had told her he wasn't feeling well...but also just as obviously he had not expressed the nature of his condition. And it was not Gram's place to spill the beans. 

"Last time I checked on him, he was still sleeping, so that's good." At least that was an honest answer. She turned and just studied Karla for a moment, offering a new, comforting smile. She didn't know what was going to happen, but her heart hurt for this young couple. She hurt for Kip who needed more help than he allowed. She hurt for Karla who deserved more than this out of a relationship. "I'm sure he'll pull through just fine," she finally concluded. He might need some help along the way, but eventually... Gram had faith Kip would figure things out. 

Down the hall, Kip's ears had picked up the sound of Karla's voice, and his fingers curled tightly around his pillow. What was she doing here? He didn't want her to come to his room. He didn't want to see her. Or talk to her. Not now. Not yet. He couldn't bear it. He wasn't even sure how he'd ever be able to look her in the eye again. Maybe she'd just leave him be today. Maybe she'd just talk to Gram then go home. Gram wouldn't say anything about what had happened, right? She wouldn't tell Karla why he was really sick, would she? 

His grip on his pillow tightened, as did the knot in his stomach. If there ever was a time he wished he could erase the last twenty-four hours, it was now.

Evening. Jason had worked until it was time to head to Mike's, and had driven his pickup with Katie in the passenger seat. He still felt badly about ruining her evening, but there wasn't much either one of them could do about it if they didn't want to face Reese's wrath. And...even though Jason wanted to ignore it, he knew there was a very real threat out there. 

Getting outside of town to Mike's, Jason parked near the house and cut the engine before turning to look at Katie a he fiddled with his keys. "You mentioned staying out here, but there's no way the guys are gonna let that happen." He gave her a wry grin. Rocky and Axel might come to play around, too. So, the more the merrier..." 

Once upon a time, no one would have dreamed of leaving Katie out of the band's scene. It felt weird to be trying to convince her to be included now. "And besides, if they find out I left you out here, I'll never hear the end of it. Not to mention, neither of us has had supper, and there will be munchies."

Jared was propped up in bed, half dozing, half watching television when Grace came in. He eyed the flowers and candy suspiciously - she was trying to make him feel better. But what was the point? Despite that feeling, a little smile did turn up one corner of his mouth. He studied the chocolate for a moment before daring to open it. She knew his weaknesses, for sure. 

Glancing over at her, he shrugged. "It was...okay. I think maybe he doesn't hate me anymore." He finally couldn't resist trying a piece of chocolate, and chewed it slowly. Maybe he felt like crap, but at least his taste buds were temporarily happy. It took a few moments, but he finally managed to voice his appreciate, even if it was buried under a mountain of negativity. "Thanks..." He offered her a piece of candy, too. 

"Justin was kinda weird. Guess maybe his guilt got to him. I dunno. I should prolly be happy about it."

Rosalyn settled in on Chad's lap, breathing a deep sigh of content as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder. If there was ever a time she'd like something to last forever, it was here, right now. But no matter how much they pretended, reality still stood in the way. A week and a half though...that didn't seem so bad... until imagining a whole other month with him  being gone again. At least she wouldn't be ignoring communication from him though, so it wouldn't be like these last few weeks had been.

She was about to respond, when his idea of buying a house here made her head snap up and she studied his face. Was he really serious? She knew he was a dreamer, but...this? 

"Are you...serious? You'd do that...just to spend more time with me?" That concept really was beyond her. "I...I certainly wouldn't complain." She gave him a sheepish grin. "I mean...I'd love that. But is that something you really can do? Don't you have to stay close to the marina even when you're not traveling? And that's a huge expense..." She didn't want to be negative, but in her world, that was something way outside the realm of possibility.


Looking up at Hunter Katie gives a smile. She was happy he was so understanding and didn't give her a hard time about work, at the same time she was happy his friend called too. She didn't feel as bad knowing he had somewhere to go now.

   "I will...thanks for being such a good spot about this."

Moving her head and leaning up Katie pressed her lips on his for a long moment before baking away and giving a smile. She did need to get back to work now. Specially if she was going to take off with Jason. She wasn't sure when he was going and she had to at least get a little done or Reese wouldn't let Hunter come again.

Giving a tap on the door Grace enters Jared's room with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate. She was bound and determined to make him smile no matter what it took. She new he was down, but she didn't want him to continue to be like that. So if she could do something to make him feel better she would.

   "Morning...I just saw Justin leave. Did you have a good visit?"

She'd seen Justin leave and wondered about it. He didn't seem upset so that had to be a good thing. Passing Jared's bed Grace puts the chocolates in his lap before giving hi a pat on the shoulder and going over to the little table to arrange the flowers.

Walking with Rosalyn Chad couldn't be more content. He had enjoy the time with all the girls, but this time alone with just Rosalyn was even more priceless. Keeping his arm around her, and keeping her close his walking pace matched hers. It was a nice night, not to hot and not to cold. What more could he ask for really?

   "We could pretend it could last forever."

Chad couldn't help the smile that played on his lips as he spied a swing set and directed Rosalyn in that direction. Sitting down on one of the swing he pulled her close and positioned her in his lap to sit comfortable as he softly drifted back and forth. 

   "But I guess...being an adult is knowing that pretending is just that and sooner or later the real world really does callus back. That being said...I think a week and a half to two weeks is really all I can get away with. If all goes well, in a months time after that we should be done over seas and be able to come home for a little bit and relax before getting another job in."

Falling silent for another moment Chad leans his head on Rosalyn's and let out a breath of air. He new his work made him bounce all over and he wondered how hard that would be on Rosalyn. He only hoped she was willing to deal with it for a while, at least till something changed, and than maybe she could come with him. He new that would be a while though, but it was a nice thought to look forward too.

   "I was thinking when we come about though about buying a house here in town. It would make things a little easier and I'd be able to spend more free time with you. That is...if you think thats a good idea."

Getting Kips text Karla felt her heart sink just a little. She'd been looking forward to dinner tonight but she quickly pushed that feeling away. It wasn't Kip's fault get got sick and he did have to work tonight so she new he would need his rest. Maybe she could bring him some soup though just so he new she was thinking about him.

A few hours later Karla stood outside Kips a container of homemade soup in one hand and a basket of fresh baked bread in the other. Giving a knock on the door Karla than opened it knowing that Gram didn't mind if she just walked in. She considered her family and wouldn't dream of it any other way.

   "Gram...its Karla."

Making her way through the house and to the kitchen she smiles seeing her standing at the sink. Coming in and setting everything down Karla went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before diving in and just helping her with dishes.

   "Hi Gram. I made some soup and bread for Kip since he wasn't feeling well. I thought it would help you out a little, and well I had to eat tonight too so I might as well make enough for everyone."

Stopping for a second to rinse some dishes off Karla places them into the strainer before turning the water off and waiting for a few more to pile up.

  "How is Kip feeling..any better?"


So Stupid

Jason nodded, but didn’t voice his actual thoughts. He’d save them for later. For now, he simply gave Katie a little smile. “Okay. Thanks for being a good sport. Hopefully this thing won’t last too long and Reese will quit being paranoid.” He tapped the top of the cubicle wall. “I’ll touch base later then and we’ll come up with a plan. But I won’t let Wyatt get away without paying.” He tossed her a wink, then waved to Hunter before heading back to his office.

Hunter wasn’t sure what he wanted to say, if anything, but his buzzing phone got him off the hook. Glancing at his text message, he quirked an eyebrow. “Well, it all worked out,” he mused aloud to Katie. “Buddy needs some help working on his car before a race tonight, so I’ll be well entertained.” He stood and stretched tall before coming closer and leaning down to give her a kiss on the lips. “I should let you get back to work. Text me later so I know you got home okay, alright?”

Jared didn’t respond and just pretended to sleep, even though he was quite awake. Half of him wanted Grace to stay and half of him wanted her to leave. But he didn’t have enough gumption to actually tell her to go. He knew she didn’t deserve his bad mood. No one did. But at the moment, this pit of darkness was too deep to see out of.

For the next couple days, not much changed – in his condition or his attitude. The doctors were getting closer to an answer, now saying with more confidence that what had happened had something to do with trauma from his initial accident, but he’d be there for another one or two days just to make sure a new medication was working…

“…Knock knock.”

Jared glanced to his hospital room’s door, his eyebrows lifting slightly at seeing Justin. He hadn’t expected his brother to show up. “Hey.”

Justin wandered in and eased down in a chair close to the bed. “How ya feeling?”

“Oh, you know. Cooped up. Bored. Depressed.” Jared shrugged. “The norm.”

Justin gave him a small grin. At least he was telling the truth – and at least he was talking today. He’d heard that Jared’s conversations lately had been little to nothing, even with Grace. “Yeah. No fun. At least you get more jello. Lime’s your favorite, right?”

Jared eyed him suspiciously. “Yeah.” He cocked his head. “Why…are you here?”

“Because you are.” Justin shrugged. “You’re in a hospital. Aren’t I supposed to visit?”

“That never convinced you to come before.”

Justin bit his lip. Yeah. That was true.

The silence confused Jared even more. He really didn’t feel like doing anything but sleeping right now, but he was bored enough that he’d bite. “Is…something wrong?”

“Naw.” Justin slid down a little further in the chair. “Just…”

Jared waited. “You alright?”

“Uh-uh.” Justin paused, then shook his head. “I guess not.”

More silence. Jared folded his hands on his lap. This was a switch. “I’d try to help, but you’re the shrink, not me.”

“Right, right.” Justin eyed the bedspread instead of his brother’s face. “I guess I…just wanted to come and…”

Jared rolled his eyes. His brother hadn’t even corrected him about calling him a shrink. “Dude. You haven’t been this bad since that debate in high school. Seriously…what’s wrong? I’m too depressed to figure it out myself.”

Justin remembered that debate. He’d totally lost all his nerve – and the competition for his team. “I’m sorry.”


“For being the same kind of guy I loathe.” Justin picked at a callous on his palm. “The kind of guy who refuses to forgive and doesn’t give a second chance to someone who deserves it.”

Jared’s expression flickered between more confusion, surprise, sadness, confusion again and hope. “I…I know I don’t really deserve a second chance. I don’t blame you for not wanting to be around me. I mean, I tried to make you miserable on purpose. If I were you, I wouldn’t forgive me either.”

“Yeah, well…I’m not you.” Justin finally glanced up at him. “And I really don’t like the way I’ve been acting lately. We’ve never been close, even before Dad died. But I guess behaving like a child doesn’t fit my style.”

Jared’s eyes dropped as his emotions started to churn, and he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “So…we’re good?”

“No.” Justin shook his head. “But we’re better than bad. And…that’s an improvement.” He stood up and set the chair aside. “I gotta run.”

“Oh. Yeah, okay.” Jared watched him go, but stopped him. “Hey, Justin?”

Justin turned once more. “Yeah?”

“I really am sorry. About everything.”

Justin nodded. “I know. Me too.”

Only when left alone did Jared allow a tear to trickle down his face. Maybe, just maybe, he really would get his brother back. He didn’t want to take that for granted. Yet at the same time, here he was, feeling more stuck than every before, in a mire so thick, he couldn’t move. He hated where he was at. He hated himself. He hated his condition. He just wanted…peace.

Sinking down a little in his bed, he closed his eyes. He hadn’t seen Grace yet today. But then…he wasn’t sure he would. Not after he’d given her the silent treatment the last few days. She didn’t deserve that from him. And again…he just felt stuck in his own misery.

Lots of laughter. Lots of pizza. And Lots of fun. At least for Rosalyn. Having Chad here, despite all of her inner questions, was enough to brighten her spirits more than she could have dared hope. Despite the rather strange circumstances of her and him, and how she came to be here with her two friends, he fit right in, and Lizie and Hannah treated him as they would a brother – especially Lizzie who dished out the teasing as much as she always did.

Eventually as the evening wound down and the pizza was gone though, Rosalyn did want her time alone with Chad, and got it in the way of a walk. Ambling slowly down the sidewalk, she kept herself tucked under his arm, just soaking up everything she could, not knowing how long it would last.

It was only a few blocks to a little park, which was lit up for the evening. Rosalyn rarely came here alone, but with someone else, it was quite peaceful. She sighed deeply, glad she’d grabbed her denim jacket – the air was growing cool for the night.

“So…” She wrapped her arm around Chad’s waist as they slowly walked. “You never really gave me a straight answer about how long you’re staying. I mean, I know your brother’s covering your workload, but that can’t last forever.”

It was one in the morning when Kip quietly entered the house, careful not to wake Gramps and Gram. By now they were used to him getting off work at the wee hours of the morning, whether it was midnight or four o’clock, but he still did his best not to disturb them.

After grabbing a cookie off the kitchen counter, he ambled to his room where he kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the bed. Grabbing his laptop, he decided to check his email before going to sleep. As soon as he spotted a particular email though, all other thoughts fled. His heart raced, and he was tempted to delete it without reading it. But something made him look.

“Heard you were doing well for yourself. Good. You know I can come any time I want, right? Took me a while to figure out where you were, but I found you. Thought I’d leave you be until I needed you though. Don’t worry. I’m still good for a week or two. But I think a trip to Nevada sounds like a good plan. You know, so we can catch up and all that. So I’ll be seeing you. Til our reunion…”

Kip wasn’t sure how long he’d been staring at the message, but it was long enough that his laptop went to sleep on its own. His hands were trembling, and his stomach was in knots. Erik had warned him. He’d told Kip to report his father more than once, but he never had. And now…now he was coming here. Kip’s mind replayed their last encounter over and over. How badly he’d been beaten. The time it had taken just to physically recover, let alone mentally… he was still recovering.

Thoughts of sleeping vanished. Kip slipped his shoes back on, and within minutes, he was back outside. Adrenaline surged through his veins, making his muscles shake as he walked down the dark sidewalk. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. What should he do? What could he do? Should he tell anyone? Just keep quiet? Hope it went away on its own? Why did this have to keep happening? It wasn’t fair. These thoughts and more plagued his mind as he walked. Tears were kept at bay by sheer willpower. It was fear that drove him on as he desperately tried to maintain control over his emotions. Fear of the past. Fear of the future. Fear of his own emotional instability. Soon, he was a long distance from home, having unintentionally reached downtown where there was still activity at a few all-night places. Passing by a particularly noisy club, the doors burst open, and a handful of people came spilling out, talking and laughing and ignoring where they were going.

Getting run into, Kip was accidentally shoved to the side and almost tripped off the curb. “Hey!” he complained. “Watch it.”

“Sorry, sorry.” One of the young women turned around and immediately stopped, her eyes widening. “Kip?”

Kip blinked. “Whitney?”

“Well I’ll be.” Whitney waved to the others. “Go on, guys, I’ll catch up. I got me an old friend here.” She folded her arms and gave Kip a once-over. “Looking good.” She grinned slyly. “I shoulda come sooner.”

Kip bristled. “What…what on earth are you doing here?”

“Here here, or here Nevada?” She ran a hand through her tousled hair. “Just a change of scenery. Actually, my cousin got a lead on a job and invited me along for the ride. So here I am! And so are you. What a small, small world.”

“Uh…huh.” Kip folded his arms, trying to hide that his mind was reeling. How could Whitney be here? This was insane. Everything he’d tried to leave behind was all coming back, and all in one night. What were the odds? This couldn’t be happening. “Well… goodbye.”

“That’s it? After all this time?” Whitney stuck out her lower lip to pout. “We parted on such lame terms. I think it’s fate that brought you around here tonight.” She stepped closer until she was just inches away from Kip. “Don’t you?”

His pulse was pounding. He was beyond upset about his father’s email, his heart was in utter turmoil, all he’d wanted was some fresh air, and now he was face-to-face with someone that had always somehow been one of his greatest, most hated weaknesses. He swallowed hard as he realized he’d been backed up against the brick wall of the club. “I think you’re drunk.”

Whitney laughed and slung her arms around Kip’s neck. “I just can’t seem to stay mad at you. And I’m not drunk. I’m just right.” She leaned her face in until her forehead was touching his. “You haven’t said yet why you’re out here at this late hour.”

Kip reached up to try and pull her hands down. “Just walking. I need to go.”

“Well if you’re just walking, you don’t have a reason to go.” She refused to back away. “I’ve tried harder with you than anyone else, and you’ve always slipped through my fingers. Why is that, hmm?” Without waiting for an answer, she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

Trying to pull away, Kip couldn’t move as the back of his head was against the wall. Emotions writhed within him. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want any of this. He didn’t want to be tormented by his father. He didn’t want to be followed around by a guilty conscience and memories of constant failures. He wanted to forget. He was so very desperate for a world where his problems no longer existed.

Lost in the same kiss that had seduced him so long ago, Kip’s shoulders finally dropped. He couldn’t fight anymore. He couldn’t fight anything. He was too tired. Too tired of the constant battle. Couldn’t he just once pretend his life was somewhere far away out of sight?

Feeling Kip returning her kiss, Whitney pressed herself up against him and continued the exchange for several very long moments until she finally withdrew. “Mmm…there’s the Kip I used to know.” Her hand slid down his arm until she grasped his fingers. “And there’s no ‘big brother’ to get in the way this time.” She bit her lip and started to pull him down the sidewalk. “Come on. This is too much of a coincidence to ignore. You and I are long overdue for some fun…”

…Kip opened his eyes slowly and squinted in the dim light. Dim or not, it hurt. He licked his parched lips and tried to sift through his mental fog. Maybe he should just go back to sleep. Wait…something didn’t feel right. He blinked open his eyes again and focused on a window he didn’t recognize. Where on earth was he? Confusion woke his mind at a faster rate, and he rolled over onto his back to find he was not in his own bed at all. This was a hotel room bed. And he wasn’t alone.

A whole new kind of panic rose within him as he turned his head. Whitney was still sound asleep. Oh, no…what had he done? As he sat up, his head spun and he felt like throwing up. He managed to maintain control though, and dressed as quickly as he could find all his clothes that were strewn about. He wasn’t even sure all he’d done the night before, but it was pretty obvious he hadn’t been an innocent bystander, and all he knew now was he had to get out of here. He was so…so…so stupid. Why hadn’t he said no? Why hadn’t he walked away? He’d tried, but not hard enough. He’d just wanted an escape…but he was now waking to a nightmare – and one that he couldn’t even fully remember. After locating his sneakers, he tied them quickly, and aimed for the door. Just as he reached it though, the door to an adjoining room opened, and a shirtless guy walked in, yawning. “Hey, Whit, you up?” He spotted Kip and grunted. “Leaving already?”

Kip couldn’t even remember who this was. “Yeah.”

The man grinned. “Too much for you, huh?”

Kip’s hand was on the door handle when Whitney’s voice joined in.

“Hey, keep it down and let a girl sleep,” she mumbled.

“Your boyfriend is trying to leave,” the man teased.

Whitney sat up too fast and winced, putting a hand to her head. “Ugh.” She blinked and squinted at Kip before grinning. “You shouldn’t leave yet. We’re gonna be here another couple days.”

Kip was too sick to care anymore and he turned back to the door without responding.

Getting a signal from Whitney, the other guy stepped between Kip and the door. He was bigger than Kip, and looked down at him with a teasing smile. “I think she’s asking you to stay.”

“Yeah, well I don’t care.”

“You should.” He set a firm hand on Kip’s shoulder. “If I know her, and…I know her quite well, she’s got plans for you today that you don’t wanna miss.”

“It would seem I got enough of her last night,” Kip growled. “Get out of my way.”

The man laughed. “Ooh, ya got spunk. Hey, Whitney, he’s got some energy left after all!”

Out of nowhere, Kip’s mellow demeanor was overtaken by a sudden burst of rage. And without any warning, his fist connected with the other guy’s face.

He staggered to the side before tripping over a chair and falling to the floor. His hand went to his bleeding lip, and he looked up angrily at Kip. “Oh, you’re gonna regret that, kid.”

Just as quickly as the rage had come, Kip felt a new and even greater wave of guilt. That fist… that fist he’d just swung… that was his father’s fist. And he’d just struck out of anger. Just like his father. Before anything else could happen, Kip was out the door. He didn’t even know how to get out of the hotel, but managed to find his way until he was finally outside in the fresh air. He had no idea what time it was, but judging by the light, it was late morning.

It took a while to get back home, and by the time he got there, he was so sick that all he could do was head straight to the bathroom. In the kitchen, Gram was washing dishes when she heard the door. “Kip, is that…” Her voice trailed off as she saw him disappear down the hall. Concerned, she slowly followed his trail to where he was sitting on the bathroom floor, hung over the toilet. “Oh dear… Hun, are you alright?” She knelt next to him and rubbed his back as he threw up again.

Kip just groaned and slid back to lean against the wall, his eyes refusing to look up. Gram sighed deeply. The boy looked terrible, and she couldn’t deny the scent of alcohol on him. Without saying anything, she rose, and was back a few minutes later with a cold, wet cloth and a cup of water.

It took several more times of throwing up before Kip’s body was finished, and by then, he had no energy left to get up. He let Gram help clean him up a little though, but he remained quiet.

Gram sat on the edge of the bathtub and just studied him for several long minutes. “I thought maybe you’d just had an overnight shift at work, but…I’m guessing that’s not it.”

He shook his head.

“Want to tell me about it?”

He shook his head again.

“Gonna tell me anyway?”

Kip swallowed hard as tears sprang into his eyes. He stared at the tiled floor. “I…I don’t even…remember much,” he mumbled quietly.

“Mmhmm.” Gram pursed her lips. “How about starting with what you do remember?”

“I was upset…” He swiped at his eyes, frustrated with the emotions he couldn’t seem to get under control. “’Cause I got an email from my dad. So I went for a walk. Then I…I ran into a girl I used to know.” As his lower lip started to tremble, he stopped.

Gram reached over to pat his shoulder. “It’s okay.”

“No it’s not!” He finally looked up at her as the tears ran down his cheeks. “I went with her… and… and I don’t know what happened, but there was drinking, and, and other people and…” His face grew hot. “And when I woke up this morning, I…I was in bed with her.” His eyes dropped again. “Not that I remember it, but it’s pretty obvious what I did.” He leaned forward and hid his face in his hands. How could he have been this stupid? He’d done stupid things, but this…it took the cake.

Gram’s voice remained gentle. “Why did you go with her?”

Kip kept his face hidden. “I dunno,” was his muffled response. “’Cause I just… I was too… my dad and… ‘Cause I’ll always be worthless.”

“Hey.” Gram poked him in the ribs with her toe. “You’re not worthless. A little lost maybe, but never worthless. Did you learn anything?”

Kip nodded. “That I’m even more stupid than I thought.”

Gram sighed again. “Well, what are you gonna do about it now?”

He shrugged lamely. “I…I don’t… There’s Karla and…” The tears started again.

Gram rose and coaxed him to his feet to lead him to his bedroom. He was so hung over, that getting anywhere with him was going to have to wait. “Sleep a while, okay? When you wake up, I want you to take a hot shower, I’ll have some food for you, and the world will look differently.”

He didn’t believe her, but he didn’t have the energy to argue. Falling into bed, he checked his phone that he’d left here last night. Thankfully, no one had tried to get a hold of him, and he wasn’t supposed to see Karla until supper tonight. Karla. Oh, Karla. What was he going to do?

…It was several hours later when Kip awoke and had enough nerve to text Karla. But even then, he kept it short.

Rough day. Got sick. Prolly shouldn’t do supper. Sorry :( Gram’s taking care of me. Gonna sleep til work tonight.

At least it was all true. But that didn’t release the enormous knot in his gut.



Grace looked up from her work and gave a smile to Jared. Even if he was being a Debbie downer, and wallowing she would continue to smile, and continue to keep spirits up. That's just how it had to be with her.

   "I know I don't HAVE to stay, But I want too. I enjoy being around you, even when you are miserable. Call me a gluten for punishment...or simply, someone who cares."

Going back to what she was doing Grace let the room fall silent. If Jared wanted to be misrible than that was his own doing.  She'd be there though so if he really needed someone, it wasn't far away. She wouldn't play into his misery though...he could just sit in it himself.

Looking to Hunter, and than to Jason Katie gave a smile and a nod. Watching Jason was her job at the moment, and even if she did have plans work had to come first. Even if there was a strange feeling of everyone being uncomfortable it was what she had to do for work.

  "It's no big deal. I can take you over to Mike's and than just wait in the car with some paper work or inside the house. I'd rather keep Reese from killing either of us just yet."

Offering another small smile to Jason and than to Hunter her eyes told him she was sorry. They had, had plans tonight but he did know too that at any time she could be called away for work. She was still sorry though and hoped he would understand. 

   "Just let me know when ever you are ready to go."


More Awkwardness

Gunner's eyes just focused on his float, even though he really was listening. He glanced up in surprise as he felt Bree slide in next to him, before he slipped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "Thanks. You mean the world to me, ya know that?"

He fiddled with his straw, then took a sip before sighing. "I've been trying to remember since that day." He shrugged. "It's really not worth trying that route anymore. Not to mention, it might not prove anything anyway." He'd tortured himself for days on end, multiple times, trying to remember anything about that fateful day. But as far as his brain was concerned, he had no life at all before waking up in the hospital with a metal plate in his skull.

His buzzing cellphone made him grimace, but he checked it anyway. "It's Wyatt. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving the office. Poor boy can't survive an hour on a case without me, apparently."

He took another long swig of frothy rootbeer. "But I'm finishing this delectable glass of goodness. Wyatt can wait." And so could his obsession. The moment had been broken. The discussion of his issues was over for now. And he didn't mind. He was still loved, and once in a while, that's all he needed to know.

Jason sighed as he aimed for Katie's cubicle. It was only day one, and already things were getting complicated. Arriving at her space, he knocked on the wall before realizing she wasn't alone.

Hunter was leaned back in the extra chair, just hanging out for a few minutes after having finished lunch here with Katie. His afternoon was free, and he didn't mind chatting while she worked, as long as Reese didn't have a problem with it. He stopped mid-sentence as Jason appeared, and lifted his eyebrows. He knew good and well it was all work-related, but it still felt weird.

Jason gave Katie an apologetic look. "Hey, sorry to interrupt..." Why was he apologizing? This was all just part of the job. Nothing more. He straightened a little. "I, um, just made my rounds with the guys and it would seem 'bout everybody has obligations this evening. Wyatt can't be to my place til about nine o'clock." He paused, still feeling awkward about this, no matter how much he tried to justify it.

"I'm supposed to have band practice at seven though..." Reese would skin him alive if he tried to slip under the radar without Katie's eyes, especially this early in the game. "We'll be at Mike's... I suppose if you just wanna escort me there and leave me, that would do." Actually, it wouldn't - he shouldn't be left that vulnerable - but he'd do it that way anyway if it would work better for her.

Jared ignored Grace's touch to his hand, even if deep down a part of him did appreciate it. She might not want to give up, but to him, there was little point. He'd fought. He'd tried. And it had gotten him nowhere but back in a hospital bed with nothing. He was dependant on everyone, he had one friend, and nothing else. He had no job waiting for him, no place of his own, and no future.

It was several minutes before he turned his head and slit open his eyes to look at Grace once more, his expression just as dim. "You don't have to stay," he muttered. "It's not like anything is gonna change."


My Vampire

   "I don't think you'd be letting them down at all. Honestly I don't think they would want you to dwell on this."

Bree's heart went out for Gunner. She new how much this whole thing hurt him, and just having lose ends made things even more confusing. He just wanted closure and that seemed so impossible. She wished there was more she could do but there wasn't. So her support is what she had to offer, and he would always have it.

   "Have you ever thought about talking to Hope on ways to help you remember? Maybe you have but its just a thought to help maybe?"

Sliding her float across the table Bree than moved from her side to Gunner's side, sliding in close to him. She just wanted to be close as possible to him.

   "I love you, even if you do obsess and that will never change, no matter what, you are my vampire!"

Reaching out and taking Jared's hand in her own Grace gives it a small squeeze. This on top of everything else had to be a real kicker. She felt so bad and yet there was nothing she could do. His words hurt, but she new it was because he was hurting.

   "I can not give up than for the both of us."

Leaning back in the chair Grace figured that Jared didn't want to talk more right now and that was ok. She'd continue to sit there though till she was told to leave, Jared was let go, or even after the dr left. Not even thinking about it she started to hum softly as she shifted through some of her paper work she had with her. She could be there for Jared, and get some work done.

Looking around at all the girls smiling faces including Rosalyn's made Chad's heart fill with joy. There was so my love and friendship in the room it was almost overwhelming. Each girl had there own personalty and yet they got along just fine and it would seem they accepted him too.  

   "Are you kidding me? Of course I'd like to help make pizza. As long as the girls dont mind a guy crashes there girl party."

Squeezing Rosalyn his smile grew even more. Being here with her was the best gift anyone could ever give him. He new that this was the start to a long wonderful relationship.


Dark Abyss

Gunner gave Bree's hand a squeeze, unable to express how grateful he was for her understanding. His other fingers fiddled with his straw as his eyes fell once more. What could bring him closure? "I don't know," he admitted. "I thought I could convince myself that it's just all not really real but that hasn't worked. Talking with Hope keeps me from falling off the edge...but I can't seem to let it go."

His head hurt. This whole thing was always stressful to him. "I... I just... I don't know how to find closure without answers. I don't know how to let go without knowing what really happened that day." Had it been his fault? Had it been just an accident? Had it been Agency? Had it been murder? The lack of answers and evidence was what had driven him to the brink of insanity to begin with.

"I feel like...like if I let go..." His voice had grown soft. "...like I'm letting my parents down. Everyone says it was an accident... But every fiber in my being says it wasn't."

His eyes rose to meet hers. "I'm good at my job because of my instincts. I know I've crossed the line a time or two, but my gut has never truly misled me. And it's my instincts telling me that my family's car wreck wasn't just a freak accident. Whether it was on purpose or whether I caused it, I don't know but... I just... I can't stop. Even if I knew for sure it was my fault, at least that would be an answer. But...but even that route felt like a wild goose chase, even with all JT found out."

He was starting to go in circles again, and he knew it. Clamping his mouth shut, he retreated to focus on his float and shrugged. "I'm sorry. I'll try not to obsesss."

Hearing Grace's voice, Jared pried open his eyes just wide enough that he could see. His mind was foggy, but he knew where he was and what was going on, for the most part.

He shifted his head slightly and tried to bring Grace's face into focus before his eyes fell shut again. "Great," he mumbled. "Feel free to not give up. I'm just...gonna stay here and watch." Miserable didn't even begin to describe how he felt. He hurt from head to toe, and mentally he felt as if he'd fallen into a dark abyss without hope of escape. No matter how often he took a step forward, he always ended up two steps back. He never should have survived the accident to begin with. This so-called second chance was doing nothing but making him suffer more.

Keeping his eyes closed, he turned his face away from Grace. He didn't want help. He didn't want sympathy. He just wanted to fall asleep and not wake up. 

Hannah scrunched her nose and laughed. She didn't mind being teased, even if it was about her cleaning habits.

Lizzie bent down and picked up a bowl that had a little bit of popcorn left, and munched on a couple kernels. "So, you sticking around?"

Rosalyn smirked at her friend's boldness. "Of course he is."

"Good. Does that mean you two are going out, or are we making pizza? I'm starving."

"How can you be starving?" Hannah threw up her hands. "You've been snacking all day! Why can't I eat that much and look like you?"

Lizzie looked down at her skinny frame and grinned. "I got my granddaddy's metabolism. Sorry."

Rosalyn remained at Chad's side, just resting against him. She wouldn't mind a quiet evening with just him, but she didn't want to just leave her friends hanging - although she knew neither would be offended. She glanced up at Chad with a little grin. "Wanna help make pizza? Then maybe later tonight you and I can go somewhere?"

Not Ready

Sitting across from Gunner Bree played with her straw for a long moment as she listened to him. She new something had been bothing him, but she didn't want to push. She hoped when he was ready he would talk to her. She was happy now that she had waited.

   "I think we all have shadows and things we run away from. As time comes on I think it just becomes easier to know whats real, and whats not."

Reaching across the table and taking Gunners hand Bree gives a smile. She new a lot of stuff still bothered him, and she new there really wasn't much that she could do to help no matter how hard she tried. She just wanted to be there for him when ever he needed her.

   "I love you Gunner, no matter the shadows. I always will...Thank you for telling me. So what do you think will help you find closure?"

  "Jared is strong. I've seen it first hand. Try not to worry to much about him ok? That's not good for you either. I'll stay with him for a while if you want to go get some rest or something to eat."

Giving Lydia's hand a gentile pat Grace smiles before heading into the room and sitting down at his bedside. She'd seem him in the hospital before. That was how they met, but this was different. There was more involved now and she couldn't help but take extra notice to how small he looked in the bed. 

  "You've got to get through this. You were doing so well, and I'm not ready to give up on that yet."

Chad can't help but laugh at the two girls as he looks back to Rosalyn. She did seem very happy with where she was at and the friendship she had formed. He was happy to see that, and happy to see that spark in her eye again. Her smile was amazing and he always wanted to see that.

   "I'm happy you found some good friends, and a good place to be. I can already tell how much fun all three of you together are."

Looking at Hannah Chad smiles and threw her a little wink.

   "Dust Bunny's and all."