
Two More

Left alone, Carson sat for the longest time, just staring at the floor. Katie had calmed him, but his soul was still in so much turmoil. What was going to happen now? Nothing? Were he and Misty really supposed to never have a relationship again? He didn't want to think about it, but if he really wanted to know how she felt, all he had to do was recall that look she'd given him. Not only was she angry, but she blamed him. He knew it without asking. Without her saying so. 

How badly had she wanted a child? How many plans had she made? What hopes and dreams had she developed around having a baby? Had she been scared? Looking forward to it? He hadn't a clue what any of those answers were. All he knew was that deep down, he'd looked forward to being a father again...a father to the product of his and Misty's love. He didn't feel like father material, and he was struggling to connect with Mackenzie - raising a baby was something that, quite frankly, scared him. But he would have done it. He would have accepted it. He would have figured it out somehow and would have loved his child. Their child. And now...that was all gone. Maybe the baby would have helped reunite him and Misty. That chance was now gone. Just like that. 

The Agency had won again. 

"Thanks, Hero." The nickname rolled so easily off Jason's tongue that he hardly even realized he'd said it as he took the water and cloth from Katie.

Dabbing his lip, he rolled his eyes. "Well now... that was exciting. Is he tearing apart the waiting room?"

Alec shook his head and reached up with his free hand to brush Misty's cheek. "If you want to sleep, then sleep. Nobody will mind. You just need to rest so you can get out of this place, okay?" 

He cared. Oh, how he cared. And oh how much his heart ached. For more reasons than one. "Misty, I..." He stopped as his eyes fell. "I'm sorry." He swallowed hard. "If I woulda stayed inside a while longer or would have been more alert..." He shrugged. "I just...I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. None of this should have happened. I should have paid more attention and...I didn't. I wouldn't blame you if you thought this was my fault." 

Garret's arms cried out to hold Victoria. But, as always, he kept himself in check. Instead, he could just enjoy the brief moment her hand brushed against him. "I'm not sure what's going to happen now," he admitted. 

Reaching to the side, he picked up another rifle before handing it to her. She wasn't dressed for combat, but around here, it would not be strange to see her involved in checking weapons - at least while no important social events were happening - so this would give her some kind of excuse to stick around for a few moments. "Here. Look busy." 

He continued to work with his own gun, although his eyes kept track of every little movement in the near vicinity. "Your grandfather wanted that mother and child for some very specific plans. To have the child of Carson and Misty Banks...that would give him not only a good bloodline, but certain power, too." The names of Misty and Carson were nothing to sneeze at around here. They were well-known adversaries that Medridge loved to toy with. "And even though Misty lived, it doesn't look good for having another child of theirs in the future. As far as what's going to happen now..." 

The shots still echoed in Garret's ears. Two shots. Two lives. Two more, added to countless others. "The idiots have been taken care of." His voice had turned cold. It was the only way he could handle the stress - to let his coldness take over. "And your grandfather would rather see his adversaries dead than let them win."

His peripheral vision was the only gaze he'd afford to Victoria. "Which means he'll either tag the Banks family to get rid of them, or find new and exciting ways to torture them."


Katie gives a small nod to Carson. She new he didn't want to leave, she didnt blame him, but she could tell at the same time he was trying to respect what Misty wanted too. Maybe she would come around, maybe after a little of the hurt had gone away she'd lean on Carson once again. There was lots of maybes but Katie left them unspoken. She didn't want to give false hope just in case.

   "I'll come back in a bit and see you. Hang in there Carson."

 Turning and leaving Katie hurrys down the hall to the others once again. Giving a smile to Jason she hands him the cloth and the water. She didn't see Alec anymore so she assumed that he was in with Misty right now, and that would give Jason some time to clean up.

   "Here you go J. It's the best I could do, and figure it was better than nothing. At least you can clean the blood off yourself. Last thing Misty needs is to know you got in a fight too."

Listing to Alec's words brought Misty a little comfort. It was extra nice to know he cared, and that he really was happy she was still there. Not that she ever thought he wouldn't but at the moment it was nice confirmation in his own strange way. 

   "Never know maybe the new people who would of moved into my house would of actually let you have a room in it."

Misty gives her best half smile trying to tease back, but knowing she lacked everything right now to actually make the joke funny. Everything hurt inside and out, so it was hard to find humor in anything even if she tried to force it.

Letting out a long sigh and leaning her head back against the pillow Misty looks twords the window as a few more tears escaped her eyes. She really didn't want to talk to anymore, but sooner or later she was going to have too. It might as well be sooner, than later and get it over with.

   "I don't mind if they come in. I might fall asleep on them though so I hope they wont mind."

Walking down the sidewalk Victoria's stride was slower with no one around. She'd heard what had happened, heck everyone heard what had happened in Nevada. And for a strange reason this time, it seemed troubling, her heart felt heavy. Not for the men they lost, but for the unnamed child that was lost, and the family that now had to suffer.

Looking up and seeing Garret, Victoria was at least happy seeing him took her mind off of wondering. He just always had that way about him, no matter the situation.

   "Ya know, I never liked Barrit, and Anderson anyways...and dont get me started on Rod. Maybe I'll get a little peace and quite now."

It was the truth She really didn't like them and Rod the most. How he'd slipped by thing long with all the flirting he's tried to do with her she had no idea.  Maybe he deserved to be stabbed she definitly wouldn't wast her tears over them.

Sitting down on the step for a moment she lets her hand fall down next to her and just brush Garret's leg for a moment, not letting it linger. It was the middle of the day and anyone could be watching. This was not the time to try and test the waters.

   "Any idea what my grandfather has planned now? I haven't seen him that angry in a long time, and I didn't dare ask him anything least I be next to the other shot. The quiet worry's me now, the calm before the storm!!!"