
Came Bewteen Us

Michaela can't help but chuckle again. She wasn't laughing at Rocky but she was laughing with him. Maybe she was hiding her own nerves in this whole thing but she was happy she was not the only one.

"Yes I think I would like that. I was wondering when you might as or if I was going to have to do it."

Her lips curl up in a bright smile as she looks across the table at Rocky. A little humor shone in her eyes to prove she was joking around with him but she was happy he asked her. She hadn't really had many boyfriends herself so this was pretty new to her too.

"To me you did a pretty good job in asking me. There is no perfect way so you did great."

Comfortable on the couch with Tal Ryan runs her hand though his hair softly. Looking down at him as he talks a smile spreads across her face. She was happy that he wasn't going to listen to Alec. Ryan just hoped at the same time Alec would get the point and not trying anything else stupid.

"That means a lot Tal that you wont back down. I am happy for that because you mean a lot to me too and I'd be heart broken if Alec came between us."

Leaning down Ryan places a soft kiss on Tal's lips just letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. Tonight she was going to spend it at Tal's encase he needed anything. The couch or chair would be her bed and she didn't mind at all. As long as she new he was going to be ok.

"I am sorry though that Alec is acting like this. I never thought he would stoop this low."

Wondering out of the barn with a brush in her hair Ashlee wasn't paying much attachen as she was pulling the hair from the brush and letting the wind carry it away. Looking up at the last second she was able to stop though a few feet infront of Dylan as to not run into him. Giving a smile and a wave.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was in my own little world. It's really good to see you up and around. How are you feeling?"


Rocky stops mid-chew and finally looks across at Michaela. Why his heart was suddenly thumping a little faster, he wasn't quite sure.

Finishing his bite, he sets his sandwich down and his one eyebrow arcs as he cocks his head. "Well, um... I guess... yeah... if you don't mind. I mean if you'd like to. Date that is. I mean go on a date. With me. Bowling. Hang out type of date. Not a date date. Or a date. Whichever... you prefer?"

Blinking, Rocky furrows his brow, getting the feeling that he'd just made no sense at all. His cheeks turn soft crimson, although his mouth does curl up into a sheepish smile. "Can you tell I've been out with girls a million times? I mean, it takes talent to botch up a simple invitation like that. I'm a pro and I didn't even know it til now."

It was several hours later, and Tal was settled on his couch with his head in Ryan's lap as a movie played quietly. At the moment, without moving, he wasn't in too much pain, which was better than earlier. His hand holds Ryan's, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing her palm. He was glad for her help with taking care of things, and more glad for her company. One thing did bother him though, and he hadn't brought it up yet...

"Hey, Ryan..." He readjusts his mouth a little so his jaw wouldn't protest him talking. "About what Alec told me..." He'd found out that there was no proof his attacker had been Alec. He didn't know how it had happened, or what had malfunctioned or how Alec had made it work, but he knew it was him. He had no doubt. And at least Ryan and Eli believed him.

"...I don't plan on obeying him, ya know. I mean... he's just being stupid and there's no way I'm gonna quit seeing you 'cause he's threatening me." He gives her hand a squeeze. "You mean too much to me for that."

The sunlight hits Dylan's eyes hard and he squints, shuffling slowly off the porch as the screen door falls shut behind him. A little wobbly on his legs, he leans on the railing for a moment, letting his brain get its bearings.

As predicted, it had been another day or two and he was finally feeling well enough to at least get outside for some fresh air. His muscles felt shaky and his stomach still wasn't quite right, making work not an option today. But at least he could get some sunshine and get out of the bedroom for a little while. The only thing that bothered him was facing people. He'd seen his dad... Stacy... Ashlee... Dan... Rosetta... Jade... but that was it. Not since going downhill anyway. He feared what people might think even worse than when Dan had brought him back from town. Now they all knew. They all knew that he'd made the wrong choices. They all knew he'd been weak. Not strong enough to stand up and say no.

Sighing, Dylan trudges forward. It was warm out, but he'd thrown on a light flannel shirt over his t-shirt anyway, still feeling slightly chilled. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he slowly approaches the barn for lack of a better place to go.


Sitting in the parking lot for a second Trey just thinks about what Pete said. It really meant a lot to him to know Pete was saying it as a friend and not Reese's lap dog. But Trey wasn't sure if he really wanted to talk about it or not.

"Thanks Pete, I'll remember to take you up on that sometime."

Giving a grin and opening the door Trey steps out of the car and starts to head inside. He just wanted time to process everything and just sit in quiet. That was the normal for him and he was use to it by now.

Michaela gives a small laugh as she takes a bit of her sandwich. She was enjoying the light conversation with Rocky. It was always nice and didn't feel to strange. She liked there time together it was just calm and peaceful knowing someone else shared her faith with.

"Ohhh, I like bowling. Never been to good at it but I still like it."

Taking a sip of water than giving a smile Michaela's eyes twinkled a little as she could feel her hands go a little cold. She wondered something but didn't know if she should ask or not. She didn't want to embarrass Rocky but if she didn't ask she would never know.

"And I'd like to go with you...that is...if its an official date. or if not...I'll...go anyways?"


Pete wonders about Trey's response. Why had Alec given Trey smokes to begin with? He didn't know they'd had contact at all. Was Alec doing something he shouldn't? And what would have made Trey change his mind anyway? There were many questions. But only Trey knew the answers.

The rest of the ride is quiet until Pete pulls into the TJY parking lot again and cuts the engine. Glancing at Trey a last time, he puts his sunglasses up on his head. "Just so you know... if there's ever anything you need or need to tell somebody, I'm here. And I mean as a friend, not as an informant to Reese."

Tal's grin returns, glad that Ryan was enjoying the puppies. They'd be gone soon... but she'd have her own, and they'd still have the memories.

Rick glances over to Ryan and then up at the clock. "I'd like it if he stayed here for a couple hours just to keep an eye on things to make sure there's nothing I missed. After that, when he goes home, he needs to rest for a day or so, and only go back to work when he feels up to it."

Hearing Rick, Tal smirks a little. "Try tomorrow. I got bills to pay."

"Nobody's gonna stop you," Rick agrees. "But let me tell you - tomorrow is going to be worse than today. After that, you'll start feeling better."

Rocky chuckles and shakes his head. "You mean last time you got all the way backstage and you didn't get an autograph? We're slipping." He grins and is ready to say more when the waiter appears to take their orders.

Once settled with food and starting to eat, Rocky nods. "Good stuff." It really was good food. He would have described this place as "foofoo" to anyone else, but he had to admit that it was one of the better sandwiches he'd had. He also had a feeling he'd be back.

"So... we need to like... go do something sometime." He concentrates on his lunch, finding it easier to look at the bits and pieces of lettuce that needed to be picked up, rather than Michaela's face. "You know like... a movie... bowling... something."

Close First

Getting into the car Trey still felt uneasy and his stomach sick. The look, the worry, the anger she had seen on Ryan and Eli's face was imprinted into his mind. Maybe it was seeing other people around him care. Or the fact that what Alec had done was reckless and could of landed him in a big amount of trouble. Whatever it was though the cracks just grew a little bit more...conscious.

"Yep, so far everything is alright. I just had to give Alec his smokes back. I didn't feel like selling those ones anymore."

Looking back out the window Trey just lets the scenes pass him by. He was quiet, a lot more than normal but his mind was still processing a lot of stuff he'd learned in the last few days. It was still confusing and odd but he'd find the meaning in it somehow.

Giving an even wider smile Ryan was happy that this attach hadn't caused Tal to change his mind about her and stay away. She cared a great deal about him and to lose him she would of been crushed.

"You better believe I wanna come over and help. I'd have to say spending time with you and the puppy's is taking a close almost first to car racing."

Looking up and over to Rick Ryan gives a nod of thanks. She was happy that he helped Tal out, Misty too. If she new one place she could always go when not wanting to hit the hospital it was here for sure.

"When will Tal be able to go home Doc?"


Tal manages a bit of a crooked grin while looking up at Ryan, still laying on his side. He gives her hand a squeeze. "Yeah... maybe I'll look a little scarier now, huh?" Though in pain, he knew it could have been worse than just a couple broken ribs and cuts and bruises. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Alec was well-trained and could have easily killed him had he wanted. Tal was bigger than Alec, but Alec had the skill.

Trying to sigh without it hurting much, Tal just studies Ryan for a moment, feeling badly that this had upset her so much. He could tell that it bothered her to see him hurt. That it made her angry. He was sure Eli was angry too. He wished he could have stood up for himself. Eli would have been able to. Was it really that Tal didn't know how or that he didn't have the guts? He wondered.

"I gotta get home and take care of the pups," he muses. "Gonna come help me?"

Alec hadn't been expecting anyone, so hearing a knock made him just a little leery. It had only been a half day or working the roadside, and he'd just been dropped off a few minutes ago. Still in his dirty clothes, he wanders to the door.

He was surprised to see Trey standing there. What was happening? Had something gone wrong with the plan last night?

He doesn't have enough time to speak before Trey does. Realizing Trey's anger, and his refusal of the payment, Alec can feel his blood start to boil. Seriously? Trey cared? How he found out, Alec wasn't sure, unless someone had complained to TJY or even took Tal in. Either way, Alec wouldn't be surprised, but no one would have any proof, so it didn't worry him. But to have Trey react like this... it was not what he would have expected.

Taking the cigarettes that were shoved back to him, his eyes narrow in displeasure. Was Trey daring to threaten him? Was he really daring to give him a warning? Did Trey think he'd be scared off? Besides all that, why did Trey even care one way or the other what Alec had done? It was baffling, aside from irritating.

Opening his mouth, Alec can't even reply as Trey walks away. Slamming his door shut again, he tosses the carton aside and goes to the window to look out, folding his arms in disgust. He sees Pete's convertible and wonders if Trey had spilled the beans. No... if he had, he'd already have Reese breathing down his neck. For some reason, Trey had kept quiet, despite his obvious displeasure.

No matter... Alec continues to scowl. Tal would have gotten the message. And Alec would find a way to take care of matters again if Tal refused to pay head to his threat.

Waiting until Trey gets back in the car, Pete pulls from the lot and heads back to TJY. He remains quiet for a few minutes, studying Trey through his peripheral vision.

"Everything okay?"

Blood Money

Looking back to Eli again Ryan shakes her head. She new this was wrong, she new more needed to be done but they had nothing else to go by. It was a dead end and it was obvious that Reese wouldn't do anything without any proof.

Giving a shake of her head and letting out a long sigh Ryan looks to Eli before moving past Reese and going back into the infirmary to be with Tal. Going to the bed side Ryan takes his hand softly in her's again to let him know she was there. Giving a soft smile she leans down to kiss his head.

"Hey look at you, now you've got some of your own battle scars."

Being a bit surprised that Pete didn't ask anything more Trey follows him out to his car. Not knowing where Alec lived or how far away it was He just rides in silence. Going through what he would say to Alec and what he was say to Pete if he did ask any questions.

...Pulling into the big parking lot and having Pete tell Trey what apartment was Alec's he gives a nod letting Pete know he wouldn't be long. Zipping his hoodie up and sticking his hands in his pockets Trey makes his way to Alec's apartment giving a strong knock on the door.

As Alec opens the door Trey just glares at him for a long moment. He wasn't sure if Alec would remember him but he didn't much care.

"If I would have known you were going to almost beat a guy to death I wouldn't have helped you."

Trey did his best to keep his own temper on an even keel but let his irritation show through.

"Pull a stunt like that again and I will turn you and myself into Reese about what happened. You can have these back too. If I sell them now its considered blood money and thats not cool."

Without letting Alec reply Trey turns and heads back down the steps. He didn't care if Alec had anything to say he didn't want to listen to it. He just wanted to get back out to Pete and head back to TJY.


"I didn't mean to imply your friend would lie or try to harm himself," Reese quickly explains. "I'm just saying that it's obvious he was mistaken. Alec didn't leave his apartment last night. Perhaps the attacker was someone who you don't even know. Someone who has admired you and thinks you don't have a right to be with anyone else. It's sick, but it happens."

Reese shakes his head. "That's all I can say unless there's more proof, I'm sorry." He could see how upset both siblings where, but there was nothing he could do. His hands were tied as far as Alec was concerned if there was no proof. He felt badly though, wishing he could give them more than this. "There won't be any medical bills for you bringing your friend here, even if Rick wants him to stay or come back for follow-up. That much we can do."

Eli shakes his head in disgust. He was glad for that, especially if Reese felt there was no connection to TJY at all. But it didn't seem to matter. Something was wrong here. He could feel it in his bones. "If I find my proof, you better hope there's something left of Alec for you to actually content with."

"If you find proof, whatever is left of him will be going straight behind bars for severely stepping over the line."

If only. Eli looks to his sister again. Was there anything else they could do here?

Pete looks up at Trey, surprised at the request. Abandoning his computer work, he studies the young man's eyes, wondering at the strange look he saw. There was something going on. Something unsaid. Something between Trey and Alec - which was odd in itself since Alec hadn't been around here lately.

Silent for several moments, Pete turns and picks up his phone. "Susanne? Yeah, I'm stepping out for a few minutes. I'll be back shortly."

After hanging up, he stands, grabbing his car keys. "Well, I don't know what time Alec will be back after working, but we can at least go check it out." Exiting his cubicle, he heads for the door. Questions burned inside of him. His gut warned him to ask Trey more. What if something really was wrong here? What if there was something they should know about? But he swallows the urge to ask. If there ever was a time he wanted to show Trey he was willing to trust him, it was now. To break that would be to break everything he'd worked so hard at the last few days with gaining back Trey's friendship.

Tal moves his face around a little, feeling the tightness of the stitches. He knew as soon as the numbness wore off, it would be hurting pretty badly again. He gives Misty a small nod. "Okay... thanks... for helping."

It took just a few minutes for Rick to take several x-rays, and a few more minutes for him to see the results as Tal laid back down on the table, still on his side.

"A couple ribs are broken..." Rick points to the x-ray, showing Misty. "I was more worried about his back, but it looks like his spine is okay. He's just got some very deep bruising there. Looks like it's all above his kidneys though, so that's good."

Trying to listen, Tal has a hard time not drifting off. He was utterly exhausted. The next thing he knew though was incredible pain in his back and he stifles a groan.

"Easy does it," Rick comforts as he applies liniment to Tal's back. "This is just to help with the bruising and swelling."

Just a feeling

Watching as Hal brought up the information. Watching and listing Ryan's confusion grew. She still was made but she didn't understand. If Alec had been in his apartment why would Tal have said it was him. Looking to her brother she gives a few blinks.

"Tal said it was dark but he said the attacker said "Stay away from Ryan or next time will be worse." and it was Alec's voice. I really don't think Tal would lie about that not to mention those injorys he has can't be self inflicted."

Ryan cross her arms across her chest. She had a gut feeling this was Alec it seemed like something he might do even if there was no proof. Something is wrong, something had malfunctioned. It frustrated her to no end not having an answer though. Ryan could only hope if they wernt going to believe them that it wouldn't happen again.

Coming up from down under Trey walked with the carton of smokes in a bag. He was on his way to find Pete and see if he new any party's that were going to be going on. They were some of the best places to sell the packs he could find.

Turning the corner though Trey comes to a stop seeing he commotion going on by the infirmary and he wondered what it was. Looking down like he was doing something else he listens to what was going on, the accusations, the accused, and the lack of proof and it makes Trey sick. He never wanted to anyone to get hurt but someone had pretty badly by the sound of it an put a little anger in him.

Starting up his rout up again Trey now aimed for Pete's cubicle with a different purpose and reason. He felt mighty rotten and played at the moment and there was only one thing he could think of doing.

"Hey Pete, I need you to do me a favor and trust me enough to not ask any questions. I need you to take me over to Alec's apartment. It's not for anything bad and I am not going to start any trouble I just...have to talk to him about something."

Trey didn't expect Pete to agree with out some answers so if he didn't than he would just walk himself. But a part of him hopped he would. He wasn't sure why this was bother him so much but it was. Maybe it was the worry, anger, and pain that showed on Ryan's face but all Trey new was it wasn't right.

Standing over Tal and trying to be as gentle as She could be Misty stitched up the last cut on his face. Giving him a soft smile it dosnt take her long as this cut was smaller than the others.

"There you go right as rain. Just make sure you keep them cleaned so they don't get infected ok. I think Rich is going to do a few more Xrays and if everything is ok you can go home ok?"