

Looking up at Reese voice Hope gives a smile. Though she still looked weary the little life had sparked in her eyes again and they twinkled. After such a close call even though she was tired Hope new she had a lot to live for still. One of the main things on her mind was seeing Scott or talking to him again. She missed him so much.

"Hey Reese. It's good to see you thank you for coming."

Moving a little and sitting up Hope winces a little bit. Her body hurt from laying in bed for so long. Stiff all over to move really was painful. Oh how she couldn't wait till they let her move about again.

Hearing his comment about sticking around and him going mad a little laugh escapes Hope's lips. Reese had always had a bit of humor in him even if some people though he was hard as stone. Hope had been one of the few to see that soft side and know it was there.

"I don't plan on going anywhere else other than back to work if I still have my job. How is everyone doing?"

Feeling the bed move slightly Karla moves just a little as Kip rolls onto his back. She'd has a pretty good night sleep and only woken up a few times to check on him and see how he was doing.

Shifting a little Karla rolls to her side so she could look at Kip he looked a little better cleaned up than yesterday but still there was that tired look in his eyes. Taking a sniff Karla could smell the breakfast down stairs and her stomach growled. She wouldn't leave Kip though she had promised that.

"I'm only getting up if you are. I don't have anything planned for today. Whatever is being cooked sure does smell good though. How about we get something to eat and than come back up here again to go back to sleep?"

It sounded like a good idea to Karla and she had nothing better to do today. So if staying with Kip was ok with him she would rather do that than be alone.

After giving Justin his food and hearing where the stuff was for the dog Beth wasted no time going to take care of them. Once outside she spent a little time talking to them and throwing a ball that was in the yard back and forth. Smiling and patting them both on the head Beth turns to go back inside.

Getting inside and kicking her shoes off Beth was about to head into the living room till she can hear Justin call her from the bathroom. He must have had to go in there again while she was outside. Moving down the hallway quickly getting to the bathroom. Hesitating for a moment Beth finally opens the door knowing he wouldn't have called her in other wise.

"Justin...are you ok? Do you want me to help you back to the living room?"

Trying to help Justin clean up a little bit Beth than puts and arm over her shoulder and does her best to get him up off the floor. Heading back into the living room Beth puts Justin back on the couch and covers him up once again.

"Want me to get you some more tea and medicine? Think your stomach can handle that?"

Leaning on the counter and seeing the door to the back open Scarlet can just catch a glimpse of Eli. Leaning on the counter her tight jeans with the holes in the knees strech a little and her leather jacket krinkles.

"I see you two slacking off in there! Than again thats normal right? I have a better way you can slack off though and it involves you and me going to lunch and having a make out session after."

The corner of Scarlet's mouth turns up into a grin. She liked giving Eli's friends something to talk about and him getting a ego bust. Not to mention some of the looks from the other people in the room were kind of funny too.