

Kip's eyes remain on his pop for several more moments until he finally looks up at Karla. Sliding his hand across the table, he curls his fingers around hers. "Thanks. That means a lot to me." Things between them had remained on a fairly even keel, and Kip was glad. Though enjoying little bits of romance now and then, they were taking things slowly, and he appreciated it that she didn't mind. There were enough other things moving quickly with him right now, and Karla was one stable factor in his life. 

"This whole stupid thing was my fault," he admits quietly. "The band has a right to be disappointed in me. I just can't seem to get my act together. I'm finally working through things about how my dad's affected me, but I can't seem to hold anything else together. It's like one of those dreams where you run and run but don't ever get to your destination." 

He takes a small sip of his pop, his thumb absentmindedly caressing Karla's hand. "I'm... thinking about quitting. Last time, it was 'cause I was just too scared to try. This time, maybe it's the same thing, I don't know. But I'm holding the band back and I know it." 

Rosalyn smiles as they head back to the hotel. "A date sounds nice." In fact, it gave her heart an extra flutter. They'd spent a little time together at the ranch, but had yet to go on an official date. "If... I can get away again, maybe... tomorrow night?" 

Stopping at the hotel parking lot, she turns to face Chad. "Thank you... for just..." She shrugs. "Being you, I guess. You mean a lot to me and I just wish things were easier." 

A horn honking turns her head and she spots Clint sitting on his bike waiting. She grins a little and waves at him before looking back at Chad. "That means he doesn't want to see us kissing. I better come inside and get my helmet and we can say goodbye there." 

"...it was such a shock, but such a wonderful one. God is good. Please pass this message along to Trey as well.
Love, Mom"

Jason leans back in his chair and lets out the breath he'd been holding. Wow. Wes was alive. Alive and home. Jason was happy, and even happier for his mom and Kaylee. He wished he were there to celebrate with them. But maybe a visit in the near future would suffice.

Printing the email and the picture of Cindy and Kaylee - who appeared to be in a fit of giggles - Jason hesitates. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of Trey since he'd moved out of TJY, and hadn't thought much about him. But he guessed he couldn't blame his mom. But why Trey needed to know all this, he wasn't sure. He couldn't imagine the guy caring much. But... his mom has asked for the message to be passed along, so Jason would respect that.

Finding Pete and giving him the email since he didn't know how to get in touch with Trey himself, Jason then heads back across the main floor. He stops though, before going back down the hall. Thinking a moment, he finally aims towards Katie's cubicle instead. They hadn't been required to interact very much at work lately, which, on one hand was good, and on the other hand, it hadn't helped the awkwardness much. Jason hadn't gone out of his way much to talk to her, but he figured he should at least mention this news to her in case she didn't know. He figured Rosetta had probably been in touch with her, but if not, he'd hate for Katie not to be informed.

"Knock knock." Jason leans on the wall and looks down at her, catching her eye. And for just a split second, his breath is taken away. Clearing his throat, he moves his gaze somewhere else. "I just got an email from my mom. Did you hear about Wes?"

"Yo, Trey." Pete knocks on the apartment door and waits. He was on his lunch break and on his way to see Nikki, but wanted to make sure he didn't forget to deliver the message from Jason.

"Mail call!" he hollers more loudly. When Trey does come to the door, he grins. "Hey. This is for you." He holds up the folded email. "Jason wanted me to give it to you."