
The End

Susanne laughs and nods. "Okay, lets just stay a little while longer." 

Looking around, she spots a nice sunny place at the edge of the pier. Tugging Chuck's hand, she brings him with her, pulling him down to sit on one of the large rocks. It was a perfect place to sit, even with another rock to lean back against. Just wanting to know what it would feel like, she situates herself between Chuck's legs and uses his chest as a backrest, bringing his arms around her waist. Sighing with content, she hopes he doesn't mind... he was awfully comfortable, and from here they could both still look out at the water. Her head leans back against his shoulder and her hands rest on his, her fingers running over his lightly. 

"I used to come here a lot," she mentions quietly. "Either my parents and I would have a picnic, or it would be a church event or something. Usually though, I'd just come out on the pier and sit by myself." Recalling those days, a bit of melancholy settles over her. Yes, she would usually find a secluded spot to be alone, and... most of the time, no one would come looking for her. She'd always concluded that she simply wasn't missed. "Then I'd show back up again right before everything was over and nobody even knew I hadn't participated." 

She chuckles even though it wasn't the best of memories. "I guess that's what I get for being antisocial." More so at the time though, was the feeling that she'd been forgotten. "I got pretty good at never being noticed."

She instinctively pulls Chuck's arms around her a little tighter. Was this what it was like to be wrapped in the arms of someone who cared for her? Someone who might... love her? There were days that thought simply brought warm fuzzies and a smile. There were days that it confused her to no end. And there were days that it was so overwhelming all she could do was cry. It seemed like today happened to be one of those days. 

A tear slips out her eye and trickles down her cheek. Yes, she'd gotten pretty good at never being noticed... until now. And she only hoped that she wasn't living in a fairytale that would come to "the end" too quickly.

Hunter was glad Katie hadn't taken offense at what he'd said. He knew sometimes he didn't communicate very well... especially to a woman. But they seemed to have worked out this little bump alright. 

Smiling a little, he shakes his head. "Naw, I'm... not really all that hungry." He knew he hadn't had any breakfast either, but it was his habit not to eat when he wasn't hungry, and right now, it was the truth. He knew that would bother Katie though. "Maybe I'll just grab an apple later to tide me over until supper." 

He did remain at the table with her though and snitched a couple more fries, but nothing else. A few of the others came over to see how he was and chat a little, but eventually the dining room was quiet except for Katie cleaning. 

Hunter took up a seat by the window to wait and keep her company, while his eyes roamed the outdoors. His nightmares and the day before continued to run through his mind, over and over. And the voice he'd heard. Let go. Why let go? Let go of what? Was it literal or figurative? It had seemed literal in the river, yet if indeed it was a message from God... what else was He trying to tell Hunter? And why here? It seemed the pieces just weren't fitting. And yet at the same time... he couldn't help but wonder if he was being held here for a reason. 


Letting Hunter take another french fry Katie smiles and nods her head in understanding. Having Hunter explain earlier a little to her helped her to understand a little better and she he wasn't mad with her. That was a good thing she would just have to watch how she conveyed her feeling. Sometimes it was still a little hard to do that.

   "I guess sometimes I don't realize when I am doing pushy either. So I guess I will let you know as long as you let me know in the nicest way possible."

Finding his foot under the table Katie rubs her foot along Hunter's. She was happy they could work things out and everything would be ok between them. It was important to her and she really was sorry she seemed pushy to him. 

   "So now, I don't mind sharing my food with you but....would you like your own? I can grab it for you."

As Susanne moves to the side of him Chuck gives a smile and as her hang finds his. Her skin so soft it left goose bumps on his arm. His heart told him he was in the right place and he was never frustrated or angry with Susanne. She was special to him, and he new she was nervous so he would not pray on that. When things were meant to happen they would and he believed that with all his heart.

   "How could I turn that down? You know I love apple pie and i love yours even more because it tastes so good."

Giving Susanne a little squeeze his smiles grows even more. Each day they spent together Chuck new Susanne was trying to get a little better and that was all he asked that at least she tried. Now inviting him over that was a big step in itself and he was proud of her. It made his heart thump so loudly in his chest that he was sure someone would notice.

   "When even your ready to go just let me know or I could stay here for hours."



Raising her face once more, Susanne looks up to find Chuck's eyes. Her own still glistened, still overcome with emotions... like she often was around him. She just didn't understand what he saw in her. She knew one day she'd just have to accept it and stop asking why, but it wasn't easy. 

"I don't think I could tell you I don't want to see you again... I'm just not even sure that's possible." 

Finally letting him go, she moves to stand beside him, her hand sliding down to find his. Looking out across the lake, she breathes deeply the fresh air. It felt good to get out and away from the office. Though getting better about saying "no" to staying late, there were still many an evening she turned Chuck down on a date because of work. This evening though, he'd insisted and she was glad that he had. She really did owe him a lot. He was so very  kind to her, and from her perspective, he gave her far more than she gave him. It didn't seem fair he was always working so hard to win her affections when she was still so hesitant. 

Sighing, she leans her head against his shoulder. "When you take me home... do you want to stay for some apple pie?" It was rare she let him inside at all, and even rarer that she ask him to stay for anything. She did feel incredibly shy asking him, but... if she didn't start working at this, one day he might really get tired of waiting around. Nice or not, he was still human and Susanne didn't want to lose him. 

"Eh... just because I'm moody sometimes doesn't mean I've got a problem." Hunter taps Katie's foot under the table. He knew now she must have felt the sharpness in his tone earlier and he really was sorry. He just hadn't wanted to discuss what he'd been feeling. 

"I know I can talk to you whenever I want," he assures. "And I appreciate that. Just... sometimes there's stuff I really don't wanna talk about 'til I've sorted through it, and I don't do so well with being pressured." He gives Katie a little smile, trying to convey that just because he might not talk about something, it didn't mean anything was wrong or that it had anything to do with her. He was glad she was there and willing to talk to him - it was nice knowing he had her friendship to fall back on. But he didn't like being pushed either. He knew she hadn't meant to this morning, but that's what it had felt like, especially when he hadn't yet said anything to her about his troubled thoughts. 

"But I don't always know when I'm being cranky, so you have my permission to tell me if I am." He steals another fry. "Nicely," he clarifies. "No smacking me upside the head unless I'm really being a jerk, okay?"