
For the right reasons...

Nate's eyes searches Garret's and as he pushed by he stepped as well. He wasn't going to try and stop Garret he just wanted to have him listen. But he wouldn't force him and he wouldn't push his own luck even if he wasn't all the scared of Garret. 

Just watching him walking away Nate studied him. There was so much more to Garret, more than he was willing to show, and more than anyone else could see. He didn't want to see him walk away, he didnt want him to be in he open where it was dangerous. He did care no matter what he did.

Letting out a long sigh and turning to head back to his truck Nate stopped and closed his eyes for a second. He'd made a promise, one he wondered now if he would ever be forgiven for breaking. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't but if he did now would be the best time as ever.

   "You know she still cares about you. Victoria will love you till the day she dies, and though she herself didn't stay, she wants you to be happy and to be ok."

Nate turns slightly playing with his keys in his hand. Even if Victora was in danger she loved Garret enough to risk it anyways. He truly did believe there love was very deep.

   "Since you have been here, and she has left. She had been feeding me information to try and help you. She didnt have to, and we didn't ask her too. She did it herself because she cares. Also she didn't want me to say anything but I figure sometimes breaking the rules is ok, for the right reasons. Anyways, you know where I live if you need me, and hope to see you back at the office soon."

Turning and heading back to his truck again Nate starts walking again. He'd done all he could, and he didnt honestly know what else to do. He just hoped Garret would be a ok and safe. 


Frustration boiled under the surface as Garret listened to Nate. He understood the words, but didn't understand how people out here functioned - outside the Agency. He might as well be on Mars with an alien race. The way these people worked just didn't make sense to him. There was structure, but it was built on what couldn't be seen and he didn't get it. What was the point if he was going to get in trouble no matter whether he told the truth or not? What difference did it make?And how could he trust them when they never would give him the benefit of the doubt anyway?

He was ready to just drop the whole thing, move on and walk away, when Nate stepped in front of him. Stopping short, he stared Nate in the eye, anger flashing in his gaze. No one blocked him like that - no one. His muscles tensed and he stood taller, his hand gripping his backpack strap tightly as his fingers curled into a subtle fist. He was going to reject any more talking, but when Nate's final words hit his ears, he froze.

His grip on his backpack flexed, and he maintained his defensive stance. There was more than anger there now, though. Nate had struck a nerve - a nerve that had been buried years before.

For the longest time, his eyes remained locked on Nate. Even when another car passed, he didn't flinch. Eventually though, he found his voice - which came out with an eerily icy edge. "I came to fight a war, thinking I could win. It was arrogant of me and I see that now." He was a square peg trying to fit in a round hole, and chipping off his corners was too painful. He'd failed at his attempt to be with Victoria, and that's what had driven this entire thing in the first place. Without that, he had no purpose.

"There's no possible way I can fit in here, and I couldn't care less whether anyone thinks they're worried about me." His jaw tightened. "I didn't come here to make friends."

Finally shifting his gaze, he started forward again, shoving past Nate with his shoulder. As he did though, his eye caught a shiny object on the side of the road, half-covered in gravel. He wouldn't normally pause, but something drove him to stop and bend to pick it up. It was a very battered locket - probably lost here weeks ago, according the scuffed silver plating and broken chain. But as the worthless piece of jewelry rested in Garret's palm, all he could see was Cassandra's locket...the one he'd taken off her body...the one he'd given to Victoria that fateful day. He'd been ordered to kill the mother of the woman he loved. And that...that is why he hated the Agency. Hated Medridge. Hated his entire life. His fingers curled around the shiny trinket.

He glanced back over his shoulder to Nate. "I'll come back on my own terms," he commented gruffly. "Leave me be... I want to be alone." Adjusting his backpack, he started forward again, letting the locket fall from his grasp to rest again within its grave of dirt and gravel.

Figured Out

Walking up the drive way Xander took in the ranch. It had been a long time since he was last here. Though somethings where in the exact same spot, a lot had changed and grown. Time never stood still, it always kept going no matter what happened. '

He couldn't help wonder who was still here, how had moved on, who was new and what everyone had been up too. This had been one of his many homes, and it was always be important to him. He cared about the people here, and he did care what happened.

Seeing someone coming down the driveway Xander didn't expect anything less with all that was going on. Drawing closer there was something about the man that he new, He was sure everyone here had changed a little like he had but still there was those little things that never changed. A small smile slipped across his lips as he finally stopped.

   "Mick...It's been a long time."

Back inside Angel nodded her head to Con. She could do her best, and she would be there too the check over Travis and make sure he was alright. Her nerves were shot at this point, and she was worried about everything but hopefully this would all be over soon.

   "I'll be there. I wont leave anyone high and dry."

Thinking for a long moment as Nate walked with Garret He new understood why Garret had killed the Agency man. It made sense and was clear. That is all Reese has asked for was for the truth but it was so hard for Garret. His heart ached for his friend and the whole situation.

   "You really like you have everything figured out don't you?"

Nate stopped for a second collecting his own thoughts. He tried to imagen how it was from Garret's side and as hard as he tried He just couldn't.

   "It's not we don't trust you Garret, you are not trusting us. It's a two way street not just one way. If you had told Reese exactly what you just told me, I can guarantee he would believe you. Sure he might be upset, might tell you next time don't do that. Bring the guy in and we would figure it out. But he would believe you. All he asked for what your reason why and he wanted to the truth. But you didnt trust us enough to do that. We can't trust you, if you can't trust us."

Turning and standing in front of Garret so he couldn't walk anymore Nate looked him in the eye. Some might be scared to do that to Garret but Nate was not.

   "Sure we have rules, we have guidelines we need to follow, and even I have dont agree with them all the time. But they have to be followed none the less. Reese doesn't want you to disappear and neater do I.  I'd rather know you are safe with the Elite, than without the Elite, not to mention I'd rather know my friend is ok in general, than aways wondering."

Waking Beth slowly looked around the room gaining her bearings. For a moment she forgot where she was. But slowly it came back and so did the sadness that followed. If only this all really had been a dream. But it wasn't and everything had been very real.

Slowly slipping out of bed Beth wondered from the room to see where Justin had gone. He said he wouldn't leave her so he had to be somewhere. Wondering to the door and looking out she saw him. Slipping out and sitting down next to him she tucked her arm under his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

There would be much for her to do today. Preparations, cleaning of old things and Sara's room. She would not ready to face any of the stuff but she would have to sooner or late. She was just happy she had Justin to help her though it all and she wouldn't have to be alone.

   "I wonder if the sun will make its appearance today or if the clouds will keep it at bay. I'm not sure what one i'd want more."