

Sitting in the parking lot for fifteen minutes maybe more Sapphire started to get a little worried. Gage has said the night before they would go for lunch and he would be waiting for her when she got out of work. But now there was no sigh of him moving out of the apartment after telling her he would meet her outside.

Knowing she really shouldn't worry Sapphire gets out of her car before making her way up the short steps. Getting to his front door She fishs for the key from her purse before entering the house.

Looking around Sapphire see Gage passed out of the mattress. Going over to him she slowly kneels down next to him. Giving a smile seeing him still in his work clothing and how deep of a sleep he was in Sapphire gives a small shake of her head before gently shaking Gage a little.

"Gage, its me. It's noon, I know your tired though want to meet for dinner instead so you can get some sleep?


Having Beth turn down lunch for a second time, Justin's lips curl just enough to show a wry grin. Strike two.

"Alright... well thanks anyway. I owe you." Opening the door, he pauses as Beth speaks again. Looking back over to her, he chuckles. "Yeah, well... you never know when I might show up. Besides... this isn't really work."

Sliding out of the car, he bends down for a moment, almost as if wanting to say more than he really does. "Take care, Beth. I'll be seeing ya."

Phil smiles a little as he sees Rayne starting to fall back to sleep. "You have a good night too," he replies quietly.

Standing up, he looks down at her for another moment or two before finally exiting the room.

For Gage, the morning didn't come fast enough. He'd thought the roadside service had been tough - that was nothing compared to a night at the lumber mill. Not only was he the newbie, but the work was heavier than he was used to. Without having done anything for so long, it was difficult for him to get back in the groove.

After eleven hours, the walk home felt like a hundred miles instead of just one. But the time he reaches his apartment, his feet are dragging. He was hot, sweaty and totally exhausted. He was supposed to have lunch with Sapphire today so he could tell her about his first night at work, but it would be a miracle if he was even awake.

Kicking off his shoes, he trudges into the living room and flops down on his mattress, still sweaty, still in his work clothes. Every muscle in his body ached. Just turning his head hurt. A hot shower would probably do him good, but it hurt too much to move to even think about going and starting the water.

His eyes start to drift closed. Turning onto his side, he groans. Was he even going to get used to this work? He was still glad to have a job, but new doubts were arising.

Yawning, he closes his eyes and let his head sink into his pillow. Half an hour... that's all... just half an hour. Unfortunately, he didn't set any alarms, and half an hour turns into several hours, bringing him to lunchtime, at which point, he still hadn't moved.


Giving a smile and a short chuckle at Phil's comment about the nurse Rayne gives a small nod. The nurses here were nice but the pretty much stuck to the rules. Not to mention she was feeling a little tired again as the pain meds were starting to take over once more.

"Yeah, they probably would start coming in and complaining soon. We don't want that."

Leaning her head back and letting it sink into the pillow Rayne looks over to see Phil again still. Somewhere inside even though she was tired it was odd but she felt a little sad to see him go. Hearing his last words though about meeting the other band members she new it was time.

"I'll deffintly look you up next time I come to a concert. Thank you again Phil. It was great meeting you...have a good night."

Turning her head back again Rayne closes her eyes again the sleep taking over. Though a smile was still on her lips. A bad situation was turned into a good one after all. God was good indeed!

Once inside with Justin again Beth seemed to ease up a little bit. Most of the nerves seemed to go away, and she was able to relax a little. Spending some time talking with Justin really had helped too. Knowing just a little bit more about his life was nice.

Finally Justin was able to go home and Beth had no problem driving him just happy he would be ok. Helping him back to the car Beth takes it slow knowing he was still a little uneasy on his feet.

It takes no time getting back to his truck almost feeling shorter going back than it had been coming. The ride was pretty quiet but Beth didn't mind she was use to the silence and it didn't frighten her.

Pulling into the parking lot and pulling up next Justin's truck Beth parks the car. Sitting there for a moment and thinking about Justin's question Beth didn't know. She'd spend the day with Justin in the hospital and it had been nice but Beth didn't feel right going to lunch with him.

"Oh, thank you for the offer Justin its very nice of you but it was no trouble at all you don't have to repay me. I was thinking since I was here again anyways I'd go in and see Sarah again. It would probably be nice for her to see me again in one day."

Drumming her fingers on the staring wheel for a moment before turning to Justin to look him in the eyes for a long moment.

"It's gonna be strange not seeing you here tomorrow, but you need to take care of yourself."

A week?

In the few moments that Rayne speaks, Phil feels quite the contrast of emotions. Hearing that her life had been changed quite possibly because of JetStream was a stark reminder of how the small band had the power, through God, to touch lives they might never even know about. To have Rayne say the things she did now was a blessing, and one that made Phil grateful he had come to see her. He treasured her words and made a mental note to tell the others later so they could experience the blessing as well. JetStream was still worth the work.

Then hearing about Rayne's family, Phil's emotions plummet to sympathy and almost sorrow. He and his siblings had been raised in such a loving family that would never disown them, that it was hard for him to fathom parents who wouldn't even care about their daughter anymore. Rayne seemed to have such a sweet spirit about her - how could someone turn their back on that? It wasn't right, and Phil felt badly that it seemed she really did have no one else who would visit her, let alone help her back on her feet after this accident.

He wanted to say he was sorry about her family, but he holds back. Rayne would probably rather move on than dwell on that subject. So instead, he smiles again. "You're welcome."

Cocking his head, he just watches her for a few moments in silence before speaking again. "The nurse will probably come looking for me if I don't let you rest some more. I'm glad you're going to be okay, Rayne." Was this goodbye? It seemed almost sad, even though their meeting had been so brief. But while brief, the evening had been imprinted on their minds forever, and it was hard to simply walk away from something like that.

"Next time you come see a concert, come on backstage and I'll introduce you to the others."

"Nah... I'm not really the one Scott's mad at." Justin leans his head back and closes his eyes again. "Besides, he didn't mean for me to hit my head. A split lip was as bad as his intentions were... he doesn't have a violent nature."

Falling silent, Justin knew he shouldn't have even said that much. Beth not only knew Scott's name, but now knew more about him and Justin could get into trouble for telling her just that much. He figured he could trust her though, so he had no worry.

Arriving at the hospital, Justin was going to resist the wheelchair, but he opts not to argue as he realizes how unsteady on his feet he still was. Getting to the door though with Beth stopping, he looks up at her, squinting a little. He might have been a bit out of it, but he was still lucid enough to see the fear flash in her eyes and hear the discomfort in her voice. Justin's questions about her background rose again, but he doesn't voice them. Instead, he simply nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you inside." Watching her walk away, he's just about ready to get on his own feet when an orderly comes out to help him inside. Resistance really was futile, so he remains seated and begins the agonizing explanations, waiting, more explanations, testing and more waiting. It felt a bit strange having Beth there with him. But she did help pass the time during the waiting periods. Justin winds up filling some of the time with small talk. He could still see discomfort in her eyes, and while trying to concentrate on his own state, he found himself also trying to make her feel more at ease. He tells her of his dogs, about some of his odd jobs and about his mother who had made the sandwiches from the other day.

Meds help his nausea and his headache, and it's confirmed that he did receive a concussion. The doctor theorizes that he must have just hit his head the right way to cause that much damage from such a short fall, though he was confident that rest and a few meds would have Justin back up and running.

"A week?" Justin sits on the table, wincing as he's given a shot. "I can't not work for a week."

The doctor sighs. "That is my recommendation. I can't force you. But any extra movement or heavy work could just prove to worsen your condition. I want you to fill this prescription - it will help with the pain and it will keep down any swelling."

Justin shrugs lamely. "Yeah, alright." He was already feeling better from whatever it was they'd given him. It seemed silly to have to be off work more than a day or two. "Thanks."

Finally being released, Justin hated it that so much time had passed. He'd had things he needed to do today that were now gone down the drain. Walking slowly to Beth's car, he's careful, but not as wobbly as when they'd come. Grateful for a ride back to Brookshire, he slides back into the passenger seat once again.

Glancing over to Beth, he wishes he could show his gratitude somehow. "So.... since I don't have any chicken salad sandwiches on me today... would you at least let me buy you a late lunch for taking all this time out of your day?"


Rayne doesn't take her eyes from Phil as he enters the room and sits down. Giving a chuckle at his comment about the band Rayne moves her head a little as in giving a small nod.

"I've been almost all of your concerts. Listing to your songs, and listing to you guys talk about God it was one of the reasons I recently became a Christan."

Taking in a deep breath Rayne looks away from Phil for a moment as she winces in a little pain but recovers quickly before looking back at him. Thinking about his offer for a moment Rayne new there were people he could call but she didn't know if any of them would really care.

Enter text here."No, I don't think so. It would be very expensive for you to make a wasted call. I doubt my parents would come from Kamchatka to make sure I was ok, or even care to be honest. They weren't to happy when I decided to move to the US. They pretty much disowned me. Thank you though its very kind of you to ask."

It was very kind of Phil to ask about calling and she did appreciate it. Just having someone sitting there was nice, and chatting with him felt nice too. Rayne wasn't sure why she felt so comfortable with Phil maybe it was because they sheared a common faith.

Getting into the car and heading out of the parking lot Beth found it a bit strange to have someone riding with her. It had been a long time since another person had been in the passenger side with her let alone ever.

Hearing Justin's comment though about not being sure if he was grateful or not makes her smirk just a little and shake her head.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about and your welcome, I had nothing else going on today really."

Continuing to drive Beth falls silent again listen to Justin continue to talk. Hearing what he had to say she understood a little better why he didn't want to see anyone there. Keep Scott from getting into trouble was pretty noble of him.

"Thats nice of you not to get Scott in trouble, just watch out I guess. If he did this who knows what would happen if he really got mad ya know? As for them checking your brain and not letting you out....that is a possibility."

Not taking to long to get to the hospital Beth pulls up to the front door of the emergency room and is happy to see a wheel chair sitting on the outside by the doors. Getting the car in park Beth hopes out and goes to grab the chair before coming back to Justin's side.

Getting him situated in the chair Beth starts to push him twords the door. Before going inside Beth hesitates for a moment. She hadnt been inside a hospitle like this in a long time. Just eyeing the doors for a long moment. Looking down at Justin she trys to smile.

"I...I think I need to move my car. Can you make it the rest of the way inside? Once I park...I'll come...in to wait with you."

Just like me

Justin really isn't sure about this whole thing, and his ind seemed to be just a tad lethargic on top of it. Watching Beth walk away, he makes no move to follow until she's come back for him. Whether he wanted to or not, he had to lean on her just a little as his dizziness persists. Not to mention, it didn't look like he had much of a choice in this matter.

Hearing her reprimand, Justin's eyebrows shoot up. "Holy crap, you sound just like me." He smirks a little. "You don't leave much for argument, do you?"

Arriving to her car, he eases down into the passenger seat, managing to at least buckle himself in. As they start forward, he leans his head back and closes his eyes - the only way it seemed he could get a handle on his dizziness and not be so nauseous.

"Sorry about this," he mentions. "I'm not sure whether to be more grateful or embarrassed, but I think I'm both."

Glancing out the corner of his eye, he studies Beth for a moment as she drives. "I didn't want someone at Brookshire to treat me because I don't want them to put any more restraints on my client. It would only make things worse, but they wouldn't understand. So to help him, I can't have a report written up." He pauses, managing a wry grin. "And I figure if they get a look at my brain, they might want to keep me."

Seeing Rayne turn her head and hearing her words, a soft smile appears on Phil's face. He didn't feel like a hero, but being called one had a warm feeling attached to it. Her accent surprises him, but he finds it rather nice to listen to.

Sensing it was allowable for him to enter, Phil moves into the room slowly, easing down into the chair that was a couple feet from the bed. A light chuckle surfaces as she mentions JetStream. "I'm impressed. Most people have never heard of us, let alone recognize us." He nods to confirm that yes, she was right. "My name is Phil... Phil Mitts. They tell me your name is Rayne." He smiles again. "They also tell me you're going to be all right. Is there... anybody I can call to tell them you're here?" He knew the hospital would have already looked into that, but sometimes things like that got delayed and he didn't want that to happen if she had a family who might be worried about her. Her comment though, about having one visitor, made him wonder if perhaps she did not have anybody who would come.

Not a question

Crossing her arms over her stomach as Dr. Hawks and Justin talk Beth's eyes going back and forth between them as they talked. She felt sick herself knowing something was wrong with Justin was the serous and yes he would not see anyone about it. But staying off to the side Beth says nothing as it wasn't her place.

Hearing Dr. Hawks question Beth gives a small nod of her head. She has nothing else to do till about later tonight when she went to work anyways.

"Yeah thats no problem. Come on Justin, I'll drive ya."

Starting to walk twords her car Beth stops turning to look at Justin again. Raising an eyebrow she shakes her head a little. Coming back over to him she throws his arm over her shoulder as she trys to help him walk stably.

"It wasn't a question I'm taking you and if you don't come than I wont ever talk to you again. I don't like associating with people who know they need help and wont get it."

Beth new her voice was maybe a little more rough than normal but its how she felt. Since her parents died she didn't take kindly to people who needed medical help but refused to get it when the outcome of that action was death.

Slowly opening her eyes Rayne could feel someone watching her though she doesn't look twords the door right away. Letting her eyes get use to the dimly lit room she still felt groggy and like she had been run over by a truck.

Finally moving her head slowly to the side twords the door her eyes catch Phil. She didn't know who he was but she remembered his face as he pulled her from her car. He has saved her life, and that was something she would be thankful for always.

Giving a little smile to Phil Rayne's voice was soft, but loud enough he could hear her as he stood by the door. A Russian accent accompany her words as she spoke.

"My hero, thank you for taking the time to stop and get me out of the car, and for coming to make sure I was ok. It's nice to know I got at least one visitor."

Rayne's eyes weren't sad with her comment only tired from everything she had been though along with the twinkle that she really was thankful Phil had saved her. It was a good feeling to know that there were still come people out there willing to help others.

"Mmm...I guess...that explains why your singing voice is so good too. Your from Jetstream...aren't you?"

Maybe he'll listen

Rayne. Phil kind of thought that fit the delicate face he'd seen. And it sounded like she would be okay. That was a relief. "Thank you." He knew the nurse wasn't supposed to have given him that much information, so he appreciated it all the more. Her comment about his brother makes him chuckle. It had been a long time since Kyle had been around here, but he'd left quite the impression... seemed he did wherever he went.

"Don't worry... I think Kyle got all of the hyperactive genes in the family." Clipping the visitor badge to his shirt, he nods. "I won't be long."

Heading down the hall, he finds his way to the room the nurse had indicated. The door was halfway open so he enters just partway, seeing that Rayne's eyes were closed. She appeared to be sleeping and he didn't want to disturb her. Hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets, he leans on the door frame and just watches her for several minutes. The night was over, and it had turned out alright, but he knew he might experience a nightmare or two tonight. Now that his adrenaline was settled down, his mind began to process just how serious the roadside situation had been. What if the car had exploded before he'd gotten the girl out? What if he'd been helping her as it had? She could have died. They both could have died. But God had been watching over them. That brought a nice little slice of peace and comfort.

Phil lets his head rest against the door frame as he studies Rayne's quiet breathing. He wondered if she had anybody else to come see her. Family? A husband? Friends? At least she was safe now. His job was done.

But for some reason, he lingers just a few moments more.

Dr. Hawks looks up quickly as Beth enters his office, having just been ready to respond and surprised she had come without him beckoning. He knew who she was though, and was not upset, especially when hearing why she had come.

"Oh, my." Standing in a hurry, he follows her out of the office. "He said he hit his head on a bench?" That in itself confused him, but it would be better just to see Justin himself. Who knew what had happened.

Arriving in the parking lot, Dr. Hawks recognizes Justin's pickup and immediately goes to him. "Justin.... you all right?"

"Yeah, sure." Justin cringes a little, his face twice as pale as it had been just five minutes prior.

Dr. Hawks glances to Beth, then back to Justin skeptically. "You don't look it."

"You wouldn't look so hot if you'd just thrown up either."

Dr. Hawks' worry increased and he steps closer, looking at Justin's eyes. "What are your other symptoms?"

"I dunno... I got a killer headache and I'm kinda dizzy."

"Beth said you hit a bench."


Dr. Hawks points to his lip. "Did the bench do that too?"

Justin grits his teeth. He would not turn Scott in. "Could be."

"Justin, if Scott-"

"I'm handling it."

Dr. Hawks sighs. "Well at the very least, I'd say Beth is right. I think you've got a concussion. In which case, I want you to come with me right now and see Doctor Brentwood."

"No way. All I want..." Justin stops, putting an arm around himself as his gut twists again. Stumbling around the side of his pickup, he throws up again, his head feeling as if it had just gotten whacked with a sledgehammer.

Dr. Hawks goes to him, guiding him back to the tailgate. "You need medical help, Justin. Please. As your uncle, I'm asking you to come inside."

Justin didn't want to. Not only did he not trust Brentwood, but if treated here, it would come out that this was Scott's fault, and he did not want that. "No."

Dr. Hawks throws up his hands. "I give up. I'm calling an ambulance then and have you taken to the hospital."

"Nuh-uh. I'll drive myself. I'll be fine."

Dr. Hawks, looks over to Beth, apology in his eyes. "I'm sorry... would you be willing to drive him to the hospital? Maybe he'll listen to you more than me."


Looking up from the desk at Phil the nurse gives him a sweet smile. She'd seen Phil in here before and new the charity work he and the band did for the hospital. So in a way the woman didn't mind doing a favor for him this once.

"Good to see you again Phil. The woman brought in's name is Rayne Sidorov. She is stable right now though will be held here for a few days so we can observe her. The accident was bad, and she is lucky she's not dead. God certainly had his hands wrapped around her."

Looking down at Rayne's chart for a moment the nurse thinks. She new she could get in trouble but several times they had tried to get a hold some how of Rayne's family but alas had not been able to and on one came to see the girl.

"She's down in room thirty-four A if you'd like to go see her. No one else has come yet. Just try not to upset her, and don't make to much noise like that brother of yours."

The nurse continues to smile sweetly as she hands Phil a badge to hold onto that said visitor. It would keep anyone from asking questions on why he was here, knowing he had already checked in.

Laying quiet in the bed Rayne moved in and out of sleep, the beeps of differnt equipment to monitor her was the only sound. A large graws bandage was placed in the right hand courner of her head hiding the thirteen stitches she had received. Her right eye was black and blue a little more proof to the puzzle that, that side of her face had more than likely taken the brunt of the hit, a cast was on her left arm as well from the elbow down to her fingers, a broken wrist the damage there. More cuts, and bruises were on other random placed on her body but nothing to major.

Watching Justin as he sat up Beth squinted her eyes a little at him. His eyes held a certain gloss to them, and they moved even though he wasn't making them. It was the first sigh that he was dizzier than he let on.

Seeing Justin's legs almost buckle under him Beth steps around to the tailgate and takes a hold of Justin's arm trying to help support him.

"Whoa, whoa...Your ok my foot. Sit back down."

Her voice was stern but it showed how she was concerned for him. The last thing she wanted was him to try and drive, than maybe have something worse happen to him.

"Yes because me telling your I am taking you, is you making me. I don't think it works like that, but suit yourself. I'll go get Dr. Hawks."

Turning from the truck and heading back inside again Beth made her way to Dr. Hawks office and gives a knock on the door before entering. She new it was wrong to just go in but this was bad and something might have been wrong.

"Dr. Hawk's I am sorry to just barge in like this put you have to come outside with me. Justin said he hit his head on a bench, and he's real dizzy. But it was about an hour and a half ago. He might have a concussion or something."

Beth new that maybe she was over reacting a little bit but she couldn't help it. Since everything happened with her own parents she never handled death well or the thought that someone might die from something.

The morgue

Phil feels a little like he's in a daze as he's asked about the accident. He really didn't know a thing, other than he'd seen the car, stopped, pulled the girl out and called for help. When the policeman leaves, he almost feels left out of the loop, now knowing no more than he had when he'd arrived. Who was the girl? What had really happened? Would she be okay?

Sighing, Phil watches the firemen for a few minutes before heading back to his pickup. Back on the road again, the radio is silent this time. Glancing down, he sees he's got blood on his sleeve, and for a moment, he sees the young woman's face again, and her eyes as she'd looked up at him.

Trying to move past the whole thing, he winds up at a gas station to fill up his truck and grab a snack to eat. Having worked later than normal, supper had been nonexistent and his stomach was reminding him that he better eat something. So after getting gas, he pulls to the side of the parking lot and just sits for a short while, eating a somewhat dry sandwich and downing a bottle of pop.

Once finished though, his mind was still wondering about the girl and if she was okay. It was common for him to be found visiting people in hospitals - him, Jen, Mike, and Kyle before as well. Even Jason got in on it now every once in a while through JetStream's continued Sunshine fund, though usually he couldn't get away from work as much as the others. In the end, it resulted in the small group being quite familiar with the local hospital.

Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, Phil looks out to the dark streets. If he wasn't going to be home right away, he should probably call Kyle. Since he was back now, it was only right so no one worried.

It doesn't take long for him to let Kyle know what was going on, and Phil pulls out from the gas station and heads towards the hospital. His mind would rest easier if he could find out the woman was alright.

Once arriving at the hospital, Phil rolls up his sleeves to hide the bloodstains, not wanting to alarm anybody. He was a bit grimy from work, but it would have to do. Entering by way of the visitor entrance, he wanders over to the nurse's station and leans on the counter, waiting for someone free. A polite smile comes to his lips. "Hi... I'm looking for some information about a young woman who was brought in tonight from a car accident - an ambulance picked her up. I... don't even know her name or anything, but I was the one who found her and... I guess I just wanted to find out if she was okay."

Giving a bit of a start, Justin's eyes fly open an he raises his head a little to see Beth. A wry grin appears. "Sorry - didn't mean to look like I was dead. Though I guess it would be easy transportation for anyone taking me to the morgue."

Not having gained much rest or even succeeding in getting the pain and dizziness to subside, he sits up anyway, trying to shrug the whole thing off. No one need worry, least of all someone he hardly knew, and certainly no one should worry enough to take him to a hospital. Though in the back of his mind, he found it humorous that Beth would suggest taking him somewhere other than right here where there were medics on staff. He wondered amusingly if she could read his mind - he wouldn't want to be caught dead going to a medic in a mental facility.

With both legs now dangling off the tailgate, he takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. "Naw, I'm alright. I just bonked it on a bench shortly before I saw you a while ago. I got a hard enough noggin that it would take more than that to put me out of commission."

Sliding off the bed of the truck, he stands up, though he suddenly finds it quite the task just to stand still and not stagger to the side. The world seems to flip one way then the other and his legs don't seem to jive with his brain for a moment, causing him to grab hold of the tailgate again so he doesn't fall over. "Whoa..." Even he had to admit that this just didn't feel right. A concussion was what was going through his mind, but that was the last thing he needed and not be able work for the next few days.

Justin blinks and tries to shake it off, but he couldn't deny any longer that his head really did hurt and if he hadn't received a concussion, it shouldn't be hurting this much after resting as long as he had. "Um..." Glancing to Beth, he really wasn't sure what to do now, and he was a bit embarrassed. "I guess you could go find Dr. Hawks for me. I don't want to make you drive me anywhere. You've got better things to do."

"But I-"

"No!" Reese slaps his papers down on his desk and turns with the same stern look as he stares Alec down. "I don't know how you've been getting out of here under our radar, but it stops now. I can't have you gallivanting around the city at night loose and unmonitored. If Brown found out, he'd have all our badges!"

Alec crosses his arms, his face wearing a scowl. He'd come back to TJY this morning, only to face a grouchy chief. "I was only at the McKade's - you know that!"

"Uh-huh. All night with a woman. Look, your personal life is your own, but I don't leave the door unlocked so you can go satisfy yourself with a woman and-"

"Oh, get off it," Alec hisses in defense. "Ryan's not that type of girl. Or hadn't you noticed? She'd beat me up herself if I tried anything, and if she didn't, her brother would kill me on the spot."

"I bet that's something new to you."

Alec's scowl remains. Reese might have been right on that one - his relationship with Ryan was just about as opposite as he could get from the ones he'd had with other women, but that wasn't the point here. "You can't keep me locked up in here like an animal! I'm tired of it. I said I'd help you out and I have and I will. But everybody else comes and goes... why not me?"

Reese sighs and shakes his head. "Has it ever occurred to you that you belong in prison? That if it weren't for the Elite, you would have been tried and gone to prison for life, if not received the death sentence yourself?"

"Yeah... yeah, it has." Alec didn't like admitting that one, but he did know good and well how fortunate he was. He hadn't viewed it that way in the beginning... he would have gladly taken any sentence and faced it with as much ire and stubbornness as ever. But now... he was just starting to see what life was really about, and he knew that if he were to go to prison, he'd wind up finding an out, even if it would be taking his own life. He couldn't stand to be locked up. Not there, and not here. "Look, you let me have some free time. Great. And I'm grateful. But what am I supposed to do all day while I'm not needed? I'm sitting in the basement and rotting! How come Gage was let loose, huh?"

Reese's eyes narrow as if to say, "You've got to be kidding me." He shakes his head. "First off, Gage was an Agency baby, not a coldblooded killer. Second, he doesn't have quite the record you do. Third, he has a good attitude. Forth, he was willing to go out and do community service for as long as needed, and now he's doing his best to get a job and get on his own feet. Now... you tell me how that differs from you."

If Alec had ever had a father around, he imagined this kind of tongue-lashing was about the same kind he would have gotten as a kid for acting up. "I'll get a job," he states flatly.

"Got a place to live?"

"N- well, no. But-"

"What if the Elite supplied you with your own place like we did for Gage? Would you keep it up? Prove it's to our advantage to have you loose on the streets?"

Alec's temper had suddenly fizzled as he was faced with this very real decision. He had longed for freedom. Begged for it. Wanted it so badly that he could taste it. Yet now as he stared freedom in the face, there was something about it that evoked fear. He grits his teeth and stands straighter. "Either put me in prison, or set me free."

Reese cocks his head, studying the younger man and trying to come up with the right solution. But what was right? All of these cases... from Gage to Thirteen to Phinox, to Alec... they were all so different, and Reese still believed that each should be treated differently as well. But what was right for Alec? "What about community service?"

"I'll keep coming here," Alec barters. "You threw Gage on street duty because he didn't have any other service to give. You know I can still help you out here. I still got things you want and information you can use. Give me a set number of hours to come in every week and I will. Just give me time to look for my own income and get me a place I can crash until something better comes along."

Reese sighs deeply. He really did want to help Alec. Coldblooded or not, even Alec deserved a second chance. He was a killer. A liar. A thief. But mercy shown to the least of these would not go unseen. "Alright. I'll talk to Brown."


"That's the best I can do, Alec. You know you're on a thin line here - don't push it. I know you want out and I know you want freedom. I want that for you too because I believe you're not really a killer and I don't think you want that life anymore. But if you push too fast, other people aren't going to understand and they'll just be harder on you. Let me talk to Brown and see about getting your case rolling through the system."

Alec thinks it through before nodding. "Why hasn't my case moved to begin with?"

The corner of Reese's mouth twitches. "Why haven't you been as willing to shape up to begin with?"

Alec gives half a sheepish laugh. "Point taken." But as he thought about it, he suddenly saw more than he had before. "You've been the one holding up my case, haven't you? So they wouldn't put me in prison."

Reese nods. "Both you and Gage. Blame it on the system, but most of it was me, yes. I knew that given time, we could find solutions for almost every case. Gage was willing to start over, so it was just a matter of convincing Brown and the Elite board to accept my proposal of a new rehabilitation program. And you... there wasn't much hope there for a while. But I didn't want to give up. So instead of pushing them for a decision, I let them forget about it, while keeping my eye on you."

"And now that I'm not trying to kill anybody, you think it's safe for me to be out and about."

"In a manner of speaking." Reese looks Alec in the eye. "We're not the enemy, Alec. I'm trying to help. But in turn, we need your help too. Give me a little more time and I'll see what I can do."

"And in the meantime?"

"Just stay out of trouble, will you? And go talk to Hal about a cell phone - I need to be able to find you without running all over town."