
A week?

In the few moments that Rayne speaks, Phil feels quite the contrast of emotions. Hearing that her life had been changed quite possibly because of JetStream was a stark reminder of how the small band had the power, through God, to touch lives they might never even know about. To have Rayne say the things she did now was a blessing, and one that made Phil grateful he had come to see her. He treasured her words and made a mental note to tell the others later so they could experience the blessing as well. JetStream was still worth the work.

Then hearing about Rayne's family, Phil's emotions plummet to sympathy and almost sorrow. He and his siblings had been raised in such a loving family that would never disown them, that it was hard for him to fathom parents who wouldn't even care about their daughter anymore. Rayne seemed to have such a sweet spirit about her - how could someone turn their back on that? It wasn't right, and Phil felt badly that it seemed she really did have no one else who would visit her, let alone help her back on her feet after this accident.

He wanted to say he was sorry about her family, but he holds back. Rayne would probably rather move on than dwell on that subject. So instead, he smiles again. "You're welcome."

Cocking his head, he just watches her for a few moments in silence before speaking again. "The nurse will probably come looking for me if I don't let you rest some more. I'm glad you're going to be okay, Rayne." Was this goodbye? It seemed almost sad, even though their meeting had been so brief. But while brief, the evening had been imprinted on their minds forever, and it was hard to simply walk away from something like that.

"Next time you come see a concert, come on backstage and I'll introduce you to the others."

"Nah... I'm not really the one Scott's mad at." Justin leans his head back and closes his eyes again. "Besides, he didn't mean for me to hit my head. A split lip was as bad as his intentions were... he doesn't have a violent nature."

Falling silent, Justin knew he shouldn't have even said that much. Beth not only knew Scott's name, but now knew more about him and Justin could get into trouble for telling her just that much. He figured he could trust her though, so he had no worry.

Arriving at the hospital, Justin was going to resist the wheelchair, but he opts not to argue as he realizes how unsteady on his feet he still was. Getting to the door though with Beth stopping, he looks up at her, squinting a little. He might have been a bit out of it, but he was still lucid enough to see the fear flash in her eyes and hear the discomfort in her voice. Justin's questions about her background rose again, but he doesn't voice them. Instead, he simply nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you inside." Watching her walk away, he's just about ready to get on his own feet when an orderly comes out to help him inside. Resistance really was futile, so he remains seated and begins the agonizing explanations, waiting, more explanations, testing and more waiting. It felt a bit strange having Beth there with him. But she did help pass the time during the waiting periods. Justin winds up filling some of the time with small talk. He could still see discomfort in her eyes, and while trying to concentrate on his own state, he found himself also trying to make her feel more at ease. He tells her of his dogs, about some of his odd jobs and about his mother who had made the sandwiches from the other day.

Meds help his nausea and his headache, and it's confirmed that he did receive a concussion. The doctor theorizes that he must have just hit his head the right way to cause that much damage from such a short fall, though he was confident that rest and a few meds would have Justin back up and running.

"A week?" Justin sits on the table, wincing as he's given a shot. "I can't not work for a week."

The doctor sighs. "That is my recommendation. I can't force you. But any extra movement or heavy work could just prove to worsen your condition. I want you to fill this prescription - it will help with the pain and it will keep down any swelling."

Justin shrugs lamely. "Yeah, alright." He was already feeling better from whatever it was they'd given him. It seemed silly to have to be off work more than a day or two. "Thanks."

Finally being released, Justin hated it that so much time had passed. He'd had things he needed to do today that were now gone down the drain. Walking slowly to Beth's car, he's careful, but not as wobbly as when they'd come. Grateful for a ride back to Brookshire, he slides back into the passenger seat once again.

Glancing over to Beth, he wishes he could show his gratitude somehow. "So.... since I don't have any chicken salad sandwiches on me today... would you at least let me buy you a late lunch for taking all this time out of your day?"

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