
Maybe he'll listen

Rayne. Phil kind of thought that fit the delicate face he'd seen. And it sounded like she would be okay. That was a relief. "Thank you." He knew the nurse wasn't supposed to have given him that much information, so he appreciated it all the more. Her comment about his brother makes him chuckle. It had been a long time since Kyle had been around here, but he'd left quite the impression... seemed he did wherever he went.

"Don't worry... I think Kyle got all of the hyperactive genes in the family." Clipping the visitor badge to his shirt, he nods. "I won't be long."

Heading down the hall, he finds his way to the room the nurse had indicated. The door was halfway open so he enters just partway, seeing that Rayne's eyes were closed. She appeared to be sleeping and he didn't want to disturb her. Hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets, he leans on the door frame and just watches her for several minutes. The night was over, and it had turned out alright, but he knew he might experience a nightmare or two tonight. Now that his adrenaline was settled down, his mind began to process just how serious the roadside situation had been. What if the car had exploded before he'd gotten the girl out? What if he'd been helping her as it had? She could have died. They both could have died. But God had been watching over them. That brought a nice little slice of peace and comfort.

Phil lets his head rest against the door frame as he studies Rayne's quiet breathing. He wondered if she had anybody else to come see her. Family? A husband? Friends? At least she was safe now. His job was done.

But for some reason, he lingers just a few moments more.

Dr. Hawks looks up quickly as Beth enters his office, having just been ready to respond and surprised she had come without him beckoning. He knew who she was though, and was not upset, especially when hearing why she had come.

"Oh, my." Standing in a hurry, he follows her out of the office. "He said he hit his head on a bench?" That in itself confused him, but it would be better just to see Justin himself. Who knew what had happened.

Arriving in the parking lot, Dr. Hawks recognizes Justin's pickup and immediately goes to him. "Justin.... you all right?"

"Yeah, sure." Justin cringes a little, his face twice as pale as it had been just five minutes prior.

Dr. Hawks glances to Beth, then back to Justin skeptically. "You don't look it."

"You wouldn't look so hot if you'd just thrown up either."

Dr. Hawks' worry increased and he steps closer, looking at Justin's eyes. "What are your other symptoms?"

"I dunno... I got a killer headache and I'm kinda dizzy."

"Beth said you hit a bench."


Dr. Hawks points to his lip. "Did the bench do that too?"

Justin grits his teeth. He would not turn Scott in. "Could be."

"Justin, if Scott-"

"I'm handling it."

Dr. Hawks sighs. "Well at the very least, I'd say Beth is right. I think you've got a concussion. In which case, I want you to come with me right now and see Doctor Brentwood."

"No way. All I want..." Justin stops, putting an arm around himself as his gut twists again. Stumbling around the side of his pickup, he throws up again, his head feeling as if it had just gotten whacked with a sledgehammer.

Dr. Hawks goes to him, guiding him back to the tailgate. "You need medical help, Justin. Please. As your uncle, I'm asking you to come inside."

Justin didn't want to. Not only did he not trust Brentwood, but if treated here, it would come out that this was Scott's fault, and he did not want that. "No."

Dr. Hawks throws up his hands. "I give up. I'm calling an ambulance then and have you taken to the hospital."

"Nuh-uh. I'll drive myself. I'll be fine."

Dr. Hawks, looks over to Beth, apology in his eyes. "I'm sorry... would you be willing to drive him to the hospital? Maybe he'll listen to you more than me."

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