
In order

Getting her ice cream Karla was happy that at least he got something to drink. It made her feel like a little less of a pig for wanting something to eat herself at the hour it was. Sitting across form Kip Karla just watches him for a long while not saying anything. She wasn't sure what to say really but felt like she should say something.

   "You know, no matter what you end up doing I'll stand behind you. I just though I would let you know that. With everything going on I didn't want you to think I'd let you face this alone."

Licking her ice cream again it was simple words but Karla new that would hold a deep meaning to Kip. They had both helped each other through so much she wasn't about to leave him to hang now. He'd become so much to her and an important part of her life.

Keeping his arm around Rosalyn Chad didn't mind how low or fast they went. It also didn't bother him that once they were on the main road some people stopped to look. Let them look, he had a pretty lady under his arm and he liked it that way.

Coming to a stop across from the pawn shop Rosalyn Chad looks across the street as his eyes follow her brother. It did seem odd that he was coming out of a pawn shop. What business did he have there? Chad wasn't sure but really it was non of his never mind anyways.

   "Maybe he had some old stuff he need to get rid of."

Giving a shrug and continuing forward with Rosalyn back to the hotel. He didn't want there time to end yet but he new she would have to go soon. He did want to tell Clint thank you as well. He thought it was really cool of him to bring Rosalyn out here with him. Maybe if her father didn't like him it made him feel good that her brother did. It was a bit of acceptance and it did make him feel good.

   "I am really glad I got to see you today. You brighten my day and it makes me feel complete, so think you. I hope I can see you again too before I go. I still need to take you out to a nice dinner. A real date is definitely in order for you."