
Messy Shop

Startled by Wes' voice, Clint spins around. He'd thought he was still alone. A smile automatically comes to his lips though. "Yeah, well... that's not to say I didn't start a few fires myself," he teases.

Seeing Wes fiddle with the engine, Clint's smile remains. It suddenly felt like old times again. Wandering a little closer, he continues to try and clean grease off his hands. It felt good to hear that Wes had been looking forward to seeing him - it was a feeling Clint had missed.

Wes' question is left in silence for a few moments as Clint reaches in the engine and fixes a loose wire. "What gave you the idea things were rough?" He turns full-face to his uncle, putting his black eye in plain view for the first time. "The messy shop or my shiner?"

Giving him a wry grin, he shakes his head. "It's good to have you back, Wes. Handling the shop on my own hasn't been nearly as much fun."

Jason chuckles as he heads out of TJY. "Okay. I gotta run home and let Trooper out, then I'll be over. Keep the couch warm." He was rather glad that Alec had finally moved into his shed... that just gave him and Misty more freedom to take over the couch. 

It didn't take him too long to go home then over to Misty's, and ice cream was more to stay awake than anything else. Once the movie was under way though, it was awfully hard not to get too comfortable. And once getting too comfortable, it was awfully hard to stay awake at all. 

By the time the credits were rolling, Jason was barely awake. Lying on his side on the couch with Misty tucked in front of him, he sighs deeply. Nestling a little deeper into the couch, his arm tightens slightly around her waist. "Do I have to get up?" he mumbles. "I think my body died."

"Shoot, I'm always up for coffee with you." Hunter grins as he stops his car at a red light. "You're timing is good anyway. I've had quite the evening and am already on my way across town. Meet you there." 

Since he was already driving, he makes it to the coffee shop first. Deciding to wait outside, he takes up a perch on the hood of his car, keeping a lookout for Katie.

Lydia nods slowly, softly running her fingers through Jared's matted hair. "When he was a boy, he was so full of life and energy." She smiles at the memories. "Always such a mind of his own. When he had an idea or wanted to do something, there was no stopping him. I only wish he would have put his energy towards the good things in life." She sighs deeply. "He has been through so much lately. I hope it is not too late for him to find real happiness." 

Was it? Lydia didn't know. She just wanted to see her son pull through this and be healthy and happy. She wanted him to take advantage of his second chance to live life the right way. But that would be up to him and no one else. Would he make the right decisions now? Lydia could only pray he would. 

Jared continued to drift in and out of sleep the rest of the day, never really being fully aware of what was going on around him. The next day he started showing signs of improvement, but still slept most of the time with so little energy, he wasn't even bored. Finally though, the day after that, his body began to recover. Though still tired, his fever was down, and his mind was clear enough to complain to the nurses about being cooped up.

Sitting up in bed, he flips through television channels, finally landing on an old black and white movie to fill the silence. It looked like a nice day out... at least there was a little sunshine coming in through the cracks around the drawn curtains. It was hard to be too enthusiastic though. His shoulder hurt, and his back was stiff from lack of movement. He wished he could go home, but the doctor said he'd be here at least another day until they were sure the infection really was being defeated. 

Sinking his head back into his pillow, he stares numbly at the television. He wondered if anyone would visit today. He sort of remembered people being in and out during the last couple days, but he was pretty foggy on the details. He knew his mother had been there... had Grace? He thought she maybe had been too. She really was an amazing woman. It was too bad he was such a scumbag. 


Seeing Lydia come in Grace smiles. She was happy she made it ok, and than she would be able to spend a little time with Jared while he was here. Grace new how worried Lydia got when it came to her kids so to put her mind at ease was important for her own health.

   "He was awake a little bit when I got here, and has been in an our but no more than a few seconds. The nurses have been in and its pretty normal they said since his infection was so bad. It's better for him to sleep so his body can try and heal than move around to much and use his energy."

Giving a smile and looking up at Lydia Grace tried to look as confidant as she could. Jared was in good hands and would be ok, but the matter that was spoken of earlier was heavy on her mind. She didn't want to worry Lydia anymore than she already was right so so it would go unspoken but still that didn't mean she wasn't thinking of it.

Laying on the couch with the tv on in the background Misty holds the phone to her ear. She new Jason had been busy all day and she was doing her best to stay awake not to hear form him. Finally getting the call she did her best not to fall asleep on the phone with him. Though that wouldn't keep her from seeing him tonight anyways.

   "Mmmm...if you think you can keep me awake your more than welcome to come over. I would never say no to seeing you."

It was the truth too. Misty loved spending time with Jason no matter what they were doing. Even if they did pass out on the couch together, the key word she loved was together. And being with, and around Jason just felt so safe, comfortable, and warm. 

Getting Hunter's note Katie gives a smile shaking her head a little bit. It had been a long day and coming back to Hunters note was nice and Katie was happy he'd left it. Pulling out her phone and dialing his number Katie waits for him to answer.

   "Hey sorry it's so late we just got back. If your still up or coffee I could use some myself. Meet you at the coffee shope in fifteen?"

Getting to see everyone again had been nice, fellowship was great, and the food...oh how he has missed the ranch food. Though he didn't want to make a big deal he was kind of happy they had. It was just a nice time all in all. Now as everything was winding down Cindy had gone home to put Kaylee to bed and Wes had stayed back at the ranch just for a little while longer.

Passing by the shop and seeing a light on Wes was happy to see Clint was awake. He wanted to talk to him more tonight as dinner but it had been hard with seeing everyone else and Clint seemed to keep his distance. Maybe there was just so many people he thought it better but Wes couldn't help but sense something else.

Entering then shop and taking a deep breath the smell of oil and rubber hit his nose. It was one of the many smells he had missed. There was just something about being here in the shop again he liked. Standing a little ways  away and watching Clint Wes cocks his head just watching. Taking his nephew in, and seeing how much he'd grown in the time he'd been gone. 

   "Well it looks like you have taken good care of the shop. I sure am happy I left it in your hands and noe someone else who probable would of set it on fire."

Coming more and coming around to the front of the car Clint had been working on. Leaning against the car and looking at everything Wes reaches in and fiddles with a few things. Working on a car was like riding a bike really you never forgot how to do it.

  "I was happy to see you awake still, I think out of everyone next to my wife and child I wanted to talk to you the most. How have you been? Looks like things have been a little rough."