
Never made it home

Startled at his computer, Chance shuts his laptop quickly and swivels in his chair. Seeing Destiny, the corners of his mouth quirk in a very peculiar manner.

"Tea... is always good." He nods. "Thank you."

Turning his attention back to the desk, he scratches the back of his head and stares at nothing, suddenly feeling much like laughing. However, not knowing if Destiny thought any of this was funny or not, he had no idea if laughing would be a good idea or if it would juts make thing worse. Regardless, it was very hard to keep it in.

Justin nods to Beth, really not minding what she did. He was here to catch his supper - nothing more. He did hope she wasn't just forcing herself to stay here though. He wanted this to be at least a halfway good experience so she'd continue to trust him.

Letting her have her space, he sets to work, taking one pole with a bobber and hooking a worm to it. Casting out a ways into the pond, the bobber lands on the water with a delighted plunk, settling on the little ripples to wait for any passing fish. Justin sets that pole down on the ground to let it sit. Next, he takes a different pole a little longer and fastens a fake lure to it. This one he would cast and reel... cast and reel. The rhythm he picks up is almost mesmerizing and for a while, he just stands along the edge of the pond, casting and reeling, remaining quiet, while the dogs root around in the brush some fifty yards away.

Inch by slow inch, Justin wanders just a little closer to Beth, still not crowding, but at least eventually within talking distance. A bite on his line though, delays what he was about to say. Setting the hook, he fights with a fish for a couple minutes, his pole bending and his line buzzing. Finally getting it close to shore, he produces a nice-sized bass, pleased with the catch. After unhooking it, he retrieves his stringer and slips it through the fish's gills before letting him be back in the water again and fastening the stringer to a nearby rock.

Back to his position, he casts again, hoping for another bass. Waiting a few more minutes, he finally speaks, but keeps his eyes out on the water. "Not to many people come back here... the property belongs to my mother's brother but it's rare anyone else comes. He lets me fish here and I come and weed whack every once in a while to keep it clean."

He pauses to cast again. "When I was a kid, I remember coming here once for a picnic. Didn't have any fishing gear with us though, but I thought it would be a perfect spot. My dad would take me fishing at a creek nearer our house - this was just far enough away that it felt out of reach."

Reeling in his line, he has to remove some moss before casting again. "When I was nine, my dad finally promised that when I turned ten, he and I would come up here for a weekend. I got so excited. We picked out a new tent, got our gear all ready to go - I even wanted to pack the food early, but thankfully my mom stopped me, seeing as though it was as month ahead of time."

Justin grins a little at the memory, reeling and casting once more. "My birthday was mid-week that year, so it came and went and I had to wait until the weekend. My dad left for work on Friday and said he'd be home early that day so we could finish packing and head up here."

His lure plunks in the water and he reels it slowly. "He never made it home that day. There was a car accident and he died instantly."

Pausing, Justin retrieves his lure and picks some more moss from it. Everyone had pain in their past. Some was more tragic than others. Some lasted longer than others. But everyone dealt with pain on some level almost every day. Even him.

"Took me ten years to ever come back here," he admits, casting once more. "I blamed myself for a while - figured if he hadn't been coming home early for me, he wouldn't have gotten in that wreck."

Another pause comes as he tries to set the hook but misses whatever had almost taken his lure. "Finally did come though and it's become one of my favorite spots. So quite... peaceful. It's where I can clear my mind and just... be."

Lapsing into silence again, he didn't really expect much of a response from Beth. He'd simply wanted to share the story with her just so she would know him a little better.


Seeing how awkward Chance was acting it just made Destiny blush even more. This whole things had turned into one big mess over a little mouse. If it hadn't of been in the closet it wouldn't have startled her to begin with. Now it just seemed all silly.

Still holding the towel around her Destiny new her face was still quiet red. Watching Chance as he took the mouse out of the bathroom she continues to look at the door standing there while it was closed. Was this something they would be able to laugh at later or would it cause an awkward tension.

Finally snapping out of her own thought Destiny moves quickly to get dressed in her jean shorts, and a tank top, pulling her hair back in a pony tail. Once finished Destiny makes her way from the bathroom to her own room putting her towel in the laundry to day.

Hesitating a moment before going into the living room again Destiny gives a little shake of her head. This was rediculace, they were both adults and it had been a simple accident.

Finally leaving her room and going into the living room Destiny gives a little smile and clears her throat trying not to let her cheeks get red again.

"Hey, I'm gonna make some tea before we watch the movie would you like some too?"

Following Justin's car Beth had no problems on the road. She pretty much new where she was though some roads farther out she had never been on. Giving time in her car alone Beth's mind ran in many different directions her nerves still growing a little.

Wondering where the pond was as they pulled over Beth sits in the car for a long moment. She didn't see a pond and it made her worry but seeing he was getting his fishing stuff Beth could only think there had to be a pond some where.

Getting out of the truck and walking twords Justin cautiously Beth follows him and the dogs through the little path. Coming out into the clearing and seeing the pond Beth is silent for a long moment as her eyes sweep the area. Taking in everything, where everything was, what was around them she than takes in how pretty it looked. The warm sun, the glissing water, and the soft sounds of nature.

Looking to Justin and all the gear he had Beth gave a little shake of her head. She didn't know how to fish and she wasnt to sure about trying. Maybe she would just let Justin.

"I'll...just sit and watch you. It is pretty here."

Beth takes a few more steps forward though swinging wide around Justin. This was his territory and it made her a little uncomfortable so keeping a little distance was ok, at least she was trying. Finding a nice grassy spot by the water but not to close Beth sits down and looks out at the glissing water.


Only when Destiny goes for the towel does it suddenly don on Chance that she'd been standing there without all her clothes on. Her red face and her stumbling over her words proves there was no real danger, and his own face starts to turn hot. His eyes were still wide and he blinks, trying not to stare at her now as he uncocks his gun and looks around the floor.

"Oh, um... mouse... uh... right..." His eyes bounce around the bathroom and he tries to turn his back a little towards Destiny, but at the same time spots the mouse in the corner.

"Um, we'll just... here... um..." He sidles past Destiny, still trying to keep his face turned and grabs the only rodent weapon in the bathroom - the toilet plunger. "I'll just... corner him... and... right... just like this..."

A horrible ruckus ensues in the corner, along with a little squeal from the mouse, but in the end, it has become trapped under the cup of the plunger where he receives a quick death by a forceful blow... plunge.

Chance peeks under the plunger to make sure the mouse is dead, then looks back to Destiny, forgetting for a moment that she's in a towel still. Looking away again, his face is still red. "He's dead, we're good... I'll just take him out... and... um..." He shovels the mouse out of the bathroom as he backs out as well. "Uh... yes. Right. We're good now, so I'll... yeah." Turning around quickly, he shuts the door again, and just stands for a moment, staring at the wall.

It takes him several moments to come out of his own shock before he can go dispose of the mouse and wait in the living room again.

Justin waits patiently for Beth, not minding the quiet, air-conditioned lobby. Joined by Beth again, he grins and shakes his head. "It's really just a pond but... it's worth the drive. Come on. I'll be sure to drive so you don't have trouble following me."

And he did. There were several back roads that needed to be driven to get to the fishing hole so Justin drives carefully, keeping an eye on his rearview mirror to make sure Beth was still behind him.

About half an hour later, he pulls off the road into a smooth grassy lot, easy enough for a smaller car to drive through it too. Parking near a stand of trees, he gets out, letting the dogs out too, free to run without leashes. Sticking around his pickup to gather the poles and tackle from the bed of his truck, he gives Beth her space, not wanting to frighten her by bringing her out into the boonies alone with him.

There was no pond in sight, but Justin smiles, equipment in hand. "Come on. I got a secret passageway." Leading the way to the trees, there's a narrow parting of the underbrush, hardly noticeable unless one is up close. Justin disappears through it and waits for Beth to emerge with him on the other side. And on the other side is a beautiful, serene pond, surrounded by the trees. Sunlight bounced off the water and birds chirped in the treetops. A frog croaks nearby and something splashes - another frog or a fish perhaps. Reeds click gently in the breeze and the smell of fresh water and moss drifts on the air.

Danitza and Zora take off running through the grass, giving a bark and finding something to chase or sniff out, familiar with this territory. Stopping a ways from the water, Justin turns to Beth, still smiling. "Welcome to my haven. I got a pole if you want, or, there's a nice big rock over there that's nice for just sitting and enjoying the scenery."

Five shades

As the door is kicked in Destiny gives another jump as her attachen was still on the closet. Turning though and seeing Chance burst in Destiny's own eyes go wide as she screams again from pure shock and seeing his gun drawn.

Realizing though what was going on because of her scream Destiny could feel the color instantly come to her face in at least five different shades of red. Fumbaling around for a moment Destiny finally grabs a towel and throws it around herself.

"It...it was a....it was a mouse that jumped out of the linen closet at me...I...it shocked me because I..I didn't know what it was."

Destiny's face was still a bright color as Chance had just seen her in her most vulnerable moment. She was thankful he had come fast in case there was danger, but she was embarrassed too.


Still sitting at the desk, Chance is still typing on his laptop. As Destiny's scream echoes through the house though, he is on his feet in an instant. His blood runs cold as his handgun is immediately in his grasp. Sprinting from the desk, he vaults over the couch and races down the hall, his adrenaline pumping. "Destiny?!"

Skidding through her bedroom and seeing the closed bathroom door, he knew she'd been showering and there was a window in the bathroom. It was small, but an Agency man didn't need much.

With no hesitation, Chance's foot goes to the door. It bursts open, his gun at an upward angle, safe but ready to fire if need be. Seeing Destiny standing in the bathroom, his eyes go wide, not yet seeing the danger. "You okay? What is it? What happened?"

Line Closet

Still holding Sarah's hand while Justin talked to her Beth gave a small smile. She had a feeling he wouldn't act strangely around Sarah and it was nice to know her feeling had been right. Looking down as Danitza as she sniffed Sarah's hand Beth just watched her. But Sarah's expression did not changing and she hardly moved except a slight twitch of her fingers where the dog had sniffed her.

"Ok, lets get you back to your room and comfortable ok?"

Giving a nod to Justin that he would be in the lobby Beth starts forward again with Sarah walking at a slower pace. Talking with her softly along the way.

It doesn't take long for Beth get her sister settled before she was back in the lobby where Justin and the two dogs were. Still quite a it nervous Beth stops for a moment just watching them both. Should she really be going? Now she was having second thoughts.

Pushing them away though Beth gives a swallow before finishing making her course to where Justin was. Putting her hands in her jacket pocket she gives a slight nod.

"Ok, I'm ready. I'll just follow you to the lake."

Once home and inside Destiny waits for Chance to make sure everything was ok. Taking the movie and putting it on the coffee table Destiny lets out a long sigh and gives a stretch. She always got tired after she went swimming but maybe once a shower was taken she would be awake again. She had to stay awake, after all there was a movie to be watched and cuddling to happen.

Heading into her bedroom first Destiny gathers a few things together before she heads into the bathroom. Not to long after the door is shut the water was running. Just enjoying the warmth of the water and feeling of being clean Destiny stays in the shower a little longer than normal till finally the water is shut off.

Getting out and slipping her underclothes on Destiny lets her hair stay down as she runs a brush though it. Going back to the bathtub and making sure all the soap down the drain as to not leave any nasty scum marks.

Hearing a noise though Destiny stops for a moment. Had that noise been in the other room where Chance was or did it come from the linen closet that was in the bathroom. Slowing going to the closet Destiny could feel her heart rate pick up a few paces. Reaching out she goes to open the door slowly a blood curdling scream ringing through the air.


Justin takes in the scene with Beth and Sarah, now understanding so much more than he would have, had he not found out about the past. He wondered if Beth knew he had discovered it, if she would be upset.

Smiling as she approaches with Sarah, he nods and looks to Sarah's eyes, even though her expression was blank. Many people might look away or not know how to act, but Justin took it in stride. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Sarah. You're sure looking pretty today."

Danitza sniffs a little closer to Sarah as if sensing something was different about her. Justin keeps a tight leash on her though, not knowing if a cold, wet nose would scare Sarah or not. He nods to Beth, perfectly content with waiting for her. "I'll meet you out in the lobby."

Chance grins and shrugs at him picking the movie. "Okay. But you gotta at least help."

Before they knew it, they were back at the safe house. Chance scans the surroundings, then the interior of the house, giving it a quick once-over before he's satisfied everything is clear. Locking the door again, he sheds his shoes, heading down the hall. "I'm taking a quick shower too," he calls over his shoulder. Spending any time at that end of the house was quick - he didn't like being taken off guard with anybody approaching the front door.

As intended, it only takes him fifteen minutes to be showered and dressed again, sitting at the desk in the corner of the living room. Typing in a chat box, he converses back and forth, waiting for Destiny to be through with her shower as well.