
Line Closet

Still holding Sarah's hand while Justin talked to her Beth gave a small smile. She had a feeling he wouldn't act strangely around Sarah and it was nice to know her feeling had been right. Looking down as Danitza as she sniffed Sarah's hand Beth just watched her. But Sarah's expression did not changing and she hardly moved except a slight twitch of her fingers where the dog had sniffed her.

"Ok, lets get you back to your room and comfortable ok?"

Giving a nod to Justin that he would be in the lobby Beth starts forward again with Sarah walking at a slower pace. Talking with her softly along the way.

It doesn't take long for Beth get her sister settled before she was back in the lobby where Justin and the two dogs were. Still quite a it nervous Beth stops for a moment just watching them both. Should she really be going? Now she was having second thoughts.

Pushing them away though Beth gives a swallow before finishing making her course to where Justin was. Putting her hands in her jacket pocket she gives a slight nod.

"Ok, I'm ready. I'll just follow you to the lake."

Once home and inside Destiny waits for Chance to make sure everything was ok. Taking the movie and putting it on the coffee table Destiny lets out a long sigh and gives a stretch. She always got tired after she went swimming but maybe once a shower was taken she would be awake again. She had to stay awake, after all there was a movie to be watched and cuddling to happen.

Heading into her bedroom first Destiny gathers a few things together before she heads into the bathroom. Not to long after the door is shut the water was running. Just enjoying the warmth of the water and feeling of being clean Destiny stays in the shower a little longer than normal till finally the water is shut off.

Getting out and slipping her underclothes on Destiny lets her hair stay down as she runs a brush though it. Going back to the bathtub and making sure all the soap down the drain as to not leave any nasty scum marks.

Hearing a noise though Destiny stops for a moment. Had that noise been in the other room where Chance was or did it come from the linen closet that was in the bathroom. Slowing going to the closet Destiny could feel her heart rate pick up a few paces. Reaching out she goes to open the door slowly a blood curdling scream ringing through the air.

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