

Alice looks to Kyle with a slight grin on her face. Though on the inside she was bursting herself with a lot of excitement on the inside. Doing her best to contain it though as the bands reporter she manages it. She had to look perfectionist herself, armed with Kyle in one hand and her paper and pen in the other she was ready.

Giving His hand a squeeze and a small nod she lets him know she was ready too. She was proud of Kyle, and the band this was big for them all and it had been a long time coming.

Bringing her hand up to hold Kip's as he slung his arm over her shoulder Karla leans into him a little bit. She was excited about being here and happy she was not the only one. Just having the title as manager made her even more excited for her, and knowing she would help with paper work it made her feel good. Though she was a little quieter than the others if someone looked close at her eyes they could see the twinkle that showed she was excited and happy.

Coming in and sitting down on the bed with Scott Sapphire could see the look in his eyes about how real the dream really had been to him. Reaching out and taking his hand Sapphire holds it for a moment before bringing it to her face, than her arm, and than her leg before just holding it in her own again.

"See, I'm real, I'm ok and they did nothing to me and I don't mind you called me."

Taking the bag she had sent on the bed for a second she gives it to Scott with a smile. Inside was some Mountain Dew, Jerky, and some music he liked along with a cd player. It wasn't much but she would at least bring her brother a little comfort.

"I'll always love you, and I'll always want you part of my life. I was just waiting for you to be ready because I didn't want to keep pulling while you were pulling because sooner or later our tie would of broke and than we would of been left with nothing and thats not what I wanted. I love you to much to let that happen Scott, so I gave in and was waiting for you."

Sapphire gives a smile and a small squeeze to Scott hand. Her eyes twinkled a little showing she really meant what she said. Scott would always be important to her no matter what happened.

Giving a grin Ryan keeps her head close to Alec's returning his kiss as he talked, and giving a small one to his cheek, and than his nose before his lips again.

"I still have the laundry I did for him in the basket in my room. I'll grab you a shirt and your more than welcome to use the shower here. We have enough water to go around."

Letting her lips pretty to his again with a little more passion this time Ryan lets it linger for a long moment before pulling away again and rolling off the couch.

"I'll be right back."

Going to her room and grabbing one of Eli's shirts from her basket of clean cloths and a fresh towel for Alec before returning to the living room again.

"Here you go. I doubt Eli will even notice I let you use it. You take your shower and I'll call into work than we can high tail it out of here."

Never calmly

Alec sighs deeply, wishing Ryan hadn't woken up yet. It just meant that the day had to start whether he wanted it to or not. As she turns around to face him, he keeps his arm draped around her. It was a little tight fitting them both on the couch like this, but he didn't mind. He rather liked it that way.

Grinning at her suggestion of playing hooky, he shrugs. "Sure." Kissing her lips lightly, his eyes twinkle. "If your brother can loan me a clean shirt and I can beg a shower off you guys."

Searching Ryan's eyes, it's evident that he really is serious. "Reese is gonna be busy with Angelica picking up some refugee or something from the airport so he won't even notice I'm gone. Not to mention I haven't been to the lake before..."

His grin returns. "What good is a playground if you can't go and play on it?"

Looking up from his spot on the floor, Scott sees Sapphire and he manages something close to a small smile. "Hi... no... you're not too early. I've been up a while." He knew she had to have been up for a while too, in order to drive the two hours up here. Truth be known, he'd been up several hours as well, not having been able to sleep much after his nightmare.

Pulling himself up, he eases over to the bed to sit down again, his thin frame barely moving the mattress. He glances to Sapphire again, his eyes seeming to roam her face as if making sure it was really her and she really was okay.

Putting his hands in his lap, he looks down again, feeling as though he should at least try to explain a little more. "When they... um... the Agency... after a while they... they told me everyone was dead. They said that..." He swallows hard. "That they did some... bad things to you before they murdered you and... and I thought it was true."

Keeping his head down, he tries not to let the images return to his mind. "So um... when I dream and... and those nightmares... they... when I wake up... sometimes I... I don't know what's been real or not and so..." He shrugs. "I just wanted to make sure I knew what was real."

He bites his lip and looks back up at her. "Thanks for coming. I thought... I don't know... thought maybe you wouldn't want much to do with me anymore."


"Oh, did you lock the car?"

"Hey, did we need that extra set of-"

"Anybody know where I put my other keys?"

"I'm hungry - am I the only one?"

"That's what you get for not eating break-"

"Alright, alright!" Kyle stops at the double glass doors, turning around to look at the excited bunch. Over the course of time, the lead role had slowly shifted from Erik to Kyle and now he was trying to maintain a little bit of professionalism here, despite all the excitement. They were at the small studio and needed to make a good impression. His fingers tighten around Alice's. "Are we ready to go in there calmly or what?"

Kip drapes his arms over Karla's shoulders from behind, resting his chin atop her head. "Nope. Never."

Kyle smirks at him. "I'll sic Twila on you."

"You wouldn't dare."

Twila throws Kip a glance. "I would."

After a bit more laughter, Kyle nods to the door. "Okay... deep breath, one, two, three..."


Looking up at Bret Charlotte gives a small smile. She didn't know how she would keep them both in line but someway she new she'd manage. This was a new experience, a new chapter in there life they had built on luck and the flip of a coin. Though some things might change Charlotte would guess not much and everyone would be in for a ride of there life.

And so the long night movies on, filled with joy, comfort and misery for some but the night moves on no matter how long or something one wanted to be. Time waited for no one.

Shifting slightly on the couch Ryan's eyes open slightly to let the light adjust to it. She felt so comfortable laying there with Alec's arm draped over her. It was always like this when they fell asleep together in the morning she never wanted to get up and move.

"Mmm...why does morning have to come so soon all the time?"

Shifting on the couch a little Ryan rolls over to face Alec a smile on her lips as she brings her nose to his a smile on her lips. She new she didn't look the greatest when she just woke up but if he could stand her like this than any other time sound be no problem.

"Can't I play hookie today and we can stole away to the beach or something? I don't feel like going to work in a hot gradge."

Pulling into the parking lot Sapphire was there bright and early like Scott had requested. Going into work later was fine with Reese when she told him why. He new this was important to her, and important to Scott as well to have said she could come.

Grabbing the little bag of refill goodies for Scott Sapphire gets out of the car and makes her way up the front walk way. Once inside and being directied on where Scott's room was Sapphire gets there. A smile on her face as she knocked on the door and than creaked it open.

"Hey there Bro. I'm not to early am I?"