
Never calmly

Alec sighs deeply, wishing Ryan hadn't woken up yet. It just meant that the day had to start whether he wanted it to or not. As she turns around to face him, he keeps his arm draped around her. It was a little tight fitting them both on the couch like this, but he didn't mind. He rather liked it that way.

Grinning at her suggestion of playing hooky, he shrugs. "Sure." Kissing her lips lightly, his eyes twinkle. "If your brother can loan me a clean shirt and I can beg a shower off you guys."

Searching Ryan's eyes, it's evident that he really is serious. "Reese is gonna be busy with Angelica picking up some refugee or something from the airport so he won't even notice I'm gone. Not to mention I haven't been to the lake before..."

His grin returns. "What good is a playground if you can't go and play on it?"

Looking up from his spot on the floor, Scott sees Sapphire and he manages something close to a small smile. "Hi... no... you're not too early. I've been up a while." He knew she had to have been up for a while too, in order to drive the two hours up here. Truth be known, he'd been up several hours as well, not having been able to sleep much after his nightmare.

Pulling himself up, he eases over to the bed to sit down again, his thin frame barely moving the mattress. He glances to Sapphire again, his eyes seeming to roam her face as if making sure it was really her and she really was okay.

Putting his hands in his lap, he looks down again, feeling as though he should at least try to explain a little more. "When they... um... the Agency... after a while they... they told me everyone was dead. They said that..." He swallows hard. "That they did some... bad things to you before they murdered you and... and I thought it was true."

Keeping his head down, he tries not to let the images return to his mind. "So um... when I dream and... and those nightmares... they... when I wake up... sometimes I... I don't know what's been real or not and so..." He shrugs. "I just wanted to make sure I knew what was real."

He bites his lip and looks back up at her. "Thanks for coming. I thought... I don't know... thought maybe you wouldn't want much to do with me anymore."


"Oh, did you lock the car?"

"Hey, did we need that extra set of-"

"Anybody know where I put my other keys?"

"I'm hungry - am I the only one?"

"That's what you get for not eating break-"

"Alright, alright!" Kyle stops at the double glass doors, turning around to look at the excited bunch. Over the course of time, the lead role had slowly shifted from Erik to Kyle and now he was trying to maintain a little bit of professionalism here, despite all the excitement. They were at the small studio and needed to make a good impression. His fingers tighten around Alice's. "Are we ready to go in there calmly or what?"

Kip drapes his arms over Karla's shoulders from behind, resting his chin atop her head. "Nope. Never."

Kyle smirks at him. "I'll sic Twila on you."

"You wouldn't dare."

Twila throws Kip a glance. "I would."

After a bit more laughter, Kyle nods to the door. "Okay... deep breath, one, two, three..."

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