

Sitting in the parking lot for a second Trey just thinks about what Pete said. It really meant a lot to him to know Pete was saying it as a friend and not Reese's lap dog. But Trey wasn't sure if he really wanted to talk about it or not.

"Thanks Pete, I'll remember to take you up on that sometime."

Giving a grin and opening the door Trey steps out of the car and starts to head inside. He just wanted time to process everything and just sit in quiet. That was the normal for him and he was use to it by now.

Michaela gives a small laugh as she takes a bit of her sandwich. She was enjoying the light conversation with Rocky. It was always nice and didn't feel to strange. She liked there time together it was just calm and peaceful knowing someone else shared her faith with.

"Ohhh, I like bowling. Never been to good at it but I still like it."

Taking a sip of water than giving a smile Michaela's eyes twinkled a little as she could feel her hands go a little cold. She wondered something but didn't know if she should ask or not. She didn't want to embarrass Rocky but if she didn't ask she would never know.

"And I'd like to go with you...that is...if its an official date. or if not...I'll...go anyways?"

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