
Just wanted you to know...

Thinking about what Scott said for a moment Sapphire could hear the pain in her brother's voice with out even looking at him. There bond as strong as when they were younger but there was still a bond there, and for Sapphire it gave her hope that things could work out with them.

Reaching out slowly Sapphire puts her hand softly on top of her brothers. If nothing more to simply let him know she was there for him and she wasn't scared that he was in this place or thought any different. He was her brother, her twin, her best friend.

"It's not pointless, You got something to words twords. Getting better for Mom, Dad, Me, Hope and most of all for yourself. I can't say I know how you feel because well I don't, but I do know we are all rooting for you and love you no matter what. Even Hope, and I can garinte she is not mad at you."

Just sitting there for a long moment Sapphire draws silent just letting the quiet surround them for the longest moment. She remembered what felt like forever go her and Scott could just sitting in one spot for the longest time and not say anything at all but feel like they had the best conversation when walking away.

"Your strong Scott, you always have been no matter what, remember in school when you use to fend the bully's off for me. You were my hero, and your still my hero now. That will never change no matter how many fights we have. I just...I wanted you to know that."

Looking to Scott Sapphire smiles her eyes glisting a little as some tears wanted to come but she willed them not to. For her brothers sake she wanted not to let the tears come.

Giving a smile and noding a little hearing about Cassy Ryan was please she was nice and someone Leo once new that had reformed a friendship. Seeing him smile as he talked about her too was nice. Leo deserved to be happy thats was deffintly for sure. He was to nice of a guy not to be happy.

"Hey ya never know, if your helping her with dancing you might end up seeing her more often still. She sounds real nice and I'm happy for that."

Pulling over to the side of the road where Leo's car was Ryan puts the car into park before turning to Leo a little.

"Thanks Leo, for coming tonight it was nice to have you there and share a laugh with you.I hope we can do it again. Oh yeah bring Cassy around the shop sometime too I'd like to meet her."

Giving a smile to Leo Ryan bids him goodnight leaving there conversation for now. It defiantly had been good to talk with Leo again. Giving a wave Ryan pulls out from where she was parked taking the back roads home. Going a little faster than probably should should Ryan keeps her eye out for cops and in no time she was home.

"I'm back, I didn't run away some where...hope you guys didn't miss me to much."

Coming into the living room Ryan flops down on the couch next to Alec giving him a little elbow before she grins at him and than looks over at her brother.

"Dear Eli did I tell you, that I think your a genius?"

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