
Make up your mind

"No... I don't mind. Thank you." Dani rests her hand on Dalton's leg. "I wouldn't have known what to tell him anyway. I still don't... though I need to talk to him sometime... sometime when I have the right questions to ask."

Sighing a little, Dani nods. "Thank you, Dalton. I think I will stay here at least for a while. Will you come back for lunch?"

Eli grins and rolls up the poster again, setting it aside. He wouldn't need it until tomorrow anyway. "Okay, guys... back to work. We're burnin' moonlight, and I, for one, am planning on getting at least a few hours worth of sleep tonight."

Though they all would like to just keep hanging out and laughing, they obeyed and got back to work on sanding the car. Two hours later, enough had been done that they'd be able to come back the next day and start painting.

As they were cleaning things up and putting things to the side in case Mark needed the space, Leo wipes his hands on a rag and wanders over closer to Ryan. "Hey... give me a ride back to my car? I parked it about a block from Roth's place."

Alec is close behind and bristles. "She and I rode together. Eli can take you back."

Leo turns a little. "I... wanted to ride with Ryan."

"And I said no."

Leo sets his hands on his hips and looks Alec straight on. "Well I didn't ask you, now did I?"

Alec is already on the defense, not wanting to budge. "No, but I answered you."

"What are you afraid of, huh?" Leo laughs. "That I might lay hands on your property?" He shakes his head. "Ryan doesn't want me. She never did. So if you don't mind, butt out and let me ride back through town with my friend. Or at the very least, let her decide instead of you acting like you own the place."

Alec glares at Leo and starts for him, but Eli scoots in between them, creating a barrier. "Cut it out you two," he growls. His eyes move to Ryan. "Make up your mind, Speedy, before these two meat-hungry dogs tear themselves to shreds."

Scott's eyes stay glued to the ground, and though he couldn't see Sapphire sit to his left, he felt the bench move just a little and knew she was there. She'd missed him something awful? He still had the note she'd written, but still... maybe it was a little hard for him to believe just yet. They hadn't shared a nice word with each other since their argument over Gage. Oh, they'd seen each other at work and nodded across the room but this was the first time they'd actually sat and talked at all. How ironic.

Seeing the bag being presented to him, Scott takes it, though somewhat awkwardly. Hearing what was inside, his fingers curl around it a little, tempted to open it now but unsure if he should or not. The contents sounded good, and his mouth waters just a little.

Sapphire's next words cause his head to snap up and he finally turns to see her. His good eye roams her face, searching for the sincerity behind her words. And it was there... it was there in her voice and in her eyes. She'd said in her note she loved him, and now she was saying it to his face.

Confusion lingered in his own gaze though. He trusted his sister did love him, yet at the same time, he wondered how it could be, when she was still with someone who was a part of the place that had ultimately brought Scott here, on the verge of insanity. If she loved him, how could she take part in that form of betrayal? He'd questioned that, even after he'd received her note. He knew deep down that it was not a fair question, but he couldn't deny that it was still there in the back of his mind.

Scott was upset Sapphire was here... seeing him like this... witnessing his weakened mental and physical state. But with her gift and her words, he would not lash out at her. He couldn't. He never had wanted to hurt her in the first place, and he couldn't bring himself to do it now either.

Looking back down at he bag, his thin fingers slowly open it and he reaches inside for one of the cans of Mountain Dew. Its coolness felt good on his palm as he draws it out. Setting the bag aside, he fidgets with the can for a few moments before popping the top and hearing the familiar fizz. Sighing, he just stares at it. "I love you too," he finally responds quietly. Taking a sip of the pop, Scott enjoys the smooth burn of carbonation and the zing the sugar held.

Setting the pop can down beside him, he opens the bag again to pull out the package of jerky. Fumbling a little with the plastic, he manages to get that open too and pulls out a couple pieces. Without saying anything, he offers one to Sapphire. Taking a bite of his own, he chews it slowly, enjoying the flavor. He'd had a little bit when Susanne and Dalton had brought their basket, but he didn't get it nearly as often as he used to. It was a nice treat.

"Thank you." His words were soft, almost hard to hear. He really didn't know what to say... Things had been so severely damaged between him and Sapphire that he really didn't know if they could even carry on a normal conversation. And did he even want to?

His eyes shift back to his sister. "You look good."

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