
Picky one

Seeing the look in Alec's eye Ryan new he wasn't happy but there was nothing she could do to change that. Leo was her friend and he'd asked for a ride. If he was trying to be friendly than she wasn't going to turn that down. She wanted to be friends with Leo like she had long ago.

Finally finshed up and on there way Ryan drives silently for a long while. It was a nice night out and with the windows cracked open the breeze felt nice on the back roads. Hearing Leo start talking and his comment on talking to her while Alec was around Ryan gave a slightly nod of her head.

"It's ok I understand about talking to me with Alec around."

She did understand too, giving Leo credit for wanting to try and be friends with her was enough. If he didn't feel comfortable around Alec still it was completely understand able. If it were her she might be the same way.

"I'd like to become friends again and I'm ok with taking the small steps to get there. So, appoligy accepted."

Drawing silent again for a moment Ryan taps her fingers absentmindedly on the searing wheel as her own mind process a few different things. Shifting a little bit in the car seat Ryan turns down another street coming to a stop sign she glaces over at Leo again for a moment before her eyes go back on the road again too.

"I guess...I'm sorry too about how everything turned out. I could have handled things differently than I did. So if anyone is saying sorry here its me."

There was so much more Ryan wanted to say but weather it was right or wrong she didn't know so for now keeping her mouth quiet was best. Maybe some day she would tell Leo what else was on her mind but maybe when there friendship was strong again.

"So...the guys tell me in you free time you've been helping this woman...Cassy I think they said her name was. She's opening a dance studio, I thought that was pretty cool. Is she nice?"

A smile was still formed on Ryan's face to show she really was interested in this part of Leo's life as a friend. She did in fact think it was cool he had been helping her out. It defiantly seemed like someone right up Leo's ally and she was happy for him.

Taking the can of mountain dew from her brother she takes a sip before handing it back to him just letting the liquid slid down her throat till she looked at him again and gave a small grin.

"I always liked the taste of mountain dew, but never the jerky to much. Twins through and though but when it came to tasting something you always did like more than me. I drove mom crazy being the picky one."

Giving a small laugh and shaking her head Sapphire leans back on the bench some of her nerves were starting to pass. Though she was still unsure on everything she wanted to say it seemed a little easier now. Almost like Scott had accepted her being there and it was ok.

Hearing the question about Hope Sapphire had to stop and think for a moment. She normaly didnt see Hope much and she'd been pretty busy the last weeks but she'd seen even less of her at that.

"I've seen her a few times coming in and out at odd hours. It's been pretty busy at work but I asked Reese about her the one day because it seemed like I saw her less than normal. He said she'd been feeling a little under the weather so she had been doing some work from home. I catch sight of her now and than as she is heading to the infirmary."

Thinking for a moment she searches Scott's eyes. There was something in them that she could see. Had it been a while since Scott had seen her too? His eyes almost longed to be told more about this person he cared for. Sapphire only felt sad she couldn't tell him more.

"I bet she'd like to hear from you. She probably miss you a lot as well."

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