
Don't even

"Hey, yeah, would you?" Carson liked the idea of Misty at least checking on Dani tomorrow since he wouldn't be able to until later. "Even if she doesn't want to go out just make sure she's okay... maybe feel her out and see what really happened. I got the idea from Dalton that things still weren't real clear."

He tightens his arm a little bit, feeling her nuzzle into him. He was glad to know that she enjoyed being with him as much as he did her. He couldn't imagine a day going by without having her with him. How he had ever taken it for granted before, he never would know.

"Yeah, okay." Alec stops from saying anymore when Ryan kisses him. A grin quirks his mouth. "Mmm... tell me that again." Receiving another kiss, he returns it, enjoying it way too much for the short amount of time they had. For when Eli and Leo drive by, it's back to work.

Heading across town, Eli chooses side streets, finally winding up on a back road that would taken them straight to Mark's big shed. It wasn't quite out in the country, but it was far enough away from busy streets that no one should suspect a thing.

Parking Ryan's car, Eli and Leo exit. Eli heads to the sliding door, but is surprised to find it locked. Turning to Leo, he throws him a look of question. "I thought Mark said it would be open."

"He did. Then he called me a couple hours ago and told me he forgot to keep it unlocked. So he gave me this." Leo holds up a key.

Eli gives a little chuckle. "So that's why you came? Because you knew we couldn't get in?"

"Nah. I knew you had Alec. If you couldn't get in, he could. Though I'd rather use a key than risk breaking Mark's lock."

"Then... why did you come?"

Leo gets the door unlocked but pauses, looking back at Eli. "Maybe I decided my pride wasn't worth it." Turning away, he slides the door open and waves to Ryan to drive Roth's car inside. Flipping on the lights, it illuminates the large metal shed, used as a garage, storage place and more. Dirt floors, metal walls and ceiling and plenty of lighting. It was perfect.

Once everybody was standing around, Eli rubs his hands together. "Okay.... we gotta sand this baby down... quick and dirty job. Nothing fancy. Just grind her enough so we can get a fresh coat of paint to stick. Tools are in Ryan's car."

As all four pitch in, they wind up back in the garage with some of the tools needed - Eli would be bringing more tomorrow. For now, they would work an hour or two then go home.

Getting everything in place, Leo and Alec wind up side by side, accidentally bumping into each other. Alec turns sharply and falls back out of habit, ready to swing first if need be. But Leo doesn't flinch. His eyes meet Alec's head-on. "Don't even try it."

Alec hadn't expected such a strong response and his surprise defuses his temper enough that he leaves it be, going around to the other side of the car. Leo uncoils an extension cord, minding his own business now to the side.

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