

Walking the hall Grace was far from dressed up today. She had a pare of jeans on with holes in the knees and a t-shirt on with her sneakers. Her mission today was not to come to Jared as his dr but as his friend. She wanted him to see that even if he didn't want her as his Dr she was still going to be his friend. That was not something he could ask to have replaced.

Entering the room and seeing Jared awake Grace was happy for that. She would be able to chat with him, and seeing him awake meant he was on the mend. The sooner he could go home the better he would be and Grace new that for a fact. He hated being here, and at least at home is was a little better than here.

   "Hey there. Good to see you somewhat awake today. How are you feeling any better?"

Happy Hunter was still up for coffee Katie talks a little more before having up the phone and gets into her car. She figured  he would get there before her so going home and cleaning up a little was out of the question. Hunter would just have to deal with the less than perfect her. 

Pulling up to the coffee shop and seeing Hunter sitting on the hood Katie can't help the smile that spreads across her face. It usally did when she saw Hunter. There was just something about him that caused her to smile seeing him.

   "Hey, you look lost. are you looking for someone or can I steal you away  for my own?"

Katie can't help the small laugh as she gets out of her car coming closer to him she stands inches away smile. No matter what Hunter always looked good and standing next to him car just made it even better. He'd been so great to her and slowly Katie could see him changing again into a stronger man once again. His old habits slowly disappearing. She was proud she got to see this and help where she could.

Facing Clint and seeing his eye a little better Wes cringes on the inside a little more. It wasn't like Clint to get in a fight and let alone have a black eye left to prove he had. It made him worry slightly about his nephew. So much had happened while he was gone what else was really going on too?

   "I think it was the eye that gave it away. Now I just hope whoever gave that to you has one to match."

Giving a small laugh Wes gives a chuckle looking around the shop. A few things looked a little different but Clint really had did a good job. He really was proud of him and everything had accomplished.

   "It's good to be back, and I would hardly say the shop is a mess. Your doing a great job. So...how are things really with you? I've missed out talks."


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