
Dirty Deed

Taking the card from Justin Sapphire holds it for a moment reading it before looking up at Justin again and giving a smile. Justin was a very sweet guy and Sapphire was thankful that her brother had someone like him to help him.

"Thanks you. I'll make sure to keep this close in case I need anything."

Turning to go back to her work Sapphire stops as Justin asks his last question. Thinking for a long moment she gives Justin a smile again before answering.

"I could never pick just three things that made my brother smile. He has so many things he really enjoyed in life. Hope, Domino, life, nature, working, having little code wars with Dalton, classical music, the list really is endless."

Shutting the door behind Eli Scarlet wish her apartment was a little cleaner for his first time seeing it but right now that really didn't matter. Looking up at Eli and seeing his arms held out to her it seemed to wash a little fear away that that he would be upset and not want her anymore. Did he know the whole truth? Scarlet wasn't sure but at least he wasn't mad about her driving off.

Taking a few steps twords him Scarlet falls into Eli's arms burring her face into his chest for a long moment just taking in his sent. His smell, his arms they made her feel safe, and shelter the cold world out. His warmth seemed to warm her.

Moving her head a little to rest her face on his chest Scarlet lets a sigh out as she tried to be strong and fight off the tears that wanted to come.

"I feel so safe in your arms Eli, like nothing could hurt me."

Not being able to help it any longer and knowing she needed to just let the tears out, it was all or nothing and if Eli did truly care than the tear should make no difference. Scarlet's shoulders shakes a little as the tears fall. Her fists clenching Eli's shirt.

"I'm sorry I left you, I was just so scared of what would happened if I hadn't."

Outside in the shadow lurked someone up to no good. Seeing in the window at the loving embrace Eli and Scarlet were in only fueled his anger even more in the diluted little fantasy he lived in.

Spotting the two bikes that stood in the driveway Roth couldnt help but snicker to himself. He's show them good not to mess with him. Withdrawing his keys he goes to Eli's first and over the pain he scratches some not so nice words into the pain. Than going to Scarlet's the new paint job that been done on hers he new was Eli's hand work. Running his key in deep to the colors and images he ingraves a few choose names of what he though of Scarlet.

Standing back and admiring his own handy work Roth heads back to his car and gets in. Starting it up he takes one last look into the window before pulling out and dirving away still half drunk from earlier.

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