

Still sitting next to Eli Jimmy study's him. It was hard to read his expressions and his face seeing that there was a lot of mixtures of everything. He could only hope that wouldn't damage the just started relationship that had brought so much promise.

Hearing that Eli wanted another shot he studys him for a long moment. This might be the only thing that was keeping him calm right now. By looking at most people Jimmy had a talent for being able to see there limit before they even could. From just looking at Eli he new one more shot wouldn't send him over the edge and he'd still be able to drive safe.

"Don't be to upset with Scarlet for not telling you..."

Jimmy slides off the the bar stool and makes his way around the back of the counter to where the liqueur was. Taking Eli's older shot glass away and getting a newer one he places it down in front of him pouring the liqueur into it.

"..I know she would of told you when she was ready. It's not an easy thing for her to talk about, but I know she would of told you soon because she really is fond of you. I can see it in her eyes when she talks about you. She feels safe, and she feels human again."

Not saying anything else Jimmy pushes the shot twords Eli. He new it was his desition what would happen next, and what ever it was it would be for Eli's own reasons. He couldn't change his mind with words not that he would try to much anyways because it wasn't his place. He could only try and incurage as much as he could.

Shaking her head a little bit as Justin sits outside the cuble she can't help a small chuckle. He could of come in she would of had no problem with that, but just the simple gesture was nice.

Hearing her brother was doing well was nice, even though Sapphire had already believed Scott would come home someday and new he was ok or she would of been told. Still she couldn't help but feel a little more comfort just being reassured from Justin's words. He was a thoughtful man and she liked that.

Leaning back in her chair and thinking about his question for a moment Sapphire gathers information in her head about her brother and how she remembered him than, and now.

"My brother and I have always been close being twins and all thats just normal I would guess. As kids, and even in grade school we always did things together. We were both into computers and techy stuff."

Stopping and thinking again Sapphire took her pen from her desk and held it putting the cap on and off again as she thought.

"Than as we got older we started to drift apart. He was always smart in school, and I was the popular one though I had very few people I would call friend or hang out with. We slipped away from each other and went own ways. But years later as luck would have it we both ended up here working together and though we didn't talk much our relationship started to grow again."

Sapphire new they were coming to the hard part of the conversation. She always hated talking about when they though Scott was dead. Even just remembering it hurt like no other.

"When everyone though my brother was dead it killed me inside. I lost the person I had a connection with even if we didn't talk a lot. Than he came back and it was like a second chanse to get to know him all over again. Than things just...started to go down hill again. I love my brother like no other..."

Sapphire's eyes glistened a little showing she really meant it. She did love Scott with all her heart.

"..and I just want to see him well again. And I hope that one day he can accept me and Gage being together because I want my brother apart of my life and I miss being close to him. He's my best friend and I hate that he's not ok."

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