

Once Dani was back in the room Dalton couldn't help but smile at her. She always looked good to him but now she looked even better. Having her sit down next to him again and hearing about the cookie Dalton sits up a little straighter and gives a smile. Peanut butter were his favorite and she new that for sure.

   "Mmm...see thats one of the many reasons I love you. You're willing to break the rules a little bit."

Just looking over Dani's face Dalton's couldn't help but let his smile show. Reaching out and taking her hand in his own. Dalton rubs his finger over her knuckles his heart starts beating in his chest even faster and he could feel his nerves starting to work themselves up.

   "You are an amazing woman Dani and I love you so very much. Since I met you, you gave me so much and made me feel so whole again."

Looking down at Dani's finger Dalton moves his other hand around to her. In his hand was a small red velvet box. Slowly using his thumb to pop the box open he held it out to Dani a smile was spread across his face as his hands shook a little bit. Inside was a silver ring with a diamond set into it. and on the band on each side were two more diamonds. Simple for Dani's hand but it would still simmer and look so pretty on her.

   "Dani I was waiting for the perfect moment to do this, but the perfect moment never came. Than I almost died without you even knowing how much I loved you and wanted to spend my life with you. So now...the perfect time is now. Dani...will you marry me?"

   "Yeah I am worried about him. Not worried he has turned again or anything but just worried he might follow in Carson's food steps when I wouldn't take him back."

Misty lets out a long sigh talking to Jason and twirling Alec's phone in her hand. Since she had gotten home and saw his phone laying on the table Misty couldn't help but worry and now a few hours had gone by and still no word from him. It was strange and unusual. With how depressed Alec was it really did worry her.

   "I mean, I dont think he is that dumb to hurt himself but I guess just the look in his eye he had last night it just makes me worry. Maybe if he doesn't come back soon we should look for him?"

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