

JT watches his niece, seeing the pain behind her eyes, and it hurt him as well. He knew that nobody could just bounce back from something like Bree went through, but he did not want to see her depressed.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. "It'll be okay," he assures. "I promise."

He glances over to Amanda, almost wondering what she thought. For the first time in this whole thing, he wasn't sure what to do or if he could handle this. Looking back to Bree, he forces a smile. "Think you could handle some breakfast? I'll even bring it to you... breakfast in bed - how does that sound?"

Jim smiles to Faith as she approaches, giving her a nod. He couldn't help but feel just a little guilty, knowing he and Annie had just been talking about her. But it wasn't like they'd been gossiping... it was just a normal conversation that wouldn't go any further than them.

Getting closer to the dining hall and seeing Faith make a beeline for Sparky, Jim catches Annie's eye. Her question made him think harder than he would have liked. "Nah... I mean... Sparky's smart, right? I'm sure there's nothing between them anyway. It's just..."

He looks inside and over to the two at the table. "...friends..." But his tone indicated more worry than that. He squints one eye, the other eyebrow rising. "So we'll keep an eye on it," he confirms.

Sparky glances up, a smile immediately spreading on his face. "Hey there." He shifts in his chair and reaches out with a foot to pull the next chair over out for Faith to sit. "I did sleep well, thank you. I hope you did too."

Retrieving a clean mug from the center of the table, along with a carafe of coffee, he pours some for her. "It's going to be a nice day by the looks of it," he comments. "Once chores are finished, we can start getting you in the saddle if you still feel up to it. Annie get you some boots yet?"

Carson grins and gives Misty another kiss. "Good. 'Cause..." He pauses and leans over her, almost squishing her as he did, but was too lazy to get up to retrieve the papers from the end table.

Once situated again, he shows them to Misty. "...these are two plane tickets to an airport near a nice little lodge in Montana, where there is a week's reservation waiting." The dates on the tickets were two weeks away.

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