
Couldnt help

Working quietly Ryan had her ear phones in just drowning herself in music and work. Alec still hadn't called, Eli was going to be working late she might as well work late to catching up on the few days she had missed in the last week.

Hearing Leo's voice break through her mind it doesn't scare Ryan but it does cause her to jump a little as she had been lost in a whole another world. Looking up she gives a small smile and than raises her eyebrow for a moment wondering why Leo was here.

"No...no hot date tonight, non last night either unless you consider eating dinner with my brother a Hot date but if you do than your really messed up."

Looking down at her car again Ryan tinkers with a few things, tighting this and than thighting that before looking up at Leo again as he roots around his desk.

"What are you doing here so late? Kinda surprised to see you....not that I mind."

Giving a nod Dalton watchs the young man he had seemed to form a friendhsip with. He'd come a long way since he first got here, and Dalton was proud to see him going out on his own now. He always felt that way though, maybe it was the soft spot he had in his heart for those in need, or should have a second chance.

"I can do that. If you ever in the area and even if your not and need some mountain dew you know where to find it."

Dalton didn't mind being there for Alec if he ever needed someone and he new he was smart enough to know thats what he was talking about without saying it. It was hard to find a place in the hulks heart, but once you were there it was even harder to get out.

Taking a sip of her water Destiny listens to Jason. He was there for her, and if she needed to talk he would listen. It was nice to know he was there but it didn't make her feel better and she still felt alone. The dark cloud over her heart something Destiny wasn't sure to but couldn't shake.

"Ok, thanks Jason."

Taking the water bottle and going into the living room Destiny looks around for a moment. Images of Chance flash in her mind. How the laughed the first day with the sour patch kids, how they few to liking each other, the tickle war and the first time they kissed. It was hard to face these memories and it hurt even more.

Catching sigh of something on the floor Destiny goes over to the couch and bends down. Picking it up and seeing it was the necklace Chance always wore she could only assume the struggle with Jason.

Just holding it for a long moment Destiny remembers when she had asked Chance about it once. It seemed important to him though he wasn't sure why. There was never a day though Destiny had seen him without it. Unclasping it Destiny puts it around he neck clasping it again and letting it fall under her shirt before standing up again.

Looking around the room and letting out a long sigh Destiny heads back down the hallway and to her room shutting the door behind her. Everything was fresh still, her mind still processing everything and miss those she loved more than she had before. Being alone...was the best thing right now.

Getting onto her bed again Destiny lays down taking her pillow once more. So many things flowed through her mind with feelings she'd never felt before. They all confused her and just made her feel worse.

Standing and getting out of bed Destiny goes to the window and looks out. The sky look cloudy almost like it was going to rain it just seemed to match the mood. Destiny couldnt help but wonder where Chance was.

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