

Katie gives a small laugh thinking about her Uncle and staying out of trouble. Whenever anyone always said that it made her laugh for some reason. Why she wasn't sure of but it was just one of those things she guessed.

   "Well staying out of trouble is always good, but a tiny tiny bit of trouble is ok once and a while."

Looking out the window again watching the rain pitter patter on the window the sky was starting to turn a dull shade of gray. The sun always came up if you just wanted for it. Katie wondered about that statement for a moment. The Sun always did come up, but it didn't always shine.

   "I'm...surviving. How well is what I am not to sure of but thats why I am here. Jason and I broke up after I saw another woman kissing him. He said he didn't kiss her back and he didn't cheat on me and I think I believe him...but I still feel angry and hurt. I'm just all messed up right now and don't know what way it up, and what way is down. I just don't feel like I belong anywhere anymore."

Letting out a sigh Katie's explanation on how she was, was a whole lot longer to Trent than she had planned. It just had been the right moment though she guessed and maybe her Uncle would understand a little bit of what she was trying to explain. That in itself had become a lot harder in itself.

Sitting outside the house in her car Misty could feel her stomach twist and turn. Today would be the day she told Carson. He was going to be a father again, they were going to grow there family and it scared her more than anything. She'd deiced just meeting at the house for lunch would be better than go out anywhere.

Taking note that Carson's care was bit here yet Misty figured he'd gotten help up at work but would be home at anymore. That was ok with her it would give her time to set up lunch and a little more time to go over in her head how she was going to tell Carson.

Heading inside and throwing her keys on the coffee table Misty sets her purse down too and heads into the kitchen. Walking right to the fridge she grabs what she needs to make lunch and puts the items on the counter. Going to the cupboard and getting out plates Misty turns to the table and sets them down. Finally seeing a small note she cocks her head. Strange that it was just sitting there marked to her.

Picking up the note and slowly reading the words Misty's smile slowly fades as she continues to read. Her stomach started to churn and she felt like she was going to be sick, tears slowly slip out of Misty's eyes and down she cheeks. She couldn't believe what she was reading. This had to be some kid of sick joke. 

Reading the letter over again Misty can feel an anger start to boil in side her mixed with the pain, and the agony. Reading it again there was more angry, more tears. Reading it once more she was beyond hot. Standing Misty wouldn't let him get away with this. He had tricket her, lied to her, cheated on her, turned his back on her AGAIN. No...Misty wouldn't take it than and she wouldn't take it now. He would not act like it was just another walk in the park.

Leaving the house and slamming the door behind her one of the pictures falls off the wall and shatters on the ground but it goes unnoticed. Getting into her car and making her way to Mom and Pop's it takes no time as Misty gets out of her car. Not even bothering to stop and ask if Carson was in there she makes a bline for the kitchen closing the door behind her. She was angry, her temper flaring. Seeing Carson with his back to her it only made her that much angrier.

   "Carson Grabreil Banks, I can't believe you. After everything, EVERYthing we have been through you go and pulls a stunt like this. You cheat on me, lie to me, and turn your back on our family again. This time I wont forgive you. I wont forgive you now, or years down the road. I've had it. And to think I though you really had changed I was a fool Carson and so are you because you just lost the best thing in your life forever."

Misty stops herself from saying a curse word as she wraps her arm around her stomach. It felt uncomfortable and reminded her she needed to calm down. It was not only her health that would be in danger but her unborn childs health too.

   "I wasn't you gone forever and dont think about stepping foot into my house. All your stuff will be laying on the lawn by night fall so you better pick it up before someone steals it and the rest are taken by the trash man."

Turning Misty goes to leave. She didn't want to look at Carson anymore, she didn't want to talk to him anymore..She just wanted to get away. Getting to the door Misty stops before turning slightly to look over her shoulder. There was still one thing she needed to tell Carson.

   "Oh, by the way congratulations I found out a few days ago your going to be a father again. Don't worry though you wont ever have to see the child. Even if you wanted to you wont now. I just wanted to be the bigger person and let you know. Good Bye Carson."

With that Misty turns and leaves not stopping just heading right out and back into her car. She had work to do and she didn't want to wait. This was the last straw and her mind was not going to be changed. Home was not her path chooses right away. She was going to need help with her condition and she new who would more than likely help. Pulling out her own she dials Jason number and waits for him to answer. She new her voice was shaky and her anger clean.

   "Hey Jas, I need your help, can you meet me at my house please. I can explain more once you get there and I am a little calmer."

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