

Kirk pursed his lips in thought, and made a note or two, but didn't seem phased by Sapphire's strong response. "I'm not judging," he corrected. "I'm simply going by the facts. And what I see is an ex-Agency man, first allowed to roam the streets free, second to actually obtain assistance from the Elite, and third to seduce a young Elite agent so he can get his foot in the door whenever he wants and destroy this place little by little, right under everyone's noses." 

He leaned forward slightly. "That...is the risk I see. That...is the danger I see. He may not have interfered yet, but who says he won't? A leopard can't change its spots. What makes you think Gage can change his?" 

Feeling Katie's light touch, and looking down into her eyes, Jason sensed a tingle run all the way down his spine. Not good. At all. ...Right? He swallowed hard, fighting the urge to take her hand in his. What? No. Definitely not good. Was he staring? He blinked.

"Hawk eyes? Oh, right. Yeah." A new smile formed. "Of course. And thanks." He nodded. "You're right...I can't put my life on hold. I keep telling Reese that. You'd think I'd take my own advice." 

He gave a light laugh and straightened up with a little sigh. "Well, now that that's settled, I gotta go do some paperwork. Fun, fun, fun." He turned to leave, then stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. "Oh, by the way, Trooper is with me today, in my office if you wanted to see him." 

Listening to Hope, Con felt something inside of him crack. A wall, perhaps, that he hadn't even realized was there. Looking down at the floor, tears stung his eyes, and he was quiet for a long while, afraid if he spoke, his voice might crack. He finally nodded and took a deep breath. She was right. He had friends. Family. He was loved. And none of them were afraid of him, let alone thinking of him as a monster. It was his own lack of confidence that was gnawing at him - not facts. 

"Thank you," he finally whispered. "I think... you're right." He turned to look at her, appreciating her gentleness and honesty. "And I think... I have some people I need to go say hi to... so I can remember what they really think of me." 

Lane flinched as he was whacked upside the head, his eyes going wide, then even wider as his sister called him by his old nickname. As she continued though, his shoulders sank a little, as did his eyes. Strayed? Indeed. How could she forgive him? 

"Thank you..." Nearing, he wrapped his arms around her in a strong hug. "I know I said it before, but I'm so sorry. I'll try to make it up to you...and everyone else here...

...The sun hadn't quite set yet as it laid its golden rays like a blanket over the ranch. It was peaceful tonight. Despite everything, somehow peace was able to dwell here in this very special place. 

Mick sipped a cup of coffee as he stood on the porch after supper, leaned back against the wall, just looking out over the ranch yard. Chores were done. Supper had been eaten. Things were quiet. That was a good sign. Stacy would be making her extra rounds. Sparky was on schedule to also make rounds, and Xander would be keeping an eye on the camera monitors tonight. They had a system, just like Con wanted them to and Mick only hoped that it wouldn't last long. As soon as they were confident the Agency wouldn't try any tricks, they could relax again. 

Movement caught Mick's eye, and he straightened, squinting down the driveway. "What the..." Was that someone approaching on foot? They had closed the gate at the end of the driveway and padlocked it. Who in their right mind would come traipsing in like this, if not to cause trouble? 

Slipping back in the house, he set his coffee mug down and grabbed his shotgun once again. "Stay alert," he mentioned calmly to those still at the tables. "We got company." 

He exited once more and seeing the figure had neared even more, he cocked the gun and put it to his shoulder, still walking to meet them. "Stop right there," he barked.

It was a woman. She had been paying very little attention, and now realizing a gun was being aimed at her, she stopped in her tracks with a gasp. Her hands went up into the air, and her cellphone was dropped on the ground. "I-I-I'm just... I didn't mean... I'm sorry. I-I just..." 

Mick's eyes narrowed. She was well-dressed. High heels. Dress pants and nice shirt. Designer purse. The fear on her face appeared to be genuine. "Who are you and what do you want?" he asked sternly.

"I-I'm looking for...for someone," she stammered. "Isn't this th-the R/M ranch?"

"Didn't you see the gate?" 

"Well yes, b-b-but I didn't think...I mean...please, I-I just...I didn't mean to trespass." 

Back inside the house, several people had glanced out the window or stepped out on the porch to see what was going on, ready for anything. Lane, inside, drew back a curtain to see. As soon as he did, his eyes widened. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Hurrying outside, he came up behind Mick. "Whoa, she's alright, you can put the gun down."

Mick wasn't so sure, and kept his eyes on the woman. "Who are you?" he repeated. 

She was too shook up to even answer, so Lane stepped in front of her to force Mick to lower the gun. "She may be stupid, but she's not here to hurt anyone." 

The woman's face turned into a scowl. 

"This is Amber," Lane finished explaining. He turned to face her, hands on hips. "And I would like to know why on earth she is here." 

"Are you crazy?!" Her hands came down to give his chest a shove, causing him to take a couple steps back. "What kind of sick place is this and where is my son?!" 

Lane took off his hat to run a hand through his hair, then slapped it back on his head. This...was not good. "How did you find me?" 

"That is not the question here!" Amber picked up her phone and stuffed it in her purse. "Where is Travis? Tell me, or so help me I will have you arrested for kidnapping!" 

"For crying out loud!" 

Mick's eyes had widened, and he slowly backed away from the scene so as not to be involved, but still within earshot. This was clearly a personal matter. 

Lane set his hands on his hips. "He's eighteen years old. He's an adult, Amber. What possessed you to come looking for him?!" 

"What possessed me was knowing the kind of man you are! You've threatened more than once to take him to Mexico, so tell me - where is he?! I will call the police." She held up her phone to threaten him. 

Without warning, Lane snatched it from her hand and held it up out of her reach. "You will do no such thing."

"Give me my phone back!" Amber ordered. When he wouldn't, she tried hitting his chest, then his arms, then his ribs. 

He was okay until she got to his ribs. Blocking with his free hand, he grabbed her arm, twisted it and spun her around so her back was held against his chest, and he was holding her in a partial bear hug. "Cut it out!" he demanded. 

"Let go of me!" she shrieked, trying to get away. "Get your hands off me, you brute!" 

Lane let her go...with a slight shove. Stumbling forward, her ankle rolled on her high heel, and she wound up on all fours on the driveway. Glaring up at him, her words came out ice cold. "You lay one more finger on me, and I will have you arrested for assault so fast your head is going to swim."

Lane visibly winced at the harshness in her tone before he growled and tossed her phone back to her before putting his hands up behind his head. He knew she wasn't bluffing. Her husband would see to it he'd lose in court, and he'd be behind bars quicker than he could blink. Pain was the most pronounced emotion on his face in this tormented moment. 

Amber stood again and brushed herself off before continuing her glare at her ex-husband. "Now. You tell me where my son is." 

How she'd found them, Lane didn't know. But he wished he could have seen this coming. So much for smooth sailing. 

Mick startled him. "Lane...you need any help?"

Lane knew he was offering to get Amber off the property, but if he did, who knew what kind of lawsuit she'd bring to the ranch? Lane couldn't let that happen. He shook his head. "No...I was just going to take her to see Travis." His shoulders had dropped in surrender. 

Amber nodded her approval. "That's much better."

Feeling - and looking - like a whipped puppy, Lane trudged towards Angel's, knowing that stuff hadn't even hit the fan yet. It was about to get worse and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His stomach tied itself in a knot and his head hurt. It was all his own fault though...so he might as well face the music. 

Following along behind him, Amber's stride matched her irritation. If one looked closely, they might see fear behind her eyes, but in no way did it dictate her actions at this point. She was out for blood - Lane's blood. Once they were at Angel's, Lane opened the door for her to enter first, then followed. 

He looked to Angel with pained apology. "Angel, this is Travis' mother, Amber. Amber, this is Angel Trahern. My sister."

Amber's eyes widened and her gaze snapped up at him. "You don't have any family." 

"Actually, I do." Before she could argue further, he pointed to the back room. "Come with me." His jaw was set with tension as he led her to where Travis was. 

Seeing him in bed with his battered face, Amber gave a little wail. "Travis!" 

He'd been asleep, and now blinked his eyes open groggily. "Mom?" 

Her hands covered her mouth as she came closer. "Oh, what happened? Who did this to you?" Her eyes automatically found Lance, accusation in her stare. 

Lane held up his hands angrily. "What do you think I am?!" 

Travis pulled himself up a little. "Mom, what are you doing here?" 

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I've been trying to get a hold of you for days!" She sat on the edge of the bed and gingerly touched around some of the bruises on his face. "What happened to you?" 

Lane stepped forward. If she didn't get satisfactory answers, this was going to get even uglier. "He was abducted by a crime organization that I helped fight against years ago, before we even met. They were trying to use me for their benefit, and holding Travis until I did what they wanted. These people at this ranch have been fighting this organization almost all their lives - this is where I lived at one time. So I called on them for help. We rescued Travis and brought him back here to recover." 

Amber's mouth was hanging open. Standing, she came within inches of Lane. "You mean to tell me you called on some friends, rather than the police?" she hissed. "You brought him to a stinking horse ranch instead of a hospital? What were you thinking?" Her voice started to rise again. "How could you even do such a thing, and without even a single word to me? His mother?! What kind of a father are you?!" 

Lane's anger was boiling as he tried to keep his cool. Anybody could see how deeply her words were hurting him. "I did what I thought was best," he replied calmly. "Calling the police - or you - would have gotten him killed. As it is, he's recovering and will be quite well in a few day's time." 

"For your sake, I certainly hope so." Amber swiveled to see Travis again. "Can you walk?" 

Travis frowned. "What? I think so. Why?"

"Because we're leaving. Now."

"He's not going anywhere," Lane intervened. They hoped Travis was out of the woods, but with Agency poison, one could never be sure. "He needs to rest." 

"What he needs is a hospital!" 

"He's getting the best possible care right here." 

"Do you have any idea what I could do to you right now?" she threatened. "You failed to report a kidnapping, you failed to report criminal activity, you failed to give someone the medical attention they needed, and now you are deliberately interfering with an attempt at giving them the care they need. Do you realize I could put you away for this? Do you?!" 

Lane had nothing to say. He had no defense. All he could do was stare at her as his emotions boiled inside. 

She lifted her chin before focusing back on her son. "I'm calling the police, then you're coming with me." 

Travis had been scowling during the entire episode, and now shook his head slowly. "No. Dad's right. Don't call the cops. And I'm not going with you."

"Do not defy me, young man," she reprimanded. "You may be eighteen, but I'm still your mother, and there is no way on God's green earth I am letting you stay here. And if I have any control, which I do, you will be seeing far less of your father because he is going to pay for this."

Lane's hands became fists at his sides. It felt as though he'd just been stabbed through the heart...multiple times. He was completely helpless. There was nothing he could do. If he fought, she'd have him thrown in jail - and she could do it, too. Without any options, he turned and left the room, then braced himself against a wall, his head hanging as he continued to listen. He didn't have the strength to even look up at Angel. He was a coward. Weak. Powerless. Embarrassed. Hurt. And probably the worst father to walk the face of the earth. 

Back in the room Amber tapped her foot impatiently. "You said you could walk," she prodded Travis. "Was that the truth?"

"It was. But that doesn't mean I'm going with you." 

"It does unless you want to see your father behind bars." 

Travis gritted his teeth and pulled back the covers, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, prepared to stand.

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