

Re: Text Message
To: Dan
From Unknown 555-3498



Seeing Stacy's enthusiasm for the view and having her sit with him, Eric felt good. He hadn't wanted her to think him inappropriate or anything - he just really wanted to share this with her. He really wasn't sure why... it felt a bit peculiar really. But... for someone he'd detested upon arrival... he was rather enjoying her company now.

Turning to look at her beside him, his smile widens a little. "You're welcome. Most people don't realize the nighttime view up here since they're all busy sleeping."

Leaning his head against the hay and looking out to the dark sky, he sighs with content. "I've spent half my life on the road, watching everything go by too fast. It's the only place I felt like I was doing my part... that I was worth something. But there's a part of me that hated it too. Life's too short to spend it all behind the wheel. Ya miss out on things like this."

He shrugs. "I guess I think God puts these moments and these views everywhere all the time... we just ain't got sense enough to stop and notice them often enough."

Glancing beside him again, he lets his eyes roam Stacy's face with an invisible gentleness. His expression was somewhat sober. His thoughts were a million miles away yet right here at the same time. A thousand and one thoughts raced through his mind.

He finally breaks his gaze and shifts down a little further, bringing up his knees so he didn't slide all the way down on the floor. Tucking his hands in his pockets, he settles in the hayloft warmth. They had a while yet before the sun would reveal itself.

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