

Garret bites his lip to keep from grinning too much. Victoria had gotten her way - like she usually did. And even though he didn't like breaks, part of him really was glad that he'd be able to rest for a while. Maybe he could get his head back on straight and quit dwelling on his desire to flee. He'd been more foolish than ever during this past mission, whether it was drug-induced depression or not. He still shouldn't have acted on what he felt, like he had.

"I... think I'll probably stick around here." For more reasons that one. First, he liked it here. Second, Victoria was here. And third, he'd be nearer Medridge and the doctor who were still using him as a guinea pig. Not that he liked that - he hated it. But he was hooked, whether he wanted to admit it or not, and if anything went wrong, he'd be here. 

"I wouldn't mind a few extra nights in our spot," he muses. "You'll just have to come down sick or something so you don't get assigned to too much." He'd like to suggest that he go to the beachfront property and they come up with some scheme to get Victoria there too... but he knew it would never work. If they were anywhere near alone, they'd be bound to slip up and get caught. 

Sighing, he nods. "I'll talk to Medridge - apparently he's not going to have me executed." Cocking his head, he gives Victoria a once over, letting his gaze come to rest on her face once again. "Thanks..." His tone lowers to a whisper as he refrains from standing and wrapping his arms around her. "I love you more every day." 

"Hi, Misty, this is Justin Hawks." Sitting in his office at home the next day, he leans back in his chair amidst a clutter of papers, a dying plant, his lunch, and who knows what else underneath the organized chaos. Rick had answered the infirmary phone, but he'd only had to wait a minute or two for Misty. 

"Listen, um... I've been talking to Ken - Mackenzie's adopted father. I've been trying my best to keep the family from putting Mackenzie in a facility for troubled kids - I still think she just needs a little more time. That said, I'm taking the risk of opposing other counselors and hoping that you and Alec would still like to see Mackenzie more often. If you do, I'd like to sit down with both of you and discuss some of the issues and ways to handle Mackenzie, should any trouble arise. I've been given permission by Ken to tell you both all you need to know." 

"Gunner, look ou-" Susanne cringes, knowing she'd spoken too late. Having just exited her office, she'd been just in time to see Gunner and Jason on a collision course - neither one paying attention to where they were going, both with their noses stuck in open files they were reading. 

The two men round the corner from opposite sides and smack right into each other. With a cry of surprise, papers go flying.

"Oh crap." Gunner blinks and looks down at the mess. "Whoopsies."

"Aw, I'm sorry." Jason kneels to pick up the papers - apparently Gunner had latched onto his own, so it was only Jason's that were now spread all over the floor.

Gunner bends as well. "Here, let me help."

"No, it's okay, really. If I pick them up in order, it'll be easier."

"Alrighty. Suit yourself."

Jason gives him a wry grin. "Thanks. Get back to work before you blame me for this."

Gunner smirks, but takes up his route again. "Yeah, yeah." 

As Jason continues to retrieve his papers on hands and knees, he realizes that they'd crashed just outside Katie's cubicle, and some of his papers had slid into her space. Standing up, he gives the wall a quick knock before bending to pick up his work. "Sorry," he apologizes quickly. 

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