
You think

Continuing to study Garret Victoria shakes her head. She had no answers to his questions, and there would be even more questions if she could. This wasn't always fare this they had but it was there life and its just how it was. 

   "We can say I wish and what if still we are blue in the face Garret but the truth is out there...it's death for us. We will be hunter till we around and killed. Being out there and living a normal life sounds nice but...its not what we were born into."

Leaning her head into Garret's hand a little Victoria closes her eyes for a second before opening them again and just searching his face. She could see how tired his eyes were, and she could hear it in his voice. If she had all the answers would that be better?

   "As long as you have me your heart will never turn to stone. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to my grandfather about getting you some time off. I don't like how your acting right now its scaring me."

Sure they talked about getting out before, what life would be like on the outside together. But just something about how Garret was talking today she didn't like it.

   "You've got to snap out of it because the next time we meet your in a pine box."

...And when the next day comes she did go to her grandfather. Giving a knock on the door and waiting for his voice Victoria enters. She stood tall and elegant in front of her grandfather like she often did. 

   "It's my job to know everything that goes on. It's how I can serve better and the last thing I heard was about the slip up Garret made. It's very unlike him for something like that to happen and I was thinking maybe he needs a little time off."

Victoria wanted to shift out of being uncomfortable, scared she might say the wrong thing and give herself away. Her words were chosen wisely, she'd thought about it all night and now she just had to exacute it. 

   "He's out best, top of the rank and dang good at his job. The last thing we need is our best getting burned out. Don't you agree?"

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