
With you

Alec is sitting on the infirmary bed, just having been looked over by Rick and told he could go back downstairs tonight. He was still sore, but he'd much rather hibernate downstairs than be in the middle of traffic like he had been. Especially now that he was banned from visitors. He hadn't been told as much, but he had a hunch that Ryan had been turned away this morning and it made him mad. He didn't want to tell Reese the truth... he didn't. But... he missed his friend too.

Just ready to lay back in the bed again, he looks up quickly as Hope approaches him. He was a little surprised. Even though he'd given them information recently, he didn't really expect her back. Unless this was about his own mental state and not Scott.

He was wrong.

Listening to Hope, his eyebrows rise. "Nervous breakdown, huh?" He shakes his head slowly. "I don't know if the Agency had anything to do with visiting him or not and that's the truth." His eyes show he's not lying. "But I will say that it's not their style. They'd rather just let nature take its course and see a guy go insane the slow cruel way."

Cocking his head, he really thinks about it, wondering what could have happened. Searching Hope's eyes, he squints a little. "But if Scott really did crash... you can't take it the easy way anymore. It's gonna take a drastic measure and I'm not sure you're up to it."

He looks towards the door then back at her again. "Take me with you."

It doesn't take Gunner long to get ready, though he does take a little more time than normal, enjoying the shower again and trying to find his clothes since it had been a while since he'd been here.

Once finished though, he's back in the living room, lacing up his boots and hunting for his car keys. "Yo, Bree... where did your uncle hide my keys?"

He wanders into the kitchen to find her, coming up behind her and draping his arms over her shoulders. "Two floats with our names on them are getting warm... but I'm not letting you drive. So help me find my keys."

Dylan thinks a moment then shakes his head. "Naw... I don't need anything other than some more nerve."

Picking up his still-wet jacket, he stands up, ready to go, too. But as he turns to go to the door, he glances back over his shoulder. "And by the way... thanks for making my sister smile. I don't think I've seen her so happy before."

Giving a little shrug, he starts for the door again.

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