

Finding what Reese said was interesting it only made Hope a little more upset. It felt like it was only more of a hint that maybe he was doing something to harm Scott. Why would he skip town soon after pushing Scott over the edge?

Bringing her track of thought back around again to Reese question about Scott Hope trys to clear her mind the best she can.

"He was sitting with me and he just remembered. I asked him if he remembered what Austin said to him. He was thinking about it and than he just passed out. He hit his head pretty hard but he's ok."

Letting out another small sigh Hope couldn't help but feel a shift in everything coming. It didn't feel like a good one and it made her worry even more about everything that was going on.

"If you find anything else about Austin can you keep me in the loop please?"

Once in the copy room Katie leans against the copy mashean not making any copy right away closing her eyes a small laugh of her own slips out from Jason.

Mmm...That sounds so nice...I could defiantly go for some kiss time and cuddle time.

Hearing a noise in the door way Katie opens her eyes and see Dalton stairing at her an eyebrow cocked. A bit of color comes to her own face as she gives a little wave.

Shaking his head a smile slips out on Dalton's face as she moves away from the doorway.

"I'll leave you be and make copys later."

Once gone Katie can't help but laugh again as she turns to the copyer and starts to do what she needed.

I think we should call off tomorrow and just have some us time. I think it would be nice, and at least at the beach I would get your in trouble for not working.

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