
Nice day

Looking up as Jason comes over to her cubicle Katie gives a smile. She's heard a little about what was said to Dalton and than when Jason went to Reese but she didnt catch it all. It had become habit to try and just ignore the words she heard and when she heard them knowing it was non of her never mind. Even if some stuff did slip thought at least she was trying to mind her own business.

"I'm almost done here with the really important stuff I need to get done. After that I just have to look up a few things online. So you should be ok to leave off some steam without bothering me."

Giving Jason another smile Katie reaches out and gives his hand a little pat. Sometimes Jason got into moods when he just wanted to be by himself. Though it was hard to tell when those times come Katie new a few signs and often reminded herself she didnt need to always be the hero he needed some space too.

"If you need me, or want to do something tonight just let me know. I'm always open for spending time with you."

Sitting on the porch and waiting for Eli to show up Scarlet continued to think of where they could eat as she shifted though her coupons. It was such a nice day out today maybe a light meal, that served outside would be good.

Seeing Eli pull in front of her apartment Scarlet drops her feet form the other chair that had been propped up and grabs her helmet before stuffing the coupons into her pocket. Coming off the porch and closer to Eli Scarlet gives her own half wave before getting onto the back on the bike a smirk forms on her face at his new apparent nickname for her.

"Your not looking so shabby yourself today, than again I don't think you could look shabby ever. Your one of those guys who could be in rags and still look good."

Putting her one arm around Eli Scarlet gives him a half a hug before putting her helmet on her head but not pushing it down yet.

"I was thinking we could eat at Bongiornos today. Its not anything facny but they have the nice seat area we could sit outside and enjoy the sunshine. I also have some coupons from there too. When I'm alone I hardly eat out and when I do its at Jimmy's, and I'd hate for these to expire before I could use them witch would be never so I am gonna take advantage of having someone eat with me. As long as you don't mind."

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