
With you?

Chance's apprehension transforms into a grin as he looks at the candy then back to Destiny. "Well now... I wouldn't want you to feel alone in the world of pigging out. It's never fun binging solo." He also remembered what she'd said at the store earlier. "Besides... I wanna see how many of those you can get in your mouth before it gets too sour for you."

Still grinning, he ambles back into the living room and claims one corner of the couch where he could keep an eye on the security monitors but still be able to do whatever he wanted. On a normal night about this time, he'd be either working late in the office or hanging out down at Lizzy's bar, throwing back a beer and playing a game of cards with some of his buddies. Spending a quiet evening at home was almost never an occurrence.

"Bet I can put more in my mouth than you," he calls over his shoulder, challenging Destiny to join him.

Watching the silly antics of the others around them, and joining in a little too, Jason laughs with Katie. He can feel her tugging on his good emotions, and he lets her, enjoying the sensation it brought on.

Never fails... this gang is always fun. Looks like Kyle's bunch is joining right in too. I guess I wouldn't expect him to wind up with sticks in the mud though. I think he'd go mad.

Hearing he'd been missed and the genuine interest in whether he was staying or not helped Kyle see that there were no bad feelings between him and Misty. A little awkwardness maybe, but not bad. A smile spreads on his face as the sparkle returns to his eyes.

"I've missed being back here too," he admits. "And yeah... yeah, I'm gonna be back for a while." He glances over his shoulder as he hears the group get a little noisier and sees that his newest friends have mixed right in with everyone else. Turning back to Misty and Carson, he nods. "You'll have to come meet the people I brought with me. They're um... they're my new band."

Carson lifts an eyebrow as he finishes filling another pitcher. "Back in the music huh? What's the band name?"

"Um." Kyle grins a little sheepishly. He hadn't even told the others yet. They all knew the South Dakota bunch was a band he was involved with, and Alice had put something in What's Up about him joining a band with a promising future, but no one else knew yet how serious it really was.

Carson waits. "Um?"

Kyle laughs. "It's... well, it'll be the Kyle Mitts band."

Now Carson understood. "Whoa... so it's not just a band you joined, it's your band."

"Kind of." Kyle can't help another laugh. "It's a long story. They found me but... yeah." He turns around and points, excited. He had yet to even explain it all to his own family, but he was just as glad to share with Carson and Misty now while he had the opportunity. "There's Kip - he plays bass guitar. And Theo over there with the blonde. He's on drums and she's Twila - she plays strings, mostly violin. And... there's Erik, he's lead guitar, and... Russ. There he is. He's on guitar, too. Oh, and the girl with Kip, that's Karla and she's our manager. Well, kind of. The guys we're gonna hook up with will be filtering gigs if all goes well but she's got the title so we don't have to spend the time on the phone and keep the records."

Carson has to admit that he's impressed and he folds his arms, grinning. "And you?"

"Lead vocals and back to the keyboard." Kyle strums the counter with this fingers as if he was standing at his keyboard. "We got an appointment for a company that might get us started with a couple albums and hopefully a tour. Erik had quite a few connections and his family's got money so that was a blessing in itself."

He pauses, bringing the conversation back around again, not wanting to ramble too much about all that. "But... I think this is gonna be home base from now on. So you'll probably see me around."

Glancing to Carson, he gives a little nod. Their eyes lock for just a moment, and a brief, silent conversation seems to go on between them without any words. Perhaps it was simply an acknowledgment that the past was the past and would stay there. Neither held bad feelings or grudges, and both were willing to start out on the right foot this time. Kyle clears his throat. "So, um... what about you guys? Same old?"

"Oh, sort of." Carson chuckles and glances to Misty, throwing her a wink. "Don't know if you heard our news."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. Their news? He looks back and forth between them until his eyes fall to Misty's hand, only now spotting the sparkling ring on her finger. His eyes widen and he looks to Carson's hand too, finding he wore a wedding band now as well. And for the briefest moment, a bit of melancholy casts a shadow as he remembers the feelings he once had for Misty. That chapter was now officially and forever closed. But just as quickly, that feeling is gone, and a new smile spreads on his face. "Hey, that's great. Congratulations."

Carson still grins as he eyes Kyle, a bit of question in his eye as to whether or not Kyle really thought this was great.

Kyle catches the look, and in answer, he thumbs over his shoulder. "I better get back to the table... my own girl's gonna be waiting on me."

"Your own girl?"

Kyle grins mischievously. "I think you probably met her once before but... you'll probably be seeing more of her now that she's with me."

"With you?"

But Kyle won't give him any more than that, letting the question hang in the air. He knew that Misty would most likely get it before Carson did. He chuckles and nods to them both. "Don't forget to come over here and meet everybody."

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