
Have too?

"Do I have to come?"

Ashlee sat on the bed putting on her nice boots to support her ankle more. It's not that she didn't want to go or maybe it was but she had promised Eric she would help him tonight. When she had gone to let him know she wouldn't be able too he looked disappointed."I promised Eric I'd help him."

Looking up at her daughter and cocking head Stacy could see the disappointment but this was there opertunity to get out for a little bit." Ash, I think Eric will understand and will let you help tomorrow. Jeff is being nice in offering."

Letting out a sigh and standing Ashlee looks to her mom and shakes her head. She new her mom was trying to spend more time together, but Jeff too. Ash didn't know how she felt about that. "Alright, let's get going."

Giving a smile and putting a little perfume on Stacy was happy Ashlee has given in and wanted to go. This would be fun for them both. It had been q while since she had dressed up but she was happy to still have her black blouse, and good jeans. Stepping out unto the night air Stacy puts an arm around her daughter."Thanks for coming Ash it means a lot."

Getting to the dinning hall and seeing Jeff Stacy gives a wave walking over to him. Stacy couldn't help but notice how nice he looks. Jeff cleaned up very nice and now she felt slightly under dressed."Were ready when you are."

Ashlee gives a smile before looking around the dinning hall. She was doing this for her mom but she kinda wished she could stay and help in the barn.

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