

Stacy's comment about living makes Jeff cock his head a little as a small smile upturns the corner of his mouth. He lets her finish though, and nods slowly. "Yeah.... yeah, the Agency has done quite a number on all of us. Granted, they haven't outright attacked us in a while, but everywhere we turn, we have to make sure one of us isn't kidnapped, shot or poisoned. And unfortunately, it's filtered down to the next generation. Look at Dylan... that kid didn't have a chance. And now that he was in a safe spot, he's run off. Do they know it?" He shrugs. "We have no way of knowing. But they do have eyes everywhere, that's for sure."

It was a depressing topic to him. To think about all that had happened in this family's lifetime already. Both the Hensons and the Pents. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. But it was their lot. And all they could do was keep plodding along, hoping no one would get hurt.

Chewing his food for a moment, he eventually nods again. His little quirked grin returns. "I guess a guy like me hasn't forgotten to live... it's just awfully hard to do when there's so much fear. How can one let go of that looming danger in the shadows? How can one allow themselves to love, when that other person will be brought into harm's way?" It was more of a rhetorical question, but he lets it linger there as he takes another sip of coffee.

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