

Continuing to just look at Hunter's let and than back up at Hunter BJ squints his eyes a little bit before giving a big nod. He new when people got hurt or sick they went to Angel and she always made them better. If anyone was to get hurt it was Angel BJ new to go to first and her fixing Hunter's leg just confirmed it more for him.

   "Angel is very good with fixing people. She makes everyone better."

Looking down at his truck again as it was mentioned one might be able to tell it was older. Perhaps played with a lot too. Peaces where glued back together, the pain was coming off, on of the doors was being held on with a twist tie, but there was a sense of great car to the truck as well. Giving a nod of his head BJ looking up at Hunter again.

   "Mmmmhmm....Sham gave it to me long time ago. She use to take care of me...but now she is gone. This is the only thing I have left of her."

Drawing quiet BJ goes over to his chair still holding the truck and pulls out the chair before climbing up on it and slidding the chair in a little bit the best he could. Putting the truck up on the table he pushes it twords Hunter a little bit.

   "Want to see it?"

Listing to Reese Katie paces the bunk house back and forth just taking in what Reese said. She couldn't help a slight feeling of guilt for leaving but it was something she had needed. If she had stayed who new what would of happened and she might have even got herself fired. It was because Reese gave her the time off she asked for that Katie would not mind coming back a little early.

   "Yeah Monday sounds great to me. I can definitely swing that."

Katie really was thankful for everything Reese had done for her. Even if some people might think its not fair or that personal life was getting into the way with work Katie thought her whole emotional situation was a little different than people would think and Reese understanding that really did help everything.

   "Reese, thanks a lot for everything. It's really been a good eye opening time away."

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