

"I haven't had a good bbq in ages."

Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Ryan can't help the glint in her eye at the challenge. She was always up for a good bet and in some she though Alec new that.

"You could of just asked you know! But...you on. Three out of four or sudden death?"

Ryan sat a little straighter in her chair picking up her cards and holding them. Letting her eyes flow over the cards she looks over them at Alec for a moment before back down. Moving some of the cards around. Picking up, and than throwing down a few more ending her turn for the moment.

Getting to the ice cream shop Libby stayed close to Ty. It was cold, and she was here with him in a way she just wanted everyone to know she was proud to be his friend and had no problem showing it.

Scanning the bored over the counter Libby was leaning twords her normal but kind of wanted to be adventurous.

"Mmmm...I think I am going to be differnt and try, the Mint pecan chocolate chip today."

After giving just a little fight over Ty paying Libby finally gives in vowing next it would be her treat. Finally a seat Libby sits and waits for Ty.

With in no time the ice cream was at the table and Ty was reaching around her with the small bear. Looking to him and than to the little cute stuffed animal Libby felt speechless. Not only had it come from her friend and it was the only gift she had gotten today, this was the first time in a long time Libby had ever got a stuff animal.

Reaching out and taking the small bear a large smile forms on Libby's face as her eyes give a little glisten. Bring the bear to her face in a soft hug Libby cant help the small giggle that came forth till she pulls it away.

Turning a little and standing she reached out and pulled Ty into a hug. This meant so much to her, and it always would.

"Ty, Thank you so much. This means the world to me. I will cherish him forever. Now I am going to have to see if I cant find you something as well. I wanted to anyways but this...is just doing to drive me harder to finding something special for you too."

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