
Kisses for you

Hearing Pete's voice Katie looks over her shoulder at him giving him a weary looking. Seeing him laughing and than Susanne coming over she new this had to do with something he was doing, or had said.

"Why you little..."

Katie stops her sentence as Jason's sudden laugh can be felt, and she realized what it was. Squint her eyes at Pete Katie lets a little irritation through but follows it up with a laugh to show she found the good humor in it.

I though you were on my side....no kisses for you!

Looking back to Pete Katie sticks her toung out again at Pete and a smile forming in her eyes that she really did find humor still in the whole thing.

"When your least expecting it Pete, You will get whats coming to you...oh yes you will."

Just standing there in the infirmary watching the door swing shut Misty gives a smile. Getting lost in a stair for a moment. It would be nice to have Alec and his girlfriend over for dinner. Maybe even play some games as a family or something. It sounded good to her and she'd throw it past Carson tonight and see what he thought.

Saying a little prayer and starting to eat the meal it tasted so good, and even a little better sharing it with a friend. The conversation staying light was nice, and hearing about Phil and the things in his life was nice to. She like getting to know her new friend.

"Yeah, life has a way of doing that. Taking the people we found ourself closest to and spreading us apart. Least you still have your family though right?"

Rayne gives a smile before looking out at the soft rolling water again. The cool breeze blowing softly the air still warm.

"I always think about calling my parents to see how they are, but I know they wouldn't talk to me. I guess it saved a little heartache not calling at all. Maybe some day I will though. Whats your family like Phil?"

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