

"Aw man... Thanks a lot. Now I totally lost count." Kip stares up at Karla, a silly grin spreading on his face. "Hi there."

Remaining on his back, his eyes shift from her right eye to her left and back again. "You're very cute at the moment, but you're still blocking my view." Still grinning, he sits up too quickly and puts a hand to his head as he experiences a wave of dizziness. "Ugh. I want ice cream."

Kyle chuckles and slips an arm around Alice, pulling her in for a hug and a kiss to the top of her head. That was about as public as he got, but no one questioned them being a couple anymore. "Mmm... you're all I need to keep going. Who needs as crowd?"

Smiling at her he sighs deeply, tired but happy. Sometimes he did wish Phil or Jen or Mike or even Jason and Katie were here though... He was looking forward to his future and what was in store with this band, but some days he did miss the old group and the fun they'd had.

Wayne's ringing phone causes him to smirk in annoyance, but checking who it is, he sighs in surrender. "I'll be right back," he mentions to Jackie. "Run that back through and see how everything sounds so far."

Watching Wayne leave, Erik eyes the control panel and takes the liberty of sitting down in the desk chair, swiveling a little bit and taking in all the buttons and switches. He had a pretty good idea of what most things were, but was anxious to hear how the final mix would turn out.

"Hey, Speedy!" Eli comes from the kitchen, wiping his hands on his jeans. "I'm here, I-" He stops mid sentence and steps forward to help her with her armful, relieving her of the case of beer. "I take it you didn't want to take two trips."

He laughs and shakes his head, going back into the kitchen, from which the mouthwatering steak aroma was wafting. "I decided to cook the steaks on the stove in some new spices," he informs. "I think they're going to turn out pretty good. Oh, and I got some french fries in the oven."

He'd begged off work early tonight... though he wouldn't tell Ryan that. He'd wanted to get home early to have supper ready by the time she showed up so she wouldn't have to do anything. "And by the way-"

Eli is cut off as the apartment phone rings and he sighs. "Let the answering machine get it. I was gonna ask you your opinion on something. I've been thinking about..." His voice trails off once again, this time as another male voice comes through the answering machine - one he hadn't expected.

"Hey, Ryan, it's Leo, um..." He was just getting ready to go pick up Cassy but had needed to make this call first before his conscience bugged him any more. "...Just wanted to apologize for last night. I was a jerk and... I'm sorry. I'll be in to work tomorrow... so.... yeah... later."

Gage bops his head to the rock music playing on the radio as he slips a clean shirt over his head. Going to the fridge, he grabs the bottle of water and drinks straight from it before going back to the living room to sort through his pile of laundry. A few pieces of clothing fly in this direction and that until he finds the clean pair of socks he was looking for.

Flopping down on his mattress, he pulls the socks on his feet and just sits for a moment, his fingers strumming his legs as he looks around, then glances at the clock for the tenth time. Change of plans. Supper instead of lunch. He was ready early... right? Shower, clean clothes... yep, he was ready.

Standing again, he paces by the window a couple times, then finally slips on his sneakers and leaves his apartment, deciding to go down and wait for Sapphire outside instead. Trotting down the first flight of stairs, then sliding down the railing of the second, he reaches ground level and gets outside into the warm evening air. Hooking his thumbs in his pockets he paces up and down the sidewalk, waiting.

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