

As Rosalyn is taken into Chad's strong hug, she wraps her arms around him, tightly, her face nuzzling into his chest. Breathing deeply, she memorizes his wonderful scent, knowing this could be the last time she was held close. 

When he draws away, she looks up at him, feeling the warmth of his hand on her face. Was that sadness she saw in his eyes? Because this might be goodbye? She knew she was sad, but... him too? And was was this strange little pain in her heart? 

"I'll see you at supper," she promises. Even if they wouldn't get to interact, she knew she'd see him in the dining room. 

Backing away, she finally lets go of his hand and turns around, heading for the main building. If not now, she'd stand there all day...

...By the time supper rolled around, Rosalyn had busied herself with many different tasks, winding up in the kitchen for quite a while, helping prepare beef stew. It wasn't until after dinner had already started though, that she had a chance to come into the dining room to eat as well. 

Carrying her bowl and glass of tea, she looks around and immediately spots the four visitors. There was one empty chair between Chad and Jade. Trying not to show too much enthusiasm, she heads in their direction. "Hey, Jade - can I sit with you?" 

Jade looks up quickly and grins. "Sure. I'm getting a little tired of Dan's company." She nudges him with her elbow teasingly. 

Rosalyn laughs and gets herself settled in the extra seat. Nodding to the others at the table, she greets them casually before starting in on her own stew. She'd done almost all the work herself tonight and it had turned out better than she thought it would. 

Focusing on her meal and some light chitchat with Jade, she slides her foot to the side until she feel's Chad's, then moves a little more, hooking her ankle around his.

Even if she didn't respond, Mackenzie did hear Misty's words, letting them sink down deep for her to ponder on her own. She felt safe here. There was just something about Misty she trusted. Maybe it was because she'd been her father's wife and that automatically made her like her. Or maybe it was just Misty herself and her big heart. Either way, Mackenzie was relaxed enough to doze off as they waited. 

Seeing them both on the couch, Alec smiles a little as he slips on his sneakers. Wandering back a little closer, her catches Misty's eye. Was this hard for her? Having Carson's daughter here? Mackenzie wasn't hers. Was the girl just a sore reminder of the husband who had abandoned her? He wondered. If it was hard for Misty, she hid it well under her natural care for the girl. 

It didn't take too long for the doorbell to ring, signaling Ken's arrival. For just a few minutes, Justin has him alone before both come into the living room. By now, Mackenzie was awake again, and seeing her dad, she bites her lip. Giving Misty a scared look, she finally stands from the couch before going up to Ken and giving him a hug. "I'm sorry," she mumbles. 

Ken sighs but returns the hug, running a hand through her unruly hair. "We were awfully worried about you." His eyes showed it. There was tension written all over his face - he was a man filled with so much love and concern for his daughter that it killed him to see her having such a hard time. 

"I'm okay though." Mackenzie pulls away. "I had Misty and Alec to take care of me." 

Ken nods. "I know. Justin told me." He gives Misty an apologetic and appreciative look. "It's time to go home now, Mackenzie." 

Though wanting to fight it, she nods obediently. "Okay." Before she follows him though, she turns around and runs across the room to Alec, throwing her arms around his waist. "Goodbye, Alec." 

Taken by surprise, Alec's eyes widen. Letting his arms do the thinking, he returns her hug, giving her back a couple pats. "Later, Bondie. Stay outta trouble, 'kay?"

She nods and finally pries herself from him before returning to Misty for a giant hug to her as well. "I hope I get to see you again soon."

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