

   "Why would you want to stay if you didn't trust us? Kinda seems like you want to but that Banks blood running through your veins is getting the best of you huh?"

As Misty goes to reply she stops as Alec speaks up again. Just letting him handle it, it seemed like he was going a pretty good job and making hearing this stuff from Alec, her blood would do better than it would coming from her. Misty didn't know much of what was going on in the young girls head but she couldn't help but wonder if maybe right now Misty was on her bad list because of what happened with her and Carson. There was so much a child might not understand but Misty really didn't want to be the one to break it to her. It was Carson who really should and it was his responsibility as a rather. 

As Mackenzie moves the paper closer to her Misty picks it up and looks at it for a long moment before looking back at her and giving a soft smile. She's always had a soft spot for her and that hadn't changed. She'd always think of her as a daughter.

   "You know, your dad might be mad for a little while but he'll get over it because he loves you. Maybe too if you work with him a little bit and not be so stubborn he'll let you do a few more things like come to see us."

Standing again and taking her phone with her Misty leaves the room and goes into the living room to make the call. Letting out a small sigh, this whole situation made her worry. Seeing Mackenzie and what she was going through it scared her about her own child. What would happen with them growing up without a father. Misty wouldn't change having this baby for the world but it still made her a little bit scared more so that she was before. Would she make a good mother? Hearing Justin's voice it breaks her train of thought and for now she was glad.

   "Hey Justin its Misty Banks. Listen I've got Mackenzie here with me....yeah she's ok. Think you can give us maybe a half hour to just visit with her? Yeah I understand...thanks Justin. See ya soon."

Hanging up the phone and coming back into the kitchen Misty looks down at the plate of apples and the jar of peanut butter. Shaking her head she gives a laugh and a small grin. At least Alec had tried with the meal.

   "Justin will be here soon. How about I cook us all some lunch before he gets here, sound good?"

Feeling Rosalyn's hand mover there path over his skin he can't help the small murmur that escaped as his lips break from hers for a moment but wasting no time return once again just letting his moment continue. It sent chills down his spin and over the rest of his skin. A sensation that shot through his body and nothing else mattered time, place, they were alone, and Chad had all the time in the world to stay in this moment. Time didn't exists and didn't matter. 

Shifting himself just a little he keeps his one hand behind Rosalyn's head while the other goes around her wast.  Lifting her up off the ground and using the tree of leverage Chad moves his hand from her wast down her leg to help her warp them around him before returning to around her wast again. Continuing the kiss and forgetting of all else.

Moving his lips from her's finally to take a quick breather Chad kiss her cheek, and than her jaw, making his way slightly down her neck lingering there to place some more kiss and than working his way back up and to her lips again to let the miss continue. Passion seeped forward, longing to be needed and wanted by a woman, the feeling of being alone for to long, and finding someone worth sharing it with. This was a moment that would last forever in his mind.

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