
Red Flag

Rosalyn doesn't even feel herself being repositioned as Chad makes her and himself more comfortable. Feeling a soft pillow under her head, a warm blanket and a safe arm draped around her, she sighs deeply...

3am. Rosalyns' eyes flutter open. The light was still on, but it felt like it was really late. Something felt strange though. Not moving, she figures out she was on the floor - the floor of Chad's bunkhouse, and she suddenly realizes that he is directly behind her with his arm around her. Smiling a little, her hand rests on his arm, soaking in his warmth. Mmmm, she was comfortable.

3am?! Suddenly coming to her senses, she knew that she needed to go. She'd have to get up in another couple hours, but if she waited that long, she would more easily be found out. And no matter how innocent this whole thing was, it would look really bad and she'd never live it down.

Despite not wanting to, she slowly eases out from under Chad's arm. Rolling over and sitting up, she looks back at him for a moment, smiling a little to herself. He looked so peaceful sleeping. What was this flutter in her heart? It was unfamiliar. Leaning down, she gives Chad's cheek a soft kiss before she stands up. Tiptoeing to the door, she looks over her shoulder one last time before turning off the lights and slipping out into the cool night air...

...Rosalyn stifles a yawn before turning over some of the strips of bacon sizzling on the stove. After getting home from Chad's, sleep had not come easily, leaving her exhausted by the time she had to get up and head over to the dining hall to fix breakfast again. Not that she minded... It was an awfully hard secret to keep, but so far, no one had indicated they knew a thing. She knew she'd done nothing wrong. She'd spent some innocent time with Chad. There had been nothing more than a kiss - a passionate kiss, but just a kiss. But despite her knowing good and well she and Chad were both innocent... there was a red flag in the forefront of her mind that warned her to keep quiet. Chad was a guest. A male guest. A bit older, and more mature male guest. A guest that she had known for one day. And something warned her to keep quiet unless she wanted her father to jump down Chad's throat. She could only hope that Chad would have sense enough to keep his mouth shut too - at least if other people were around.

Sliding one batch of bacon from the frying pan, she starts another, keeping an eye on the scrambled eggs too. Her mother had come down with a cold after feeling under the weather yesterday, so Rosalyn had offered again to take care of the morning meal. Jade hadn't shown up yet, but that was okay with Rosalyn. It... gave her more time to think about... pleasant things.

A small smile creeps across her lips. Just because she was tired didn't mean she didn't remember feeling so warm and comfortable. And if she could get just one more of those kisses... she wouldn't mind.

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