

Just letting Rosalyn find whatever comfortable spot she wanted, and letting her snuggle into him he liked it. Feeling her close, her skin on his neck it was just so unbelievable soft. He liked it, even the little kiss to his neck brings out a soft humm.

   "You might be right! Something tells me if you cousin came in with you on the floor and me standing over top of you, I might be dead."

Continuing to hold Rosalyn close Chad was honor to have this moment, and he wasn't going to give it up. He'd found something special here and to think he'd almost opted to go home while the others came here. Now, Now he was happy April convinced him to come a long too. This moment he wouldn't give up and though he didn't know what would happen next he promised himself he wouldn't give up, not this time, he was gonna fight for what he wanted.

Looking down into her eyes those eyes that had captured the first time he looked into them from down the table  Chad new he could get lost in them. So bright and full of life, and so much yet to be discovered.

Hearing her comment he can't help but give a loud chuckle. Maybe he was a flirt with her but she seemed to like it and really thats all the mattered. Not changing that...he could handle it. Around Rosalyn it just seemed so easy and naturel.

   "Alright I promise I wont change the flirting as long as you promise to stay with me a little longer and play some cards. I don't think I really want to be alone yet. I mean if I have to I'll rip that button off my shirt again."

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