
Just a little

Starting up the game the time slowly slipped past. Joking, laughing, eating more Twizzlers and just having a blast. It had been a long time since Chad had, had this much fun and was just himself in a long time. It really felt nice and he didn't want the night to end to soon, because that was just one day closer to the end.

   "Yeah, so my job has dangers here and there but nothing to bad as long as I don't act dumb. Your turn!"

Looking at his card but not getting a reply from Rosalyn Chad looks down and to his side. Seeing her cards laying in front of her and her head leaning on his shoulder he can't help but smile. It was late lots had happened today and no matter how much he didn't want sleep to come he new it was a must. 

Rosalyn looked so peaceful asleep sitting up but at the same time she looked a little uncomfortable. His common sense told him to wake her up and have her head home but she just looked so at peace that he didn't want to wake her. Maybe he's just let her sleep a little but than wake her up. Just a few hours anyways.

Moving slightly to put his cards down and move hers Chad reaches up on the bed with his free hand and grabs the pillow and a light blanket. Putting them on the ground gently Chad shifts so Rosalyn shifts with him. Laying down his arm under her he picks the blanket up and lays it over her before getting comfortable on top of it. That way there was a barrier and if Rosalyn awake she wouldn't feel invaded.

Turning on his side Chad just watches her sleep for a few moments as a smile spreads across his lips. She did look so at peace sound a sleep it was hard not to watch her. Feeling his own eyes get tired though he finally lays his head down and drapes his other arm around her tucking it under her side and holding her close to him. Just a little bit than he could wake and have Rosalyn head home.

But the minutes turned into hours and Chad was so comfortable that sleep found him easy and a deep sleep it was feeling Rosalyn's warmth next to him. It wouldn't be till morning he would awake!

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