
Big Brother

Giving a little laugh as Leo helps her up Cassy laughs a little. Him buying lunch she had no problem with that and wouldn't argue. Just having Leo to eat lunch with was a nice thing.

Seeing Leo's hand held out to her Cassy takes it in her own. For a moment she just looks at it, taking in the marks showing the work he did was hard, but also the soft tone they had to him. Bringing her lips to the bruise she gives it a little kiss before pulling away and giving a smile, than letting his hand go.

"What kind of studio would I be running if I didn't? Let me grab you one."

Heading into the other bathroom Cassy grabs the first aid kit and bring it back out. Pulling out an ace bandage for Leo she throws it to him. Before closing the kit up again. Now what to do about lunch. Cassy new she was hungry but for what she wasn't sure.

"Lets see...what to eat. We've had pizza and subs already..how about chinese?"

Smiling a little as Susanne enters the office Dalton gives a nod.

"Sure, I'd love to sigh it."

Taking the card from Susanne and getting his pen Dalton jots a little message inside. He missed Scott more than anyone new. His days were long and with out his friend to mess around with. Hearing he was not doing well really hit home and he hoped Scott would be better soon.

Hey there Little Buddy. Get better soon. It's not the same around here without you talk to and hang out with. If you need anything at all give me a call. I'm rooting for ya. -Hulk.

Looking up at Susanne again he hands the card back. His eyes filled with there own emotions for his friend.

"Have you heard anything on how he's doing?"

Seeing his brother slip into the infirmary nothing seemed to get past the young boys eyes as he charges full speed ahead wanting to know what Dylan was doing and if it was anything exciting. Getting to the the door and opening it BJ watches for a long moment seeing what Dylan was doing. Something didn't seem right but he stepped in even more.

"What are you doing in Angel's house big brother?"

Entering TJY Hope had just gotten back from seeing Scott. The day had not gone as well as planned and everything seemed to be falling apart worse than before but she wouldn't give up yet.

Heading for the infirmary Hope wanted to take a shot in the dark after remember something Alec has said to her once. It was worth a shot, and if it helped than it would be well worth it.

Knocking on the door and entering Hope makes her way over to Rick gives a small smile though her eyes looked very tired.

"Rick, I was hopping if its ok I could talk with Alec about something. I remember him mentioning to me once something about what they did at the Agency and I was hoping maybe he could tell me a little more so I can help Scott better."

At this point in time anything was better than nothing even if it was a baby step twords an answer.

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