

Leo's shoulders slouch a little as he contemplates his answer to Cassy, but he finally shakes his head. "No... I really don't feel up to it tonight," he admits. "But I'm here now... and if I leave, some perfectly good food would go to waste, as would a good movie rental. So... I'll stick around, if you can stand me."

He knew her answer would be yes and maybe even a roll of the eyes, so he gets out of the car, taking the drinks with him. "Besides... any night's a good night for Jack Sparrow, right?" He wobbles a little bit with wide eyes, imitating the pirate - a sign that at least a little humor remained tonight.

Heading up the walk, he waits for Cassy so she could lead the way. "C'mon Miss Swan. It's all you."

The band all stare at the phone in the middle of the table in the den of the grand house. The call had just ended and all had heard it over the speaker phone. After their tryout at the little studio, they'd been told that there was a good chance they could get their foot in the door, but to await a call. So they had waited. It had taken several more days of nail-biting, but finally they'd called back.

Erik starts to grin as his eyes drift up from the phone to look around the room. It seemed everyone was afraid to break the silence, lest they wake up from a dream. And it was a dream. Their dream. They were going to have a contract. They were going to have concerts. They were going to produce several albums. Kyle Mitts was an official band as of today and they would all be moving. A branch of the head office had a studio with an opening, and they were it. It was really happening. Finally, after so much waiting, praying and more waiting... it was finally here. And it was all so untypical... nothing ever worked this way in the real world... but it had, and they owed it all to God.

"Wooee!" Kip shoots up from the table, the first to break the silence. Spinning around, he grabs Karla to pull her up too, hugging her and twirling her around.

The others start to laugh, and Twila almost cries, putting her hands over her mouth.

"We did it!" Theo shouts, giving Russ a high-five. "Yeehaw!"

And the chatter starts. It seemed everyone was talking at once. When would they leave? What would they take? How would they get there? Was this for real? Excitement bubbled from the room.

"Nevada," Twila marvels. "That will be so neat."

Kip backs up from Karla, taking her shoulders as his eyes twinkle. "Please say you'll come with us... even though it's far away? Will you? Please?"

But one corner of the table remained quiet. It was Kyle this time who was silent, his mind wandering in a completely different direction. He felt as if he were in a haze, almost a dream but not quite. Turning his head, he just looks at Alice for the longest time, allowing his gaze to deepen, showing only her the emotions he was feeling. There was an awful lot he was feeling... more than just excitement.

"He's taking me home," he mentions quietly. A short laugh comes out and he shakes his head with disbelief. He'd come full-circle and God was leading him back to his roots. The studio was only an hour away from where he'd left over a year ago. It was hard to believe that much time had passed. It had been a long, winding road, but now... now it was time.

Kyle reaches over to take Alice's hand in his and give it a squeeze. He was ready... yes... he was finally ready. "We're going home," he whispers.

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